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Fables, Band 3 - Märchenhafte Liebschaften
Fables, Band 3 - Märchenhafte Liebschaften
Fables, Band 3 - Märchenhafte Liebschaften
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Fables, Band 3 - Märchenhafte Liebschaften

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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EIN ENDE WIE IM MÄRCHEN? UNWAHRSCHEINLICH. In der Welt der Fables gibt es nicht viel, was glücklich bis ans Ende aller Tage halten würde. Sie wurden aus ihren märchenhaften Reichen vertrieben, und als Flüchtlinge aus der Zauberwelt müssen sie sich nun in der dornigen Realität der Welt der Sterblichen zurechtfinden. Aber das bedeutet nicht, dass es keinen Platz für Liebe gäbe – oder für Neid, Betrug und Rachsucht, die damit einhergehen. Tatsächlich gibt es wohl zarte Bande zwischen zwei der nüchternsten Fables überhaupt. Aber werden sie ihr Glück finden – oder nur einen schnellen, vorzeitigen Tod? FABLES: MÄRCHENHAFTE LIEBSCHAFTEN Dieser dritte FABLES-Band versammelt die Hefte 11-18 der hochgelobten VERTIGO-Serie von Bill Willingham.
Erscheinungsdatum28. Jan. 2020
Fables, Band 3 - Märchenhafte Liebschaften

Bill Willingham

Bill Willingham never fought a desperate and losing battle in a good cause, never contributed to society in a meaningful way, and hasn’t lived a life of adventure, but he’s had a few moments of near adventure. At some point in his life Bill learned how to get paid for telling scurrilous lies to good people, and he’s been doing it ever since. He lives in the wild and frosty woods of Minnesota with a dog and a cat he hasn’t met yet.

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Storybook Love is the third trade paperback in the Fables comic series, collecting issues eleven through eighteen. Unlike the first two collected volumes (Legends in Exile and Animal Farm) which only had on story-arc each, Storybook Love actually contains several. And while I already knew I liked the series, the third volume only helped to cement that fact.The book begins with "Bag 'o Bones," a short, rather humorous one-issue story that follows some of Jack's exploits with Old Nick, women, and Death during the American Civil War. This is followed by a two-issue story appropriately titled "A Two-Part Caper" in which a human investigative reporter is getting too close to the truth about the fables and Fabletown. The animosity between Bluebeard and Bigby also begins to come to a head, which segues nicely into the volume's primary arc, "Storybook Love." Bluebeard is working closely with the renegade Goldilocks to not only remove Bigby from the picture, but Snow White as well. Partially as a result of this plot, the Big Bad Wolf and Snow must confront their feelings for one another while simply trying to survive the whole situation. The volume ends with "Barlycorn Brides," a separate one-issue story about a Lilliputian tradition as told by Bigby to Flycatcher.A slightly different style of artwork is used for the last issue in the book. The style is quite fun and a little more "cartoony" than what is usually used for the series. I really like the slightly realistic style that is more commonly used for Fables, although some characters (especially Snow and Bigby) aren't as consistently portrayed within a story-arc as I would like to see. But other than those consistency issues, the artwork is really quite good and I enjoy it immensely.Storybook Love is a terrific addition to the Fables series. Jack's story was great fun as was the Lilliputian tale. I was particularly glad to see the return of Bigby as a primary character (he was more or less a side-note in Animal Farm), even if he does like Snow more than me. While Storybook Love is longer than the first two volumes, it doesn't have any "extras" like Animal Farm and Legends in Exile did. Fables is a wonderful series so far--each collected volume builds off of and is even better than the last. If the trend continues, I suspect that the next trade collection, March of the Wooden Soldiers, will be fantastic.Experiments in Reading
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Storybook Love is the third Fables book. So far we have met all the different fairy tale characters that have been driven from their homeland into our modern present. Most of the characters can take on human forms, but some are confined to the "farm".This book deals mostly in the subterfuge within the fables community, as a couple of characters try to overthrow the current leaders in order to start a venture to regain their homelands. The second major plot revolves around the almost-love of the fables in charge, Snow White and Big Bad Wolf (aka Bigby Wolf).Willingham has created a very believable cast of fairy tale characters with modern personalities. I especially like the lecherous Prince Charming, of whom we find more sides in this story.The art is suitingly over-the-top for the fairy tale characters. I also like how many of the female characters are made sexy, as most people wouldn't think of fairy tale characters in that way. :)
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Wow, in volume three this series really picks up with a bang! First we are presented with a few tales of Jack during the Civil War and how he often beats Death. Thus, giving the reader a bit knowledge of Jack's trickster personality. Then we follow a two issue caper involving a journalist who has been watching the fables for many years and keeping files and pictures. He comes to Bigby with the news that he will be publishing a story shortly and is giving Bigby the opportunity to respond. The journal has figured them all (or so he thinks) out and is going to expose them to the world. Another issue takes us back to the story of Goldilocks and we find out what the fugitive is up to now. The Lilliputians enter the story here as major characters and we learn their story. And finally we get to the series mentioned in the title, Storybook Love. This continues for the rest of the volume and I really don't want to give away any of the plot. It was riveting to say the least.This is a big scale issue with lots of violence, thus lots of blood, a bit of s*x, and not a few deaths. I was surprised at the blood but must say found the story arcs very compelling reading. If the first two volumes haven't convinced you this is adult reading material this third volume will settle that for you. This is my favourite volume to date. It is amazing how deep the characterization and intricate the plot can be in a graphic novel. Willingham certainly shows the rest of us how this medium can be used to utmost advantage over plain text. If you are one of the few people on earth (ok, in the online book community) who hasn't read this series yet, I'm asking you: "What the heck are you waiting for?" Highly recommended. Can't wait to read the next book!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I loved this volume that both continues the ongoing story with Snow getting revenge on Goldilocks for her crimes in Volume 2, and an interesting development occurring between Wolf and Snow, that hopefully will be followed up with in future volumes. I am looking forward to seeing this relationship develop. Along with the main story, there were a couple of side stories, one featuring Jack misbehaving in the American Civil War and another explaining a traditional coming of age quest that Lilliputian males indulge in. A wider variety of characters have been introduced and I am curious to see where the next volume will go.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Sort of love stories, Fables style. Bigby and Snow White. Prince Charming and who knows who. Though in this bunch of issues he also gets a non-Lothario story line. Goldilocks is still on the loose and yikes she has a foul mouth. We also get to see Bigby 'The Big Bad Wolf' in his wolf form.The art was the same as the previous volumes, except for the final story about the Lilliputians and Smalltown. I liked the main art fine, but the add on story's art seemed childish and with out depth.The series is an interesting combo of the stories that everyone knows and other stories that get turned entirely on their heads.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Again, very good. I didn't expect the ending! I'm looking forward to how the authors handle it in the next volume.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Read on July 29, 2014 The art in this volume seemed off. Some were clearly drawn by a new artist...Wolf was too different in the Storybook Love storyline. Not my favorite plot lines either....the Prince Charming takeover could go somewhere interesting though.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    In the next installment of Fables, Bigby Wolf finds a reporter that's seemed to stumble onto their world. He has to be taken care of and Bluebeard steps up. Little does Bigby know that Bluebeard has further plans to do away with Snow White and Bigby and take over Fabletown. Another gripping installment in a very creative graphic novel series.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This series always has a great mix of whimsy and the macabre, and I love how the various fairy tale characters are both actual people and true to their fairy tale past.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Bit high on the graphic violence scale, some "naughty bits", and therefore not something you want to read with your in-laws peeking over your shoulders (a mistake I made). Otherwise, as always, Fables is excellent.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Entertaining, surprisingly well written for the graphic novel medium. Nothing to write home about but an entertaining series that I'll continue to read.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This is the third book in the Fables series. Unlike the first two books this one is comprised of four separate tales. This installment does an excellent job of filling in some background while still moving the main story along.The first installment tells about Jack the Giant killer and his love of a cursed southern belle. The second talks about Bigby Wolf dealing with a reporter who thinks he's discovered the secret of Fabletown. The third is the longest and progresses the story the furthest; this one is about Goldilocks trying to kill Snow White and Bigby. The fourth is about Jack and the Beanstalk.All of the stories are engaging and interesting. The third (Storybook Love) about Snow White and Bigby ends on a total cliffhanger that had me dying to know what would happen next. The illustration is in keeping with previous book; although the fourth story didn't have as detailed artwork as the three that came before it.This book was another engaging, humorous, and interesting set of Fabletown tales. I am absolutely hooked on this series and excited to read the 4th book, March of the Wooden Soldiers. The world continues to gain complexity and I am always surprised by the fables that pop up in the storylines. It is fun to try and figure out who is from which fable/fairy tale.Overall an excellent installment to this series. I am eager to find out what happens next. It was great to get background on some of the characters as well as have the story progress. This is definitely an adult graphic novel; there is nudity and violence. Fans of fairy tales, humorous urban fantasy, or just fantasy graphic novels in general should make sure to check out this series.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Again, a job well done for Bill Willingham and his artist crew. The story became better. getting you hooked and leaving your mouth open because everything is just so JUICY! The illustrations are simply the best. I did prefer Lan Medina's work than of Mark Buckingham though but still both are very impressive. Although. some may be rooting for Bigby and Snow White romance but I just can't imagine it. Maybe because I'm still an old romantic who believes in prince charmings and beautiful girls living happily ever after. I did love it that the prince have a "SLIGHT" change of heart. For a time, I really believed that he had change. Maybe it means that no more frolicking with other girls! :) If you've read the first two volumes, you would definitely LOVE this, more than the first 2.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This is definitely one of my favorites because we finally get a little bit of action between Snow White and Bigby, I've only been shipping them for forever! Besides that plot thread there are some interesting other little side stories between Bluebeard and Prince Charming and then of course the tale of the barley-corn which I ADORE. Another great installment of Fables that hooks readers in. I love this series and I love how much character development is added each issue!
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    A journalist who has been collecting evidence about the Fables threatens the very existence of Fabletown with exposure to the mundane world and, with Snow White still absent from her official duties as she convalescences from a gunshot wound, Bigby Wolf takes charge and assembles a crack team including himself, Briar Rose aka Sleeping Beauty, Prince Charming, Bluebeard, and others to deal with this problem. Meanwhile, a more personal threat looms over Snow White as Goldilocks still remains at large after her assassination attempt and promises to return to finish off Snow. Picking up more or less where Volume 2 left off, Volume 3 of Fables gives us further insight and development into the characters that have populated the series so far, as well as introducing a handful of new ones. As with the previous volumes, the creative team does a superb job of bringing to life this fantasy world and positioning it within the real world. Willingham presents numerous fairy tales and legends from a variety of sources and then shapes and molds them to suit his purposes. The story here is a dash of classic caper adventure, a bunch of action, and a whole lot of plotting and counterplotting on the parts of the various characters as each tries to accomplish his or her various agendas. Despite this volume's title of Storybook Love, there's really only a hint of romance, but the Bigby-Snow shipper in me was happy with what I got. Once again, the illustrations are top notch - they are realistic (or, as much as can be when dealing with mythical characters and situations!) and very expressive of the characters' various movements and moods. There are a lot of fun uses of atypical panels and even the page numbers are encased in related illustrations on many pages. In addition to the main storyline, there a couple of unrelated shorts in here telling of past adventures of certain Fabletown residents, specifically Jack and the inhabitants of Smalltown. Altogether, I found this a very engrossing read and I'm excited for the next volume to see where the intricate plotlines will go next.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    This is a transitional volume that mostly seems to serve to get the characters from Point A (where they are in the first two volumes) to Point B (the significant fourth volume). Several characters are killed, and a major new relationship is formed. Honestly, the somewhat flighty John Barleycorn story at the back of the volume is the most interesting section.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I did like this volume though I much prefer Lan Medina's art - the art style changes a lot from story arc to story arc and that is something I guess I shall have to get used to.

    The story arc is really interesting, it explores more of the Fable's story - the reader learns more of Bluebeard, Snow White and Bigby, Prince Charming, and many other characters. Bigby and Snow White's connection is explored and it is explained why Bigby has such a pull towards snow. It was pretty interesting.

    The ending was brilliant though Snow pregnant with Bigbys baby whilst under the love enchantment? What?! I can't wait to see how that develops.

    I hope there is a lot more of Lan Medina's art though, as its the best one in my opinion. I also love the little side stories about minor characters that make an appearance. Just adds another layer to the story and makes it a lot more interesting. I don't feel like I have even met everybody yet let alone know much about their backstories so I can't wait to read more.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Three volumes in, and I'm still not in love. However, there were plenty of things this time around that I did like, so that made this volume slightly better in my opinion than the first two. I loved the look at Briar Rose and the fact that her fairy blessings have translated over into their exile. I was struck at how pretty she was drawn; I think she is the prettiest female character thus far. I also enjoyed the look at her curse, and how it's still having an effect on her life. [SPOILER] I'm glad Bluebeard got his comeuppance. Ditto Goldilocks, although I don't think either one of them is actually gone for good. [/SPOILER] And the Lilliputians were too cute; I love how they're part of the Fable police force. I also liked how the artists did Charming's part of the story, putting his parts in a shield outline. That was well done.As for the story line, I definitely felt that this one was a tad more out there, but was amused nonetheless with the mundy reporter who thinks they're all vampires, and how they used Briar Rose's curse to help get the information from him. I also liked the interaction between Snow White and Bigby, and what was starting to possibly turn into a relationship. I will say, however, that the ending completely and utterly shocked me; I definitely didn't see it coming at all and am now wondering what's going to happen because of it. If I had been leaning toward skipping the rest of the volumes, that would have ensured that I at least read the next one, so, well done authors. :-P
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I cannot devour enough of Willingham's Fables! In this novel, we find out what happened to the treacherous Goldilocks, see more of Prince Charming, and see a new relationship bud... for better or for worse.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    The third volume of the Fables series collects unrelated short stories - some better than others - loosely themed around love. The last story about the Lilliputian men escaping to our world and the adventure to bring back women to their community is my favorite.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I both really enjoy Fables and recognise all the criticisms of it in negative reviews. This book is a bit more fragmentary than the others, containing four separate stories rather than one continuous thing, and it doesn't really go into the issues with the Adversary at all. We do learn a bit more about Bigby and why he feels the way he does about Snow, and we get some progression of their relationship -- except ouch at the end of their story. I was most interested in Prince Charming's involvement in this one: he almost has me liking him.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The disadvantage of a TPB with a series like "Fables" is that they do not necessarily contain one story arc divided into several chapters (i.e. the individual comics as published), but also one-offs. And then it gets hard to really assess the quality of a book.

    Case in point: this fourth volume starts of with a short story starring Jack Horner (as in "Jack and the beanstalk"), which isn't too bad, but also fairly predictable.

    It is followed by a two-part story on a journalist who threatens to expose Fabletown, a great caper that goes off on numerous tangents and manages to cram in lots of characters.

    Next is the four-parter that gives this volume its name. It's a surprisingly straightforward narrative full of action, yet it never bores and sets the stage for further developments.

    Finally the book ends with a comical tale on how a small group of Lilliputian soldiers escaped to the "real world", and then figured out how to evade extinction (there were no females in their group).

    A mixed bag, but even though not all of it is equally good, the great far outweighs the fluff.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    A journalist suspects the Fables are hiding something newsworthy, and Bigby Wolf teams up with some of Fabletown's less savory characters to stop him researching too much. Goldilocks is in hiding, but takes action to remove Snow White and Wolf from Fabletown, unwittingly creating a longlasting union between the two. These next five issues of the series have a two different storylines going on - the first describing what lengths to which the Fables go in order to remain undisturbed in their haven and the other starting one of the greatest lovestories of the series. It's about time we get to see Snow showing emotion about something other than the running of Fabletown - the chemistry between her and Bigby is a cause of much merriment for the reader. This collection also includes a story about Lilliputian tradition, which is a lot of fun, but unfortunately the artist drawing it has a naive style I'm not completely enjoying.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    This volume is separated in distinct sections and stories compared to the first two. This destroyed the fluidity and made it hard to follow.When the volume started, it reminds me of Supernatural with the soul trading. I was pretty amused. And it got super intense and exciting when a reporter tried to expose the fables. I love how some of the fables characters had a heist to prevent the exposure to happen, but it felt short. To me it was a silly kind of heist, nothing that made you stop breathing. You know what everyone is going to be save and sound. But the plot was pretty interesting.I do have to say that I am not a fan of the character Snow White. Every time she appeared in the volume, it was just politics, politics, blah, blah, blah. Boring! But as the story moved on, I hated her less, perhaps it was because she became more human to me. When Snow and Mr. Wolfe was in the forest, it reminded me of Twilight mix with the action of The Hunger Game. I wanted more! I was screaming in my head to "run, run, run", and "awwwww". It definitely left me wanting to read more to see how this "relationship" turns out.I enjoyed the last section of the distinct section about SmallTown. The drawings were more cartoon than comics. It was very rustic and less defined, kind of like children's picture books. I was a little lost from the transition because I didn't understand how this story was connected to the previous one. It seemed like who ever created this volume just put this story in to fill in the space. :S But I did enjoyed the story.Overall, I enjoyed this volume fairly much, 3.5 out of 5.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I didn't enjoy volume three as much as I did volume two of the Fables stories. This is a series of shorter arcs and stand alone books that were interesting, and did help get me more familiarized with the characters of the comic series, and for that I am grateful. This book has more sex and nudity in it than volume two did, and a bit more graphic violence as well.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This volume is a filler between the next and previous volumes. Its a set up for how Snow becomes pregnant, and how a new election in fabletown happens. This is the first volume that I really enjoyed reading. I liked seeing the beginning love of Snow and Bigby, and a couple of the stories fill in the history of how the Fables came to reside in New York City and the Fable Farm.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Oh, the so many things that finally begun to fall out as plotlines. The dichotomy of the two worlds and how they are run, the antagonism of Blue Beard, the whole undercurrent riding of Bisgby n' Snow.

    The art had much settled out here, and the storyline was beginning to ratchet itself up slowly.


Fables, Band 3 - Märchenhafte Liebschaften - Bill Willingham

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