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Small Talk an der Kirchentür: Eine Anleitung zur Kommunikation in der Gemeinde
Small Talk an der Kirchentür: Eine Anleitung zur Kommunikation in der Gemeinde
Small Talk an der Kirchentür: Eine Anleitung zur Kommunikation in der Gemeinde
eBook183 Seiten3 Stunden

Small Talk an der Kirchentür: Eine Anleitung zur Kommunikation in der Gemeinde

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Über dieses E-Book

Professionals and laypersons in the community alike have to learn to make an inviting appearance: A good word here and there at the right moment, the proper facial expressions and gestures signal an openness and a willingness to engage in a conversation.Family G. has recently moved to town. They are church-oriented, they go to services regularly, all 6 of them. The pastor shakes their hands at the church door when they leave, every time like always. But then for some reason, they no longer come. To prevent such situations, Gottfried Adam and Renate Rogall-Adam wrote this book as an introduction to the art of smalltalk. Even if it´s only about the weather, in fact we are making connections and maintaining relationships, learning to enjoy a relaxed and committed life together.In the first part of this book the authors explain the most important matters concerning how communication functions. In the second part they offer many practical examples: how things work and how they fail to work, how to do it right and how to do it better.
Erscheinungsdatum14. Sept. 2011
Small Talk an der Kirchentür: Eine Anleitung zur Kommunikation in der Gemeinde

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