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?? Software Demos that actually convert (with Anna Decroix from Demoboost) (136)

?? Software Demos that actually convert (with Anna Decroix from Demoboost) (136)

VonPreSales Unleashed | Sales Engineering im B2B Software Vertrieb

?? Software Demos that actually convert (with Anna Decroix from Demoboost) (136)

VonPreSales Unleashed | Sales Engineering im B2B Software Vertrieb

45 Minuten
5. Sept. 2023


The million-dollar question: How to build demos that actually convert.

Before even answering that, there are many parameters to consider:

? What moves a prospect from zero trust to ready to buy?
? How can we leverage the SE function the most?
? Which use cases have the highest relevance?
? Where in the buying journey is the prospect?
? Why are SDRs and AE afraid to demo?

Anna Decroix from demoboost, believes that an interactive demo can play a fundamental role in resolving the biggest issues of the sales process.

Here are some facts:

Average pipeline conversion of SaaS business is around 10-15% (which might be worse due to poor CRM maintenance). In other words- 85-90% of the work of big revenue teams is a waste of time. That’s Insane! It’s really time to end this madness.

This leads us to QUALIFICATION. (our all-time favorite ?)

Thought Experiment:

Instead of Qualification, should not rather talk about Disqualification?

A significant portion of those 90% of leads are ONLY CURIOUS prospects - who don’t want to buy.

BUT they want to be informed. There is no way to convert them - no matter how many custom demos we are going to show them. The challenge is that we simply don’t have filters in place.

SDRs are incentivized to book a meeting.
AEs are incentivized by deal progression.

Coming back to the original question: Before we focus our efforts on meeting tactics (storytelling, value selling, audience management), let’s keep the house clean of those low-intend leads.

But not by rejecting them.

Rather, by giving them a forum to explore, ask questions and educate themselves.

And yes, it means you have to let go of your beloved “Book a demo”-Button.

You found this thought-provoking? Tune into the podcast.


? We wish you a lot of fun & inspiration while listening to our podcast.

? Check out the SE Rockstars website: https://serockstars.com/
? Check out our Online-Shop: http://www.discodeck.shop/
? Get the book (German): https://amzn.to/3xErqQ9

You would like to get in touch?

? Jan's Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/janerikjank/
? Tim's Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/tbroemme/
5. Sept. 2023

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