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Ein Harry-Hole-Krimi, Folge 6: Der Erlöser
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Ein Harry-Hole-Krimi, Folge 6: Der Erlöser
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Ein Harry-Hole-Krimi, Folge 6: Der Erlöser
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Ein Harry-Hole-Krimi, Folge 6: Der Erlöser

Geschrieben von Jo Nesbo

Erzählt von Heikko Deutschmann

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Der brillante Osloer Kommissar Harry Hole liefert sich ein atemloses Duell mit dem kroatischen Auftragskiller und Kriegsveteranen Stankic. Hole kann sich einer gewissen Faszination nicht entziehen, denn Stankic erweist sich als ein ebenbürtiger Gegner.Gerade als Harry Hole seine Freundin Rakel wieder für sich gewinnen will, geschieht in Oslo ein ungewöhnlich brutaler Mord. Der junge Robert Karlsen wird auf offener Straße hingerichtet. Hole hofft auf einen schnellen Ermittlungserfolg, doch der Killer schlägt wieder zu. Nun macht er Jagd auf Karlsens Bruder Jon. Seit Generationen gehören die Karlsens der Heilsarmee an und gelten dort als unbescholtene Mitglieder. Doch die makellose Fassade bekommt Risse, als Hole der Hinweis zugespielt wird, als Hole der Hinweis zugespielt wird, Robert Karlsen habe nicht immer die strikten Regeln der Glaubensgemeinschaft befolgt und sein Bruder Jon sei in lukrative Immobiliengeschäfte verwickelt. Hole bringt Jon immer wieder vor dem Killer in Sicherheit. Doch schließlich läuft alles auf die Frage hinaus: Ist der Auftraggeber des Killers tatsächlich in den Reihen der Heilsarmee zu suchen? Jo Nesbø gelingt ein düsteres Porträt unserer Zeit, das die Schattenseiten der Wohlstandsgesellschaft nicht ausblendet.
Erscheinungsdatum21. März 2014
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Ein Harry-Hole-Krimi, Folge 6: Der Erlöser

Jo Nesbo

A musician, songwriter, and economist, Jo Nesbø is also one of Europe’s most acclaimed crime writers, and is the winner of the Glass Key Award, northern Europe’s most prestigious crime-fiction prize, for his first novel featuring Police Detective Harry Hole. Nesbø lives in Oslo.

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  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    What a good job I remembered to jot down all the characters as they arrived with arrows to show connections. I didn't start quite at the beginning so I missed Georgi and Tinto and never quite caught up with them - but followed most of the rest. The translation is very good in keeping up the pace but there is some odd stuff there that might be down to the translation. What on earth is a urinal block? Air freshener? The author makes a good case for a plot peppered with coincidence but joined by the history and lives of the characters. This one is a back story for me as I leapfrogged it by going to see the film of The Snowman - and I read some of the earlier books out of order, but I'm impressed how well they work as a stand alone stories. Bit gruesome at times..... But another half star for the many interesting characters.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Nesbo is up to his usual standard of interesting characters, unpredictable plot, bizarre killings and multiple surprise endings. In addition he creates characters you love to hate, hate to love and who all have traits, strengths and frailties that make them so human.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Sixth in the Harry Hole series. This one is full of switchbacks. I was pretty sure who the ultimate villain was, until about two thirds of the way through, when the twists began to baffle me. Nesbo continually misdirects the reader, at least this reader, and maybe I should know by now that the obvious is never the answer in Nesbo's mysteries, but this one was a doozy. For the squeamish, there is only one truly bizarrely violent episode, although there is, shall I say, more standard violence, where people get shot or otherwise damaged.Depending on how much you are likely to be misled, and how much you enjoy this, I guess this might rate three stars or four stars.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Kept me guessing until the end.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Another great Harry Hole novel. This is the 6th in the series, and starts out with the rape of a 14 year old girl at a Salvation Army summer camp. Twelve years later, one of the Salvation Army soldiers is shot during an outdoor Christmas concert in Oslo. The shooter is an assassin from Zagreb and the police learn this fairly early on, although catching him is thwarted by the fact that he is able to change aspects of his face without makeup. This assassin is quite different than many of the villains Harry has had to track down as he is not so intensely evil. However, he is not the only villain (and maybe he is not a villain at all???). Part of the suspense lies in figuring out which character is truly evil, how the rape twelve years earlier ties into the present events, and what will Harry do about it. Another great read --- thank you Jo Nesbo!
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Another extremely well crafted book by Nesbo. It is not easy to determine the correct sequence in which to read these Harry Hole books are sequenced owning to the release dates of the Norwegian and English/US publication dates. This one appears to be the book to be read after the" Nemesis" and before "The Snowman" The Redeemer appears to be the least gentile of the series thus far, so much so that I must take a long break before I ever read another Nesbo book. It is an intense and highly but extremely well contrived mystery or who did what to who. It certainly is an engrossing yarn in all senses of the word. Has Harry now really retired? Tom Whaler was killed off in the prior saga, and now the truth is out about the gun runners and the police involvement. Perhaps the next book takes into account the closure of a life partner for Harry. As with all Nesbo books the intersection of so many characters keeps one in absolute limbo until all is eventually unraveled and no loose ends remain, I sit in awe of such powerful suspense, intrigue and great language skills. Nesbo is a pot-boiler always.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    This is dark crime fiction that does not wince from, for example, having a character's eye removed by a vacuum cleaner. I wonder if that was a nod to Gloucester in King Lear? For my taste, Nesbo's books can seem a little too close to Hollywood shoot-em-up movies, but he must do something I appreciate because once I start reading them I feel no inclination to give up. There are plenty of twists, and the tension is very skilfully managed. Frequently you are given the impression that something has happened, but the pages that follow tell you otherwise. I have no particular liking for the central character police detective Harry Hole - yet another maverick, alcoholic, loner cop - but I did enjoy the sub-plot here involving his former senior officer. One of the more unusual reasons why I enjoy crime fiction is less to do with probing the darker side of humanity and more about what the best police procedurals reveal about working relationships, chains of command and either obeying or breaking the rules. There is plenty of that in this novel, aside from the guns, drugs and sex. The latter may well draw in many readers, but ultimately I imagine that it is his ability to tell a ripping yarn that has helped Jo Nesbo sell over 5 million books world-wide. The next book I have lined up is another mystery, but cast from a very different mold.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The Scandinavian invasion in crime fiction caught me off guard, so much so that I am only now trying my first novel from that phenomenon. I know, I'm years late but at least I finally decided to jump in. I had heard about Jo Nesbo and his hero Harry Hole; I even know how to pronounce Hole's last name, so I wasn't totally behind times. Anyway, I noticed Nesbo's newest volume was available at Amazon Vine so I requested it.I wonder now if all of these novels would give me the same reaction. Reading The Redeemer is like watching a black and white movie. It's colorless for the most part, the only color being the light turquoise blue of one character's eyes, and of course red blood in the snow. Hole is a complex alcoholic loner detective whose heart is in the right place. He defies authority to do what he knows is right, and he has compassion for victims. I like him even though I find him somewhat depressing. He figures things out with the help of experience and thought rather than being a super-detective who just seems to know things. The killer is exactly his opposite.Perhaps it's because this novel is set in Oslo in the winter, with a little foray into Serbia, but the predominant impression is of freezing cold, darkness, gloom, isolated characters who are irredeemably sad, and people who suffer through no fault of their own. The Salvation Army as an organization is very much a character as well and some of the characters are members. Despite the overwhelming sadness, I followed the story greedily as I tried to deduce who did what to whom and why. I didn't actually know until near the end.Thankfully about the time I finished the book the sun came out here and the temperature went up into the 70s. Gosh, it was nice to warm up. I should read the next one in this series during a heat wave. And I will read more of them. The writing, the atmosphere, the characters are all beautifully written.Recommended readingSource: Amazon Vine
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I'm a bit surprised to admit it's been a couple of years since I read my last book by Jo Nesbo. The Devil's Star: A Harry Hole Novel I can't imagine why. His Norwegian Police Detective, Harry Hole, is a tour de force. Once he is on a case, he hangs on tighter than a guard dog with lockjaw. This time out he is after the killer of a young man in the Salvation Army. The victim was gunned down at a crowded concert a few days before Christmas. Although many statements are taken from witnesses in the crowd, none of them seem to agree on a description of the killer. It's as though he was a phantom who passed through the crowd without being seen. Why can't anyone give a clear description of the killer? Why was the young man murdered? Harry has to find the answers. Jo Nesbo tells a great tale. He likes to throw in a few red herrings here and there. He'll have you going down the garden path before surprising you with a powerful ending. Book provided for review by Amazon Vine and Knopf.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Didn't want it to end. Salvation Army, assassination, a wrong victim, , past rape - good twists, some romance, and several excellent scenes. Oh and did I mention a body stuffed down a laundry chute and a victim's eyes sucked out by the killer....Meanwhile the embers of the Harry/Rakel affair still smoulder.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    A crime thriller set in Oslo, I read this in about 3 sittings. It is a real page-turner, though a little confusing at the start when there are little snippets and you can't be sure who's who. It's worth sticking with as the momentum builds up quickly. The book operates on several levels - around 70% whodunnit, 20% place and character, 10% morality tale.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Another great Nesbo installment featuring Harry Hole with all his faults but more of his intelligent heroic investigative capabilities. An excellent read.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    In my opinion the best Nesbo Harry Hole thriller so far - at least with the ones that have been translated into English. Everything seems to be right in this one. There is a fantastic sense of pace and urgency to track and catch the hired killer. There are twists and turns aplenty along the way to keep you guessing. There are complex characters with multiple and diverse motives. There is no absolute distinction between the bad guys and the good guys which adds depth and a range of colour to the characters. There are interesting sidleine plots and links to plots of the previous novels. In short this is pretty close to perfect when it comes to crime thriller fiction. I don't think they need to put that notice saying 'the Next Stieg Larsson anymore. Surely Nesbo is a giant of crime fiction in his own right. He has at least one loyal supporter here thats for sure!
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    When a soldier with the Salvation Army is shot and killed, the lack of a motive, suspect and weapon frustrates the Norwegian crime squad. What could have been the perfect crime, however, begins to unravel when the killer realizes that he's made a mistake a killed the wrong person.With his nemesis gone and his alcoholism under control for the time being, Harry Hole should be dancing on cloud nine. Instead, his boss retires and is replaced with a man who appears to play by the book and want to instill military-style discipline in the unit and he's now faced with a seemingly invisible killer. As the killer proceeds to go after his intended target, Harry and his team grasp at all and any possible clues that might help them understand the motive and uncover the identity of the murderer. But time is running out, and even as they manage to discover that the murderer is traveling under a false identity, the killer continues to keep one step ahead of Harry and his team and the danger to his team escalates as the killer becomes more desperate. The escalating tension will keep the reader turning the pages right up to the surprise at the end.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Another great Harry Hole mystery, what can I say. I always wish Harry Zhole mysteries wouldn't end!
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I had not read anything in the Harry Hole series before The Redeemer. I found the book a great entry into the series and plan on reading and/or listening to more installments. The book is a conventional but very expert police mystery with just the right amount of exotic Norwegianess thrown in. The reader was a pro's pro. This was a thoroughly entertaining and even thought-provoking listen.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I liked less the first half of the volume than the previous ones in the series. Too much, too complicated storylines, a story seemingly not going anywhere. But at the end the well known Nesbo feeling returned, the solution of the case of the hitman killings in Oslo and especially the closing chapter were unforgettable.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This is the earliest Harry Hole I've read, though it's actually mid-series. It's also in my view better than the ones that have come out more recently. An excellent and gripping story.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I enjoyed this, it was gripping without being too graphic. The plot finished up being a little convoluted and dare I say contrived. So much so that all the twists and turns were explained by one character to another in the last chapters. If that kind of plot device is necessary then it makes me think the story has become overly complicated.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Cutting like a dream sequence, we encounter a 14 year old girl who is raped while attending summer camp, a Croatian contract killer taking down a target in Paris, a Salvation Army officer meeting his girlfriend, and Oslo detective Harry Hole informing an elderly couple of the death of their heroin addict son. Author Jo Nesbo skillfully weaves these disparate threads into a compelling tale, thrilling to follow with plenty of twists and turns to keep one guessing. I have been reading this series out of order as the books become available at the local library. I did not have any trouble following along -- these Harry Hole books can be read as individual stand alone stories.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Jo Nesbo's books mesmerize me so much that the pages fly by and I have hardly any sense of reading. It's beyond reading--it's more accurate to say that I absorb the novel from his mind to mine.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    You'll never look at a vaccuum cleaner the same again. I love the way Nesbo murders his victims! From chasing down a contract killer from Yugoslavia to figuring out who the rapist is from a cold case featuring the Salvation Army detective Harry Hole, our flawed protagonist, remains mainly sober for this chase through the bitter cold Norwegian winter. I read all of the books in the series and this was right up there with the best of Nesbo.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    (Forgive me, Norwegians. I put it on my Goodreads Sweden shelf. I don't have a Norway shelf.)
    Now for the book: Cold. People are freezing. Icy fog everywhere. Thin coats. Forgotten longies. Murder, shootings, stabbings. And rapes and beatings. Salvation Army crooks. Nice watches. Junkies. Immigrant abuse. Right wing police cells. and Harry Hole stops fighting his boss.

    The plot exhausts itself and the reader too about page 300. But you brave on.

    You realize you never want to visit Norway. That's OK.

  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    OK Harry Hole Detective novel.There is a Croatian hitman on the loose of Oslo.Targeting members of the Salvation army.Some of the Salvation army members aren't as innocent as the make out.Harry does what he does best and saves the day.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Another page-turner from Nesbo. Lots of plot twists and turns. My only problem was keeping the Nordic names straight!
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This is the fourth Jo Nesbo book I have burned through in the last couple of months. I am totally hooked and I was glad to read in the New York Times Book review that he is actively working on another. In Redeemer, Inspecter Harry Hole and his colleagues hunt for a suspected hitman who has shot one man in broad daylight in one of Oslo's busiest squares. When the hitman discovers that he has shot the wrong man, he becomes desperate to reach his intended target. But who is the intended target and why does someone want him dead? The answer is complicated and Harry travels to Croatia as part of the investigation. As stated on the back of the book:"Religion, urban misery and modern European history collide in this grisly thriller." HIghly recommemnded.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    The shooting of a Salvation Army officer at point blank range as Christmas shoppers stand listening to a street concert in Oslo is almost unthinkable. Many saw the assailant, the gun in his hand, but predictably, afterwards, they were almost of no help. If there is an irony, it is that the victim should not have been there, having changed his shift with his brother.At Police HQ Harry Hole is investigating another case, the death of a young heroin addict, found dead in a unit at the container terminal. Harry's boss Bjarne Moller is leaving. If it hadn't been for Moller's protective wing Harry would have been off the force years ago. Harry mistrusts his new boss, Gunnar Hagen, who threatens to make him toe the line.You can almost feel Nesbo building this book, layer on layer, investigating how events that took place over a decade before, can have consequences in present time. You certainly forget that it is translated, so natural is the English.We've already met Harry Hole, most recently in NEMESIS, and before that in THE REDBREAST and in THE DEVIL'S STAR. (see below for my mini-reviews). THE REDEEMER is a great read, a book whose ending may shock. Harry's personal life is also once again at the centre of this book.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    One evening during Christmas a Salvation Army man is shot (assassination style) at his collection post. As the police try to find whether this murder is aimed at the Salvation Army as a whole the man's brother is shot at and barely escapes with his life. Now it becomes a family thing and the police want to know which brother was the real target or are they both wanted dead? But when a seemingly unrelated woman's brutal death soon follows the police are stumped as to whether there is any connection. There is an unknown hit man on the loose and the bodies are piling up when another man related to the case kills himself.An absolutely brilliant piece of crime fiction! Starting out slowly with the first hit and lots of character introductions and generous characterizations filled with background the reader gets to know the people involved. This is a thinking man's mystery, no car chases or helpless females running through the woods with a serial killer chasing after them. No, most of the detection is done inside Harry Hole's head as he pieces the bits of evidence together and his team goes out into the field to bring him answers to his questions. An amazingly intricate plot, I had no idea how this was going to end. Once I had my mind on whodunit a wide curve would set my mind reeling in a different direction and I was completely shocked by the solution. Of course, I found myself set up with a misconception right from the beginning too. True brilliance. Somewhat slower of a read than the slash and dash thrillers I usually read but oh so much more rewarding with it's intelligent plot and real, flawed characters. I'm anxious to go back and read the other's in this series I've not read yet and I so hope the publishers go back and have #1 and #2 in this series translated to English as soon as possible. Highly recommended!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I love mysteries and detective novels - especially series, where you can really come to know the protagonist. The Redeemer was a great new find for me. It's the fourth book in the Harry Hole series by Norwegian Jo Nesbo. It's just been released this month in Canada by Random House.Harry Hole is a highly effective detective in the Oslo police department. However he is a bit of a rebel - he has a problem with both alcohol and following orders. Because he gets results he is tolerated.The Redeemer opens with a scene from 1991 at a Salvation Army retreat. A crime is committed but never reported. Fast forward to present day. An unnamed hit man is on his last job - he has decided to call it quits. When the hit man kills the wrong target and a snow storm prevents his escape from the country, Harry Hole isn't far behind. The hit man has limited resources in Norway and Harry is tightening the noose.I found the first few chapters a bit confusing as the action changed rapidly from character to character, especially as the pronoun he is used for the hit man in the beginning. This cleared up fairly quickly though. Because it is so unique, I found the settings and the attitudes especially interesting. I thought it was very different to use a known religious organization as a main part of the plot. It does showcase the Army's good works, but also paints a portrait of an organization subject to the same issues as any other business. Oslo seems to have an inordinate amount of drug users and the tolerated sale of drugs in a specific area came as a surprise. (haven't yet discovered if that's fact or fiction)I enjoyed the character of Harry - his flaws make him even more interesting. Other characters are well drawn as well, eliciting sympathy, anger, disgust and pity. The past of the hit man is told in flashbacks, changing our view of him. The ending provides an excellent twist, definitely turning in a direction I had not foreseen.This was a first rate detective novel - I'll be looking for future Harry Hole novels.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    My first Harry Hole novel and for whatever reason kept reminding me of Harry Bosch probably due to the Michael Connelly blurb on the cover as well as the first name. I dislike reading novels out of order but as I was travelling I had to pick up something new rather than from my massive TBR pile and therefore I felt I was probably missing out on some of the backstory and references to Harry's previous partners & cases.The story itself is quite intricate and overall a pleasure but have deducted half a star owing to the seeming inability of anyone to recognise one of the protagonists and even though this is explained I don't find it wholly convincing and given that a large part of the action is dependent on this single fact it does reflect on the novel as whole.