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The Secret of Happiness: For Mice and Other People The Laws of Nature - Rules for a Successful Life
The Secret of Happiness: For Mice and Other People The Laws of Nature - Rules for a Successful Life
The Secret of Happiness: For Mice and Other People The Laws of Nature - Rules for a Successful Life
eBook53 Seiten35 Minuten

The Secret of Happiness: For Mice and Other People The Laws of Nature - Rules for a Successful Life

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Über dieses E-Book

The story of the mice brothers Carl and Johnny describe the rules for a successful life. The two mice experience how a dream becomes reality. They overcome obstacles and grow with the challenges that occur in their adventure. "The Secret of Happiness" is about the laws of nature which exist over thousands of years and the respect of other people, animals and plants that ensures our survival. The team of authors have one mission in common: They represent the new entrepreneurship. With this story they encourage people to follow their dreams, and as a result, show them that by doing the things that you love can bring many rewards and benefits. Their vision is to encourage respect and cooperation with others. And by doing so, bring a more humane approach to the business world so that everybody has the opportunity to succeed.
HerausgeberAndrea Ludwig
Erscheinungsdatum25. Feb. 2014
The Secret of Happiness: For Mice and Other People The Laws of Nature - Rules for a Successful Life

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    The Secret of Happiness - Andrea Ludwig

    The Secret of Happiness

    For Mice and Other People

    The Laws of Nature Rules for a Successful Life

    Copyright © 2013

    Sandra Jantzen - Robert Jansen - Andrea Ludwig


    © Andrea Ludwig

    POWER auf den PUNKT

    76831 Billigheim-Ingenheim


    E-Mail: service@poweraufdenpunkt.de

    Technische Umsetzung und Beratung:

    Thomas Hoffmann, München



    Once upon a time....

    The First Lesson

    The Mystical Book

    Carl‘s Great Impatience!

    The Magic Potion

    Enemies Become Friends

    The Mice Pull Together

    The Courageous Idea

    The Secret of Happiness

    Stories touch and connect young and old alike. They create pictures that help us to share the knowledge of past generations.

    The Secret of Happiness talks about the laws of Nature. They’ve existed for thousands of years and are more relevant than ever before. Always showing respect for mankind, animals and plants enables our survival. The story of the mice brothers Carl and Johnny describes the rules of the game for a successful life.

    By living life as an adventure, Carl and Johnny experience the realization of their dreams. They stumble into a world of challenges and possibilities. They overcame a crisis and resistance to outperform themselves.

    Sandra Jantzen wrote the heart-warming adventures and stories about the mice brothers. Robert Jansen, details and agriculture. Andrea Ludwig manages the overall project and ensures a successful outcome.

    Our collaboration in this project shows what a team can create with ease. What’s possible when everybody brings in his or her strengths to a project. With a lot of pleasure and verve we realized this book within a few weeks. One person alone would have never been able to do it.

    All three of us have one mission. We stand for a new kind of entrepreneurship. We want to encourage people to live their own dreams and we want to show that you can earn a living by doing a former farmer, delivers the factual information concerning the things you love to do. Our vision is for respectful cooperation from which everyone benefits. We stand for greater humanity in business and for connections in which everybody wins.

    Sandra Jantzen - Robert Jansen - Andrea Ludwig

    It is Tuesday. The lunch break is over and the afternoon class is just starting. The topic of the class is: What will I be when I grow up? Luke stands in front of the chalkboard and talks about his dream job. He wants to become the president of a large chocolate mill. He loves chocolate, but they don‘t have chocolate very often at home. His parents earn very little money. He tells the class, that as the boss of the chocolate mill, he would give the children chocolate once a week to make them happy.

    Bobby, who is sitting in the last row, almost fell out of his chair laughing. "Go on dreaming, Luke! How do you plan to become a boss? Forget about that! To do this, you will need money. A lot of money! You are

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