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Reformatorische Schriften (1515/16–1524)
Reformatorische Schriften (1515/16–1524)
Reformatorische Schriften (1515/16–1524)
eBook942 Seiten26 Stunden

Reformatorische Schriften (1515/16–1524)

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This edition documents for the first time the literary contribution Johannes Bugenhagen made in preparing the birth of the Reformation. His reformatory teachings as well as excerpts from his lectures had a tremendous influence on Protestant piety.With this edition of his Latin, early New High German and Low German texts Anneliese Bieber-Wallmann documents his literary contribution to the rise of the Reformation. The earliest sources reveal how much Johannes Bugenhagen was initially influenced by humanism. While in Pomerania he attempted to improve Latin instruction and reform views on piety to conform to Biblical aspects.From his time in Wittenberg from 1521 on we have many leaflets of his with simple depictions of the Reformation teachings as well as excerpts from exegetical lectures that had a profound effect on subsequent Protestant views of piety.
Erscheinungsdatum23. Okt. 2013
Reformatorische Schriften (1515/16–1524)

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    Reformatorische Schriften (1515/16–1524) - Johannes Bugenhagen

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