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Fables, Band 2 - Farm der Tiere
Fables, Band 2 - Farm der Tiere
Fables, Band 2 - Farm der Tiere
eBook128 Seiten38 Minuten

Fables, Band 2 - Farm der Tiere

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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MÄRCHEN ALLER LÄNDER VEREINIGT EUCH! Seitdem sie vom Feind aus ihrer Heimat vertrieben worden sind, leben nicht-menschliche Fables auf der "Farm" – einem ausgedehnten Besitz im entlegenen Hinterland von New York, wo sie vor den neugierigen Augen der Sterblichen verborgen bleiben. Doch nun, nach mehreren hundert Jahren der Isolation, erschüttert ein Aufstand die Farm, angetrieben von der aufrührerischen Rhetorik Goldilocks und der drei kleinen Schweinchen. Und als Snow White und ihre Schwester Rose Red über den Plan stolpern, die Heimat zu befreien, sind die Anführer auf der Farm bereit, sie zum Schweigen zu bringen – koste es, was es wolle! Bill Willinghams zweite FABLES-Story FARM DER TIERE präsentiert das phänomenale Artwork der Zeichner Mark Buckingham und Steve Leialoha. Als Bonus enthält der Band eine Sketchbook-Strecke mit Entwürfen von Willingham, Buckingham und Coverkünstler James Jean.
Erscheinungsdatum28. Jan. 2020
Fables, Band 2 - Farm der Tiere

Bill Willingham

Bill Willingham never fought a desperate and losing battle in a good cause, never contributed to society in a meaningful way, and hasn’t lived a life of adventure, but he’s had a few moments of near adventure. At some point in his life Bill learned how to get paid for telling scurrilous lies to good people, and he’s been doing it ever since. He lives in the wild and frosty woods of Minnesota with a dog and a cat he hasn’t met yet.

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Absolutely brilliant. Loved how they reimagined Goldilocks.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Animal Farm is the second trade paper collection of the comic series Fables, consisting of issues six through ten in addition to a little bit of bonus material. Like the first volume, Legends in Exile, the second volume serves somewhat as an introduction to the series except this time instead of focusing on the human legends living in Fabletown in New York City, the more or less non-human fables living at the Farm in upstate New York take prominence.After the stunt pulled by Jack and Rose Red to fake her death, both are sentenced to community work. Jack gets put on the janitorial staff with the Flycatcher while Rose Red gets to spend some quality time with her older sister Snow White. Communications with the Farm have recently gone down, which is not an entirely uncommon occurrence. Snow, as the mayor of Fabletown's second in command, goes to investigate, bringing Rose and and a Farm escapee (Colin, one of the Three Little Pigs) along with her. The estranged sisters arrive to find a revolution underway, and unfortunately have stumbled into the middle of the Farm's plans.In addition to the rather obvious allusion to George Orwell's Animal Farm, William Golding's Lord of the Flies also has a strong presence. One of the things I love most about Fables is that the characters aren't limited to traditional fairytales, but that more contemporary stories are included as well. In Animal Farm appearances are made by characters from The Jungle Books, "Goldilocks and the Three Bears," and the Br'er Rabbit stories, just to mention a few.I particularly enjoy the semi-realistic illustrations used in Fables.While not always the most consistent in the portrayal of the various characters, overall the artwork is steady and quite good. The panels are completely in color and are nicely executed. Definitely one of the better illustrated comics out there in my opinion; I really like the style.I thought the story-arc of Animal Farm ended up being much stronger than Legends in Exile, but both volumes are tremendous fun. My favorite character from the first volume, Bigby only has a cursory role (understandably, not many at the Farm want the Big Bad Wolf around), but I am beginning to develop a bit of a crush on Rose Red as well. Animal Farm provides further details into how the "real world" interacts with that of the fables'. Also included in this volume is a nice collection of concept drawings, covers, and cover sketches. I am really enjoying how this series is developing and look forward to reading the next collected volume, Storybook Love.Experiments in Reading
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Read on June 17, 2014Literary characters making literary references. Awesome. In this volume Snow White and Rose Red travel to upstate New York to The Farm to check-in on the members of the Fabletown community that can't pass as mundys (just regular people). Snow walks into the middle of a revolution started by the Three Little Pigs and Snow's presence speeds everything up. I was a little surprised about how much time passes in this volume. It would have been nice to see more about the revolution and the after-effects...maybe that's in the next volume.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Orwell, this is not. Willingham does not need to make a political point. He just tells a damn good story. Revolt on the farm, and guess what...some of your favorite childhood characters a bit more slimy than you thought they were.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    The saga of Fabletown continues with Volume 2, which collects issues 11-18 of the comic. The non-human members of Fabletown, who are forced to stay on a large farm in upstate New York, decide to collect weapons and plan to invade the homeland. When Snow White stumbles upon their plan she discovers that they will stop at nothing to get their way. What's more, she believes that even with all their weapons, they have no real hope of besting the Adversary. Another gripping installment of a very well-thought-out and innovative story. I've already got the next volume on hold at the library and can't wait to read it. Highly recommended.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    The continuing adventures of the inhabitants of Fabletown, Bill Willingham's Fables series continues in the second story arc, Animal Farm. With the more "un"-human occupants of Fabletown not being able to live in NYC with those that can pass as human, they have moved into the Fabletown extension in upstate New York called the Farm. Feeling they are being treated unfairly, they decide to rebel against the rules and regulations of Fabletown to try and make it back to their homelands, until one of their number decides to take things too far.I continue to be impressed with this series. Bill Willingham is able to create ties between seemingly unrelated fairy tales and fables and create one of the most original stories I've seen in comics in a long time.This particular volume I felt fell a little bit from the strong beginning of the first volume, Legends in Exile and the prelude volume 1001 Nights of Snowfall, but I still enjoyed it all the same. Looking forward to continuing reading this series.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    It's the Fables' Civil War, bear and pig against Prince and Princess. There are those who ant to take back the Homeland from the Adversary, and anyone who doesn't agree that it shouldn't happen immediately a traitor to all Fables. Then there's Rose Red and Snow White who are int he middle of it all.It's interesting. We get to meet a lot of the non-human Fables who all live in Northern NY State on a large tract of land that's called 'the Farm'. Everyone from the three pigs and Goldilocks to the old lady in her shoe (the 'kids' were sort of disturbing actually).There was less Big Bad Wolf in this TPB which was nice and more Snow White. Though I'm not sure that I loved her storyline either.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    When Snow White goes on her semi-annual trip to The Farm, the community where all non-human fables live, she drags Rose Red along. But when they arrive everything is not as per usual. The deputy mayor in charge of The Farm is nowhere to be seen and when one of the animals is murdered shortly after Snow and Red's arrival, both women will have to take a side in a conflict no one saw coming.I enjoyed this second volume in the Fables series just as much as the first. It is tremendous fun to see all of the animal and other non-human characters from various fairy tales and fables mashed up together in a single universe. I also appreciated that both Snow and Red got to be a lot more active and kick ass in this story arc. While I expected more allusions to Orwell based on the volume's title, the frequent allusions to Lord of the Flies were just as well suited to the narrative arc.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Volume two picks up exactly where the last one let off. Rose Red and her accomplice/boyfriend are working off their community service hours for their antics in Vol. One. Red’s sister Snow White is about to make a trip to The Farm, where the non-human fables live, and she decides Red needs to come along for the ride. At the Farm, the sisters quickly realize something is wrong. A revolution is happening and they’ve arrived at the worst possible moments. In the midst of the chaos we meet Goldilocks, the three little pigs and a slew of characters from The Jungle Book.The second volume is less about introductions and more about developing the established relationships, especially between the two estranged sisters. Their history is a complicated one and makes more sense with each new revelation. I particularly love the fact that from these first volumes, the author doesn’t rely on romantic relationships to drive every story. The two strong women at the forefront of the story are interesting enough on their own and the author trusts the reader to appreciate that. BOTTOM LINE: I’m sold. I think the series is so well done. I love the variety of characters that are featured. It could rely completely on the novelty of such characters in each new volume, but instead it takes the assumptions that we have and tosses them out the window. Each character is given new life in the Fables series and I’m excited to see what happens next.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Animal Farm, Volume 2 of the Fables story by Bill Willingham picks up immediately after the first story. Even though the fairy tale creatures are living in New York City, there are some that cannot pass unnoticed in the human world. These ones are living at Animal Farm, an upstate annex to Fableland, and there is a revolution brewing among them.A very interesting concept and one that I look forward to continuing on with. I am sure that the title of this volume has everything to do with it’s similarity to George Orwell’s’ classic Animal Farm. In this version fairytale creatures, including some from the Jungle Book and the Brer Rabbit stories, look at their seclusion on the Animal Farm as being treated as lesser beings. This volume also touches on the jealousy that Rose Red feels for her sister. While much of the story was wrapped up, there were a few threads that I am hoping will carry onto Volume 3.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Now having read this second book in the series I am officially a fan and can't wait to get my hands on the next volume. This is very different from the first one which had a classic noir feel to it. This time around Animal is indeed an Orwellian reference. The non-human fables and those unable to to take human form live on a large plot of land that has been enchanted with a spell to keep humans away. This is called "The Farm" and a large amount of the population is unhappy with the rather prison like conditions. Though the place is nice enough and not lacking in any way there is still the fact they can't leave. I loved the thematic cross between Animal Farm and Lord of the Flies. Lots of new characters were introduced while Snow White and Rose Red remained main characters as from the first volume. In this book we meet the three little pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, giants, a dragon, several animals from The Jungle Book including Baghera and Shere Khan plus many others.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    The fables that can't pass themselves off as human live on a large plot of land in upstate New York. They're tired of being stuck there and are planning a revolt. Things quickly get violent and bloody as sides are taken and anger rises.This wasn't as good as the first one. The story was pretty predictable and the graphic violence made it awkward to read on a plane. Despite that the illustrations were still gorgeous and Bill Willingham has a way of making these fiction characters, human and animal alike, seem like real people with real emotions. Looking forward to continuing the series.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Again, very, very good
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Love this series!!!! love it love it love it. Imagine all your favorite fairy tales all grown up and with human flaws. They have been kicked out of their homelands and now live in New York City and are trying to blend in and keep their community cohesive. In this book the nonhuman looking fables (the three little pigs, the giants, shere khan and the like) who live up at the farm are revolting and have taken Snow White hostage.This series is a fresh look at ancient stories. It is enthralling and quaint all at the same time. To take characters that everyone knows and loves and put recreate them so that they are still recognizable but completely new is just amazing.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This, the second Fables collection, fills in a lot of gaps for me, since I've read all of the other collections. It would be fun if the series focused a little more on the non-human fables in future, since they're an interesting lot.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This is the second graphic novel in the Fables series. This was another excellent addition to this series. A complex and intricate story along with wonderful drawings and some interesting inclusion of fairy tales made this a joy to read.Rose Red is due for punishment after the events in the first Fables novel. Snow White decides that as punishment she will be taking Rose Red upstate to the farm where the non-human fables dwell. Little does Snow White know that the non-human fables are sick of living in their designated farm and are ready to stage a rebellion. Will Rose Red side with the non-humans or will she try and reconcile with her sister Snow White?This was a wonderful addition to this series. The illustration is wonderful and very in keeping with the mood of the story. I love how all of the fairy tales and fables are wrapped up in this story, you never know which fairy tale character you will stumble into next. The complex characters and intricate plot make this quite the page turner. There are parts that are very funny too. This is definitely meant for adults, there is a lot of swearing and plenty of sexual references.Overall an excellent addition to this series. If you enjoy fantasy or urban fantasy you should check this out. If you enjoyed the first installment, Fables in Exile, then you will enjoy this one too. I can't wait to read the next installment, Storybook Love.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I liked this one but it was not my favorite.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    And the result is a witty, dense, exciting tale that is almost impossible to describe. I told all the plot you need to know. I can't describe adequately the art, marvelous as to place and character. I've described one character. The others are as vivid, especially the quarreling sisters. I admired this enough to have my Protestant gene kick in. Isn't it sinful for such talented people to waste their arts on such frivolity? Well, no.One small irritation. One of the three pigs, insufficiently committed to the cause, is decapitated, his head planted on a stick. I really didn't appreciate Goldilocks and somebody else pointing out the literary reference. Doesn't Willingham trust his audience? Shame on him.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    How could I forget this gem!? All is not well at the farm. When Snow White and her sister Rose Red go for for their bi-annual check up, something is seriously wrong. The mayor is "gone," there are shell casings everywhere, there is dissent, and suddenly one of the beloved three little piggies is murdered, his head put up on a spike. Snow White is determined to figure out what in the hell is going on, but she's on her own. Rose Res is teaming up with the "rebels" and she is unable to contact anyone on the outside. What's a girl to do?
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    In sharp contrast to the previous storyline, this volume ups the fantasy element and introduces the Farm, where all the non-human Fables are sent to live. The revolution that Snow White and Rose Red discover is considerably more interesting than what came before, but it's also extremely violent - sometimes surprisingly so. It's a lot more representative of the direction Willingham takes the series, but it still feels quite awkward in places (especially the supernatural Lord of the Flies-inspired element, which Willingham later completely abandons).
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    After the debacle in the first book, Fables picks up with Snow White and Rose Red (doing community service for her crime of staging a crime) visiting the farm upstate where all the nonhuman fables are consigned to live out of the sight of the mundanes. They quickly learn that all is not well, with a general murmuring against being essentially a prisoner on the farm and a desire to wrest their homelands back from the Adversary being stoked and fueled by a trigger-happy Goldilocks into a fiery rebellion against Snow White and the other fables living in New York City.I was pleased to find this book was just as good as the first in the series, even if it does step away from the crime procedural format of the first one while stepping into a more violent, mutinous world. Although it isn't precisely necessary to read the previous book to enjoy this one, I do think it helps as many of the characters re-appear here and several references are made to the past book (plus the whole fables in exile story was previously explained in depth in the first book and only summed up quickly here).This book has plenty of action and humor as well as bit of intrigue and just a smidgen of romance (without being sappy at all). The illustrations are top-notch again and, as a whole, the book was very entertaining and thoughtful. I greatly enjoyed it and am looking forward to reading the next volume once I can get my hands on a copy.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I didn't like this as much as the first volume. For a start, Snow White has a case of the plot-necessary stupid, there isn't enough of Bigby, and I'd really rather have followed Rose Red around during this volume. It's very predictable, especially if you've read George Orwell's Animal Farm. There are some interesting translations between fable and "reality", like Goldilocks the revolutionary, and it's good to see that part of the Fable world, but... ehh. Not excited.Still, reserving the third volume at the library, if I can. I do like the concept of this world, it just feels like we're still in the set-up.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    First of all, there are soooo many literary references, j'adore! I was like "oh, there's one, oh and here too, here's one too." I loved it! Ok, on to the story. The story start out intense, no dragging of the plot like the first one. This volume was like the end of the first volume. The suspense and the mystery of the first volume was amazing, this volume had more fear build in, if you know what I mean. In this volume you get to see how intelligent Red Rose is. You also get to see the evil plan building which I always like to read about, and which I think is harder to write. The amount of thinking and strategy makes this volume a fantastic read!! When a chase began, my heart was pounding so hard that I was barely breathing! This volume will definitely make you sit at the edge of your seat and read until you are completely finished.The relationship between the characters were farther revealed. Snow and Red's past was shown and I felt horrible. I hope my sister and I never get separated like them. But as you read on, you see how much emotions and care there are. *tears*Overall, this volume was definitely enjoyable to read. :) 5 out of 5!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Trouble is brewing at The Farm, where the Fables who can't pass for human are confined; led by Goldilocks, the Fables are planning a bloody rebellion and, since Bigby isn't allowed near the place, Snow White must work hard to outwit the leaders, which will prove disastrous for her health. Whereas the first five issues of the series introduced the Fables of Fabletown, these next five introduce those Fables who live at The Farm, and it does an equally good job at that. Although some come across as quite malicious, it is important that the difference between these characters and those fairytale characters they hail from is made absolutely clear; they may already have history in the fairytale world, but they are quite contemporary in their actions and their thinking. Happily Ever After is not a guarantee here - more likely, the exact opposite is to be expected when these characters show their true, non-traditional, colors.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I was hoping that this second volume would introduce more characters -- surely there must be plenty of interesting personages that inhabit this world of exiles. Instead it crammed in a ton of story, mostly centered around two of the leads from the first volume. A disappointing turn for a series that has so much potential.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I liked this story a lot, though I didn't think it was as strong as volume one. It did elaborate on the relationship between snow and red, but it didn't catch my interest as much. That said, it's still a strong series that I'll for sure continue at some point.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    The second volume of the Fables series has Snow White traveling with her rebellious sister to The Farm in upstate New York where the mythical beings who cannot disguise themselves as humans live. The animals and other creatures are not happy with being imprisoned on the Farm which leads to a rebellion and a plot very much derivative of the George Orwell novel that makes up the subtitle. I found the story of this installment more engaging and the plotting improved over its predecessor, but I still feel it's not living up to its great premise. The artwork can be reminiscent of Apartment 3G, and distinguishing many of the male characters is difficult. Still it's entertaining brain candy and I may check out another volume.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    The Fables series is simply amazing. Ever since the Tell Tale game for "The Wolf Among Us" came out, I just can't get enough of this universe. I hope to pick up Volume 3 soon!
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Loved it!! Can't wait to start the next one!
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I didn't find this one quite as compelling as the first volume of Fables. But I still love the basic idea of the storyline enough to be pulled along. I find it interesting after a couple volumes to find personalities developing in the characters beyond their initial fairy tale personas. In this particular story I found Rose Red's character confusing and very inconsistent which detracted from my understanding of the story and the subtexts at times. The artwork continues to be outstanding.


Fables, Band 2 - Farm der Tiere - Bill Willingham

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