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Sturz in die Zeit (Ungekürzte Fassung)
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Sturz in die Zeit (Ungekürzte Fassung)
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Sturz in die Zeit (Ungekürzte Fassung)
Hörbuch12 Stunden

Sturz in die Zeit (Ungekürzte Fassung)

Geschrieben von Julie Cross

Erzählt von Matthias Koeberlin

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses Hörbuch

""Alles schien stehen zu bleiben - mein Herz, meine Atem ... die Zeit."

Jackson Meyer, Student in New York, hält sich für einen ganz normalen Neunzehnjährigen, bis er zufällig feststellt: Er kann für ein paar Stunden in der Zeit zurückreisen. Alles ist nur ein harmloser Spaß, bis eines Tages die Katastrophe passiert: Zwei Fremde überfallen ihn und seine Freundin Holly - und erschießen Holly. In seiner Panik stürzt Jackson in die Vergangenheit und landet plötzlich zwei Jahre vor dem Ereignis. Von da an hat er nur eines im Sinn: zurückzukommen und Holly zu retten. Er wird ALLES dafür tun. ALLES - für seine große Liebe.

Der erste Band der großen Zeitreise-Trilogie."
Erscheinungsdatum23. Aug. 2012
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Sturz in die Zeit (Ungekürzte Fassung)

Julie Cross

Julie Cross lves in central Illinois with her husband and three children. Julie is a YMCA Gymnastics Program Director, which means she works with lots of teenagers, who help to inspire the characters she creates. Tempest is her first novel for young adults.

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Find this review and more at On The Shelf!Time traveling books aren’t ones I normally read, but this one sounded pretty interesting, so when I saw it on LibraryThing‘s Early Reviewers list, I just had to request it, and luckily I won it! Time traveling in this book is different than the time traveling in a lot of things you see; it actually talks about separate timelines and such. The cover grabbed me when I saw it also. The storm in the background with the lightening fit really well with the title, and it ties into the book, too.At first, it kind of took me a little while to get into the book. I’m not really sure why, but it could have been because I wasn’t used to reading this type of book. But as I read it, it became more and more intense, and I flew threw it once I was really hooked. The book is a constant struggle for Jackson, and his character becomes so different after everything he goes through, so there is a lot of character development. I really liked his computer nerd friend, Adam, for some reason. He’s a good friend to Jackson and is fascinated by science stuff. Holly I wasn’t too crazy about at first because she just didn’t click for me, but that changed as well. There was also a really good emotional scene, but I was surprised by the lack of emotion in some spots.**SMALL SPOILER ALERT** I don’t know how CIA stuff is usually done in books, but my only real complain is that the CIA stuff in this novel just didn’t seem as believable as it could have been. It may be just me on that one, but somethings just seemed to simple. Like agents giving up secrets way too easy. **END OF ALERT**All in all though, I enjoyed this book and I can’t wait to find out what happens next, especially after the ending. I like the way it ended and am anxious to see what’s next.Intense once it gets going, good emotions, enjoyable characters, could have been a bit more believable with certain areas.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This time travel novel is fantastic. The main character is well-developed and likable, but not perfect. The side characters feel like characters, not devices. While there is a lot of jumping in time, I never felt confused about where we were on the timeline. And the romance in this was spectacular and genuine. If you like time travel, romance, and spies, this is a great book for you! I look forward to picking up the next book in the series!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    What. A. Ride. When I started reading this book I really did not think that I would love it this much. In fact I thought it was just another lame time travelling story. Then it had to get all "Alias" meets "The Time Travelers Wife" and I found that I could not put it down. I thought the book was going in one direction, only to find that we were going an entirely different direction all together!

    My one complaint is that there were times when things were moving a little too quickly and I found myself having a somewhat difficult time figuring out who was who. I also wanted to know why Holly 007 was so different from 009. What had happened in her life to make her change so drastically? I thought the character of Jackson was great. I really liked that we as the reader grew alongside Jackson and learned more as he learned more.

    I am incredibly excited because it looks as if this may be a series! I really hope the next book is released soon though because I feel as if I am in shock and I need to see what happens next! I am hoping there will be more about Courtney in this next book.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I'll admit going into this that my expectations weren't super high, but the concept sounded unique enough that I decided to go in with an open mind. (I think my reluctance was the similarity to the Fallen-Hush,Hush category of books.) I'm glad that I gave this a try, because it pulled me in and I found myself wanting to read more and more of the story. Granted there were times when either the plot didn't make sense or I was lost, but despite that, it was still an enjoyable read. And while I've read stories that are somewhat similar, I found that this had a unique twist on the whole time travel-type story.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I really loved and enjoyed this book, it has such a clever story that is very hard to put down and stop reading. I can't wait for the other books to come out and continue to keep me guessing at each turn, I wanna know what happens! I also hope the movie rights come through so I can see it on the big screen, I really think this series is going to become a massive hit and very much recommend it for most everyones book shelf.
  • Bewertung: 1 von 5 Sternen
    Couldn't finish it. . .and after slogging through the first couple chapters, I found the characters flat and uninteresting. Despite a highly promising premise, the book wasn't compelling and lacked depth.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I loved this book so much!! This may be the only book involving time travel I've ever liked-she did it so well! I loved the way this book unraveled, getting more and more complex with each "jump" through time. The only downside is that book 2 doesn't even have an estimated publication date yet, so it may be awhile to get to read more=(
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I really liked this book! It was so creative!! I loved the main character and how the plot unfolded. I am on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens next!
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I was confused a lot of the time because of the time traveling and the main character doesn't really know what is going on. Hopefully it will become clearer with the next book.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    First of all, this doesn't need to be a series. I mean unless the author pulls something spectacular out in the next books its just going to be more convoluted plot lines that endeavor to get the two leads together. And really the romance wasn't the strongest part in the book. The time travel and "bigger" story with the government vs The Enemies of Time (terrible name) was far more interesting. And here's the issue, I don't care about Holly as a character. There is one too many scenes of her being the victim and needing to be saved by Jackson. It's gets old and it doesn't allow the character any growth while Jackson grows tremendously, especially his relationship with his father. So basically if the love story gets ignored in the next book then I might be up for it.
    Secondly, when the book says, "he whispers" please audiobook narrator DON'T ACTUALLY WHISPER! I can't hear you and I can't rewind and jack up my volume. Just it's a tiny detail but for some reason this book had lots of whispering and so it happened, a lot.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    What a thrill ride! Time travel is, of course, completely fascinating as a concept, but it's extraordinarily difficult to do well. Actually, I have no complaints with how Cross has done this. Way better than The Lake House any day.

    What particularly intrigues me are the variations in time-jumping power and the other abilities Jackson seems to be developing. I hope more is learned about these and where the powers originally came from later on. The ubermensch theme is pretty cool too, especially since people with that mindset make awesome bad guys.

    I never really bonded with Jackson as a character. He's okay, but I'm not sure how much I like him. Actually, now that I think about it, I don't have any particular love for any of the characters. However, I do really love the way the characters are together, the way they interact. Cross has attained something resembling actual human interaction, which is pretty fantastic.

    Jackson and Holly are definitely put forward as fairy tale level love, and they are seriously drawn to one another from the first time they meet (and from the first time they meet again...haha). However, they did not immediately declare their love for one another or anything like that. Although the degree of their affection is extreme, as are the circumstances, the relationship moves in a believable way. They have hangups and little fights. These important details are left out of too much fiction.

    On a somewhat related note, I really hope all teens are not this sexually active nowadays. When Jackson and Holly first have sex, he is surprised to discover she is a virgin, even though she's not even in college yet. He thinks to himself that it had been a long time since he had sex with a virgin, which leaves me wondering exactly how much action this guy has been getting and since when?

    If you like action, romance, espionage and time travel, you will not want to miss Tempest. This is the first book in a series, which I have every intention of continuing with.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Age 14 and up The first of a trilogy aout Jackson Meyer, a 19 year old college studen who discovers he can jump through time. It seems like fun and games at first until two men break into the dorm and his girlfriend Holly is shot.I do at times find some time travel novels confusing and I was alright with this one up until the end. It was at that point I felt this novel didn't pay off, the explantions were going to be dragged into the next book.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I thought Tempest was an ok book. Anything with time traveling in it will always grab my interest. Unfortunately, my interest waned quickly with Tempest. There really wasn't anything new or unique in the story, no surprises to pique interest. I didn't feel any emotional ties between Jackson and Holly at all, even though she was supposed to be the main reason he was doing all the time jumping.The one saving grace in this book for me was the relationship between Jackson and his twin sister, Courtney. He visits her a few times in the past and their meetings are so sweet. I wish there had been more with them than with Jackson and Holly.Tempest may be enjoyed more by younger adults. It may also hold interest for those who have a love for time travel.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Tempest by Julie Cross (Tempest #1)Pages: 344Release Date: January 17th, 2012Date Read: 2012, March 15th-18thReceived: LibraryRating: 5/5 starsRecommended to: 17+SUMMARY -Jackson Meyer was always the average, normal teenager...until a year ago, when he discovered his ability to travel through time. First it was freaky. Then it was all fun and games. And now, with the help of his supergeniusfreak friend Adam, he wants to find some answers. But when men come looking for Jackson, killing his girlfriend Holly right in front of him, he must use his extraordinary gift - and an accidental "jump" to the past - to save her and uncover a few family secrets that could mean a change...in everything.MY THOUGHTS -I am feeling this incredibly strong urge to buy everyone a copy of this book. (Everyone as in...I don't know.) Not all would like it, but holy gracious, it was so stinkin' good I can't even help but try.You guys, come on! Julie Cross if flipping awesome! How Did She Do It?! I loved literally everything about this book. (Ok, well, there could have been a little less language...BUT...) I loved Jackson, seeing a male perspective in first person. Holly, Adam, cool CIA stuff, time travel that isn't hokey, perfectly paced plot-line with a perfect train of thought that never breaks.I've never understood time travel so well. I suppose I should try out my own abilities soon... ;)Julie Cross writes like nothing I've ever seen. The brilliance of her style is her clarity, her way of describing. It allows her to show, not tell. To bring the reader into the story. I was one of those readers. I really was.CHARACTER NOTES -Let's just put this out there now - Jackson and Adam totally remind me of the Neal/Mozzie duo from White Collar...and in all the best ways. They're not copies, either, just similar, and if I absolutely love the Neal/Mozzie duo (which I do!!), you can bet on me loving Jackson/Adam.Jackson rocked this book to the very core. He radiates total and complete excellence - as a character in literature and as a real person. I connected with him and - guilt as charged! - totally fell in love with him. He's far from perfect, but shows tons of personal growth and strength in doing the right thing. At first I thought Holly might be too good for him, but no... He totally deserves her!Speaking of Holly. She's way too cool! She's a dream come true for Jackson, but she's real, flaws and all. She added so much meaning to Tempest, being at the lead of Jackson's drive to search for answers.There are so many great characters here, I wish I could name them all. Some start out bad and end good (like as in good guy/bad guy...not quality...they're all great quality characters!). Some totally tricked me and flipped the story upside down. I found I was second-guessing myself more than once on a lot of these people. They're very involving!STORY NOTES -But that's not the only aspect of Tempest to turn things around.This story is freaking crazy!!! Every two seconds my ideas/plans/theories about the story line were blown up in my face by some insanely incredible twist.Tempest starts fast and ends faster. So much happens, which could have been so confusing, but I never once wondered about the theories or experiments. Everything made sense...okay, except for that one thing at the end. But even that didn't bother me too much. I know Cross will tie it in in the second and third books...I trust her that much. *please don't break my trust!*Skip this if you don't want something spoiled for you!!! - it's the biggest spoiler in the book so if you haven't read it, I don't recommend reading it!SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER!!!!I thought that going back in time to a different "timeline" meant you couldn't change the future? Like, he went back, saw and talked to Courtney, and yet nothing in 2009 changed. When he went back in time to avoid meeting Holly in the very beginning, it was to change the future. But it doesn't work that way. So am I missing something or is that a hole in the story?END OF SPOILER!!In any case, whatever my issue was with the end...it was still breathtaking, gut wrenching, and totally heartbreaking. I definitely cried some in this book because the whole thing had a very emotional undertone...and some of the scenes...GAH! Don't get me wrong - Jackson is this a total guy and not a mushy gushy softy - but he has the perfect mix of manliness and a sensitive side, which only adds to the brilliance of Tempest. (And which only works to make me fall head over heals for him because that's like my dream guy!!)The love story was just wonderful. It reminded me some of Everneath in the fact that it had already happened, but needs to be "relived". That was one of the factors that sold me in Everneath, and it worked again with Tempest. I love the slow progression of things between Holly and Jackson, and the fact that it was still so intense. Like, emotional (not the dramatic type) and beautiful and so stinking sweet.SUMMING IT UP -Tempest sucked me into its timeline! ;) Yes, I'm hopelessly lost in the world of Jackson. I'm hooked. I didn't think I'd love it, but wow I was wrong! And now... Second book please come out very very soon!!!!!For the Parents -Quite a lot of foul language... F bombs, GD, b**ch, s**t, d**n, etc. For that alone I recommend to older ages. But on top of that there are some crude sexual remarks and, yes: college age Jackson and Holly are practically living together. A few minor details (Julie Cross is really good an implying and leaving out unneeded details), but it happens at least 4 times, and with enough detail to make me squirm at the thought of my 15 year old sister reading it.Recommended to older teens, 17+.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This franchise is going to be big. Maybe not as crazy as Twilight, but already I can't wait for the movie.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I just couldn't get into it. Time travel isn't something I have ever read about on the YA level. I have only experienced it in romance novels. As far as the time travel aspect I haven't ran into anything like other than a movie that only shares small similarities (Jumper). Tempest is completely original and told from the male perspective, something rarely seen in this genre. The beginning of the book through the first 200 pages was boring and slightly confused me. There was just an overall lack of action. There were several times I contemplated not finishing the book, but it's my job. I am glad that I did.The second half of the book was exponentially better in my opinion. Not only was it packed with action, but I began to feel a connection with the characters. The scenes with Jackson and Courtney, his sister, were amazing. They were so heartbreaking and in one scene in particular there may have been a stray tear shed. The interaction with the EOTs (Enemies of Time) were pretty awesome too. I feel a new super villain has been born. The last thing about the second half that must be addressed is the ending. And what an ending it was! Never in a million years would I have pictured it turning out like that. Now come the question of will I be reading the rest of the series? The answer is I don't know. ** I must be honest before I give my rating. Time travel isn't a subject I particularly enjoy. To make up for any bias on my part I am adding 1/2 star to my rating.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This book is going to be famous. It is already being turned into a movie. Foreign rights have already been sold in 12 countries. This book is going to be everywhere, and it should be.When I began reading it I was only partially intrigued, but this book was crazy, epic, awesome, spell-bindingly amazing. Seriously, I was unable to put it down until I finished it. The intensity of the time traveling was fantastic. There is mystery, action, romance all crammed into this one great book.Jackson can't trust anyone in this book. Everyone is fighting for themselves. I felt bad for him because he was so alone. Holly didn't even know he could time travel. I kept wishing she did know so he could have someone other than Adam to talk to. I was more interested in finding out about his dead twin Courtney than I was hearing about Holly. His story with Holly is good and dandy, but the mysteries with Courtney are even better. Everything concerning Jackson and Courtney was touching.Julie Cross wrote a fantastic page-turner. You must get this book when it comes out! I'm also stoked for the movie. I'll be looking into it a lot.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Holy wow, I loved this book!! I loved this twist on time travel, and I really want to know what happens next. Tempest was nothing like I expected. I certainly didn't expect that it would make me cry and keep me on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen next. I thought that Jackson was such a great character, and I loved his journey not just through time, but also as he learns who he really is and what is really important to him. He also learns that he can't control everything and that sometimes, there's no perfect solution. I also really liked all of the secondary characters but especially liked Adam. (I'm such a sucker for the geeky guys)I'm guessing (and hoping) that this isn't the end of the story because of the questions opened up toward the end of the book, and I'm really excited to read whatever's next.Audio specific comments: The narrator was pretty good, however, some of his female voices (Janna) and one of his male voices (Dr. Melvin) were laughable. His Jackson and Adam were awesome though. Also, I absolutely LOVE the cover. Probably one of my favorite covers ever.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I received this book as part of the LT early reviewer program. When I first started it I thought it would be the high school version of The Timetravelers Wife. In the initial pages I got the same vibe, but the book rapidly evolved into a much more action packed espionage type story.Jackson has recently learned he can time travel and soon he witnesses the shooting of his girlfriend Holly. He takes a leap back and gets stuck 2 years in the past. He now is on a mission not only to save Holly, but to uncover the secrets of his family and his own existence. This is a fun quick read tat is definitely aimed at the young adult reader. The characters are realistically flawed and the dialogue is easy to read. The action is quickly paced and the time travel sequences are intricate but clear and easily followed. I look forward to the next in the series.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    *NOTE* - I received an ARC of this through "First Reads" as well as NetGalleySynopsis: It's 2009 and Jackson is a regular 19 year old college student. He has a girlfriend, Holly, and a job, oh, and he can time travel. No Biggie! He and his pal Adam test the limits and track the results...the furthest back Jackson has ever gone is a couple of days.That is until the day that these weird people show up in Holly's dorm room and she gets shot in the process...that's when Jackson travels back to 2007 and can't seem to get back to 2009 and help Holly.When the same people who shot Holly in 2009 start showing up in 2007, Jackson doesn't know what to do or who to trust.Review: This was an incredibly complex story! But I never felt lost, which was amazing considering just how much is going on throughout the book. The story doesn't sit still for a second once Holly is shot and that happens within the first 25 pages or so.Different timelines allow for new questions and even more opportunities to wonder who, exactly, everyone is as well as their affiliation. We were able to "witness" the back story through Jackson who was observing those key moments as his 19 year old self, which I think makes for a really authentic experience for the reader.Jackson was absolutely "swoon-worthy" because of all the soul searching he does and what he learns about himself...he confronts his demons/fears head-on and comes out the other side all the better. I loved the change in how he related to Holly after he witnessed certain events.Julie Cross you wrote one heck of a book! I hate that I have to wait to see what happens next.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    (Received in Librarything Early Reviewers program. Thanks!)I really, really wanted to like this book. YA science fiction brought me into the science fiction fold and prompted me to explore the genre, and this novel even falls into the category of "New Adult" rather than simply "YA," as the main character is nineteen. So as someone who is automatically rooting for New Adult and sci-fi YA, I had my hopes high. Overall, the plot was interesting, if predictable, with some of the later developments telegraphed pretty dang early in the book. However, even if I didn't quite ever fall for the plot, there were so many aspects of the book that DID work. I really liked that it featured an older, male character and not a brooding 16 year old girl with a stalker love interest, and the main character has more motivation than JUST a girl. Part of the reason the book really threw me out of the reading experience was because it was set in the past (which was really interesting by the way, because it forces an author to commit to a date and allows them to use pop culture references without a complete fear of dating it, because hey, there's already a date! but....) the character was almost exactly one year younger than me. And some of the references.. didn't quite work. There were things that were either a bit too old to be current, and one thing that from what I remember, didn't really get super popular until a year later. Maybe it will be fixed in the final edition, so I won't mention it in particular. But because the main character actually was my age, I noticed things like awkward dialog and strange references. Which isn't the books fault!Another aspect of the book that I found extremely refreshing after the glut of sexless teen paranormals I've been reading is that sex just happens. I was slightly squicked by the main character's thought process at one point in the novel (pretty late in it, so I won't be a spoiler sport), but hey, I have met some teenage boys with that kind of attitude. Overall, a quick and engaging read with some flaws, but a nice change of pace after all the mediocre YA fantasy. Major points for sci-fi, male protagonist, minuses for feeling a bit off in the setting/teen interests and some of the plotting/explanation (spoilers!).
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I was a little bit concerned at first when I started reading the book. Time travel can be an interesting theme in a novel, but all too often it becomes confusing and somewhat messy. (I am thinking the very first Cassandra Palmer novel by Karen Chance). The story was great until I became so confused about who was where and when. Julie Cross does a pretty good job of keeping the reader in the know at least as much as the hero Jackson is. Still by the very end of the book I was a little confused. Things just moved far too quickly for my liking and I wasn't sure exactly how certain things happened even when I read back over them. Still that is only dropping "Tempest" down one star. The book was easily more enjoyable for me than I believed initially. The story is about Jackson, a college student who is in love with his girlfriend Holly. And he and his friend Adam do a bunch of experiments testing his ability to time travel. As the book opens, Jackson can time travel. He can't go back very far, and what he does in the past doesn't seem to affect anything once he gets back to his real timeline. He also gets pretty sick the longer he is away and the further back he travels. When Holly gets shot, Jackson jumps back in time as he panics. Who would shoot Holly? Does that mean they were really after Jackson? And how is his father involved?One of my favorite things about this story is watching Jackson grow as he goes back in time and tries to learn about his past and his special abilities. The characters are well fleshed out for the most part and the author keeps us guessing right along with Jackson about whether to trust Jackson's father. Jackson's father is no CEO. There is a little romance to the story and some sex talk. At the heart of the story though, its about love. And not all romantic love. Holly ends up being just a small part of that. Its about Jackson's love for his father and even to some degree for the mother he never met. The most beautiful part of the story is about Jackson's love for his twin sister Courtney. This book is very emotional, and I cried hysterical once and at least a little in another scene.I am definitely going to read the next books in this series. I am not sure I buy into the prehype that that is going to be the next Hunger Games (loved it) or even Twilight (not so much) but I do think its well worth the reading time. I also really hope that some things become clearer in the next installment. It would be nice to really know more about the bad guys whose motives are never made very clear.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I loved the movie Jumper, but unlike the movie, the author gives a detailed story that I stayed up all night to read. This is not a movie review, so I'll only add this: I wanted to know so much more about the main character, know why, where, how he got this power, etc, and the movie answered none of these. (BUT Twilight movie fans--Kristen Stewart is the daughter who answers the door when he goes to meet his mother!)You'll know from the synopsis that this is a story concerning time travel--specifically, being able to go back in time (but not forward.) The book is wonderfully written, with an engaging storyline and a complete story by itself, but is also the first book in a trilogy. (That's my favorite kind of the first in a trilogy books--I hate the ones that seem like the editors just took a large book and cut it in half.)The characters are unforgettable, and have great personalities that defy generic titles such as "loving father" and "good guys vs. bad guys." The story also made me think about my own life and wonder if there are things I'd like to go back in time to experience again or to make right what I did wrong. But all choices have consequences, and that's another of the major themes of Tempest.I received this book from the Early Reviewers group, and I'll be keeping my copy, as well as buying the next book when it's released. 5 stars
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    A very interesting read. Although it took a chapter or two, to get me really interested in the characters, by the end of the book I was invested in the main character Jackson. I was amazed at how much he grew as a person throughout this book. And his love for Holly affecting almost his every decision. A very true to life romance in a very unpredictable situation. If you read this book for the romance portion, you won't be disappointed. If you read this book for the time travel, that keeps your attention as well. If you just what to lose yourself in another world for a little while. Try it, you might like it.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    I struggled with this book. I was so excited to get an ARC and it was my first ever! I believe the excitement over that fact (thank you early reviewers club for the honor nonetheless!) made me want to LOVE Tempest and when I started reading, I was sadly very disappointed. Don't get me wrong, the book is not terrible but I just kept finding myself being forced to go on! I struggled with interest in the main character going through time and feared a "Groundhog Day" effect. I thought the characters were interesting and I love that Cross pushed the boundaries of YA-ish novel with the 'heavy' romance scene early on. However, the romance lacked emotion and effort that I didn't even care if the main character rescued the girl or not! In fact, I felt no desire to even find out how the plot would unfold! The concept of the time travel and the way the main character is portrayed was good and I thought the mechanics of the book were great, or I wouldn't even give it one star! I just didn't care for the storyline or about the outcome. Perhaps I'm being a bit harsh and I was glad for the reprieve from the everyday YA novel. I had such high hopes for Tempest and they were dashed away. :( Maybe if I reread it, I may feel differently. I do hope that other authors take the route Cross did in crossing the threshold of what's acceptable in the YA novel and push the boundaries of romance going beyond a kiss or making out. How gullible do YA authors (more so the publishers) think teens are? They all know about sex and I don't think YA novels should lack this concept so much in the fear teens will go out and do the 'deed' because characters in books are. Let relationships evolve beyond holding hands and making out. Just saying... Back to reviwing this book- a good one, not a terrible one but not one of my favs and no one is sadder about that than me!
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Jackson Meyer has discovered that he can time travel. When strange agents shoot his girlfriend, he is so upset that his home base moves 2 years into the past. With the help of his friend, Adam, Jackson is able to uncover some truths about his father, his abilities, and the strange world of the Tempest. Much remains veiled in mystery about the time traveling and the battling groups. The book used a journal device sporadically, which didn't seem necessary with the first person narrative. Thinking about the ins and outs of time travel always scrambles my brain.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I thought it'd be heavy on romance and filled with the sort of trite 'teenage true love' stuff that often comes along with it. What we got, though, is a primarily time-travel story that is, yes, driven by a romance, but it's a complicated one, which grows and adjusts as a direct result of the things that happen to Jackson while time traveling. It puts me in mind of The Butterfly Effect in many ways, but this book is stronger. Toward the end, the romance becomes even less important (though it does remain strong - it's one of the character ties that makes Jackson interesting) and the plot ramps up toward sequels that promise to be pretty fascinating.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This book really did it for me. I could hardly put it down. I can't wait for the rest of the trilogy. The characters were well developed, and sympathetic. There were so many twists and turns, it really kept me guessing. The pacing was perfect, and there was plenty of action, as well as suspense, drama, and even some romance. Difficult decisions that Jackson had to make made him all the more endearing. Highly recommend the book. I really hope the movie rights work out, I would love to see this on the big screen! Great job!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I loved this book! It was fast paced, and full of action. I never quite knew what to expect with each page turn. Definitely one of the things that makes a book stand out to me.Jackson is a great character as is Adam. I took a liking to Adam and certainly hope we get to see more of him in the next two books. The rest of the characters were great in their parts as well. Although with them, it was and is hard to tell just who is a good or bad guy. I'm sure more will come out in the other books but what a great way to start a trilogy.The end kind of made me sad and I hope what happened turns around somehow or at least maybe get more story play. Guess I will have to wait and see.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Loved the book! The story draws you in and keeps you engaged. I liked her characters a lot and found I couldn't put the book down. It was great. Can't wait for the next one. She has wrapped a lot of potential into this and it makes me want to read the next.