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Gruselkabinett, Folge 148: Im Labyrinth der großen Pyramide
Gruselkabinett, Folge 148: Im Labyrinth der großen Pyramide
Gruselkabinett, Folge 148: Im Labyrinth der großen Pyramide
Hörbuch55 Minuten

Gruselkabinett, Folge 148: Im Labyrinth der großen Pyramide

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



Über dieses Hörbuch

London 1880: Evelyn und Paul Forsyth stehen kurz vor ihrer Hochzeit, als der Bräutigam von seinen Erinnerungen an ein unheimliches Erlebnis in Ägypten heimgesucht wird. Seinerzeit hatte er sich mit Professor Nathan Niles in der gewaltigen Cheops-Pyramide verirrt.
HerausgeberTitania Medien
Erscheinungsdatum31. Mai 2019
Gruselkabinett, Folge 148: Im Labyrinth der großen Pyramide

Louisa May Alcott

Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an American novelist, poet, and short story writer. Born in Philadelphia to a family of transcendentalists—her parents were friends with Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Henry David Thoreau—Alcott was raised in Massachusetts. She worked from a young age as a teacher, seamstress, and domestic worker in order to alleviate her family’s difficult financial situation. These experiences helped to guide her as a professional writer, just as her family’s background in education reform, social work, and abolition—their home was a safe house for escaped slaves on the Underground Railroad—aided her development as an early feminist and staunch abolitionist. Her career began as a writer for the Atlantic Monthly in 1860, took a brief pause while she served as a nurse in a Georgetown Hospital for wounded Union soldiers during the Civil War, and truly flourished with the 1868 and 1869 publications of parts one and two of Little Women. The first installment of her acclaimed and immensely popular “March Family Saga” has since become a classic of American literature and has been adapted countless times for the theater, film, and television. Alcott was a prolific writer throughout her lifetime, with dozens of novels, short stories, and novelettes published under her name, as the pseudonym A.M. Barnard, and anonymously.

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