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Marcus Aurelius: Meditations. Thoughts of an Emperor: A literary masterpiece of Stoic philosophy
Marcus Aurelius: Meditations. Thoughts of an Emperor: A literary masterpiece of Stoic philosophy
Marcus Aurelius: Meditations. Thoughts of an Emperor: A literary masterpiece of Stoic philosophy
Hörbuch6 Stunden

Marcus Aurelius: Meditations. Thoughts of an Emperor: A literary masterpiece of Stoic philosophy

Geschrieben von Marcus Aurelius und Sven Görtz

Erzählt von Sven Görtz

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


Über dieses Hörbuch

Marcus Aurelius was both philosopher and emperor of the Roman Empire. As emperor he was forced to defend his borders against enemies. How can you keep your calm and balance in times of war? A truly timeless classic. Included: a pdf document with track list.
Erscheinungsdatum26. Juni 2021
Marcus Aurelius: Meditations. Thoughts of an Emperor: A literary masterpiece of Stoic philosophy

Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius ruled the Roman Empire from 161 to 180 AD. Born to an upper-class Roman family in 121, Aurelius was adopted by his uncle, the emperor Antoninus Pius, in 138. Aurelius studied Greek and Latin literature, philosophy, and law, and was especially influenced by the Stoic thinker Epictetus. After Pius’s death, Aurelius succeeded the throne alongside his adoptive brother, Lucius Verus. His reign was marked by plague, numerous military conflicts, and the deaths of friends and family—including Lucius Verus in 169. Despite these struggles, the Empire flourished under Marcus’s rule as the last emperor of the Pax Romana, an era from 27 to 180 of relative peace and prosperity for the Roman Empire. Aurelius wrote his Meditations as spiritual exercises never intended for publication, and died at fifty-eight while on campaign against the Germanic tribes.

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