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Die Fanfarlo
Die Fanfarlo
Die Fanfarlo
Hörbuch1 Stunde

Die Fanfarlo

Geschrieben von Charles Baudelaire

Erzählt von Friedrich Frieden

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


Über dieses Hörbuch

„Samuel Cramer“ - klug, charmant und ein professioneller Schwerenöter - wird durch ein Treffen mit seiner inzwischen verheirateten Jugendfreundin „Frau von Cosmelly“ auf die außergewöhnliche Schauspielerin „Fanfarlo“ aufmerksam. Nachdem er diese auf der Bühne agieren sieht, ist er sofort Feuer und Flamme und schafft es tatsächlich auf verteufelt kompliziertem und dämlichen Weg sich in deren Herz zu schleichen, aber ein auf Lügen aufgebautes Traumschloss kann nicht ewig bestehen – oder doch?
Erscheinungsdatum5. Apr. 2021

Charles Baudelaire

Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) was a French poet. Born in Paris, Baudelaire lost his father at a young age. Raised by his mother, he was sent to boarding school in Lyon and completed his education at the Lycée Louis-le-Grand in Paris, where he gained a reputation for frivolous spending and likely contracted several sexually transmitted diseases through his frequent contact with prostitutes. After journeying by sea to Calcutta, India at the behest of his stepfather, Baudelaire returned to Paris and began working on the lyric poems that would eventually become The Flowers of Evil (1857), his most famous work. Around this time, his family placed a hold on his inheritance, hoping to protect Baudelaire from his worst impulses. His mistress Jeanne Duval, a woman of mixed French and African ancestry, was rejected by the poet’s mother, likely leading to Baudelaire’s first known suicide attempt. During the Revolutions of 1848, Baudelaire worked as a journalist for a revolutionary newspaper, but soon abandoned his political interests to focus on his poetry and translations of the works of Thomas De Quincey and Edgar Allan Poe. As an arts critic, he promoted the works of Romantic painter Eugène Delacroix, composer Richard Wagner, poet Théophile Gautier, and painter Édouard Manet. Recognized for his pioneering philosophical and aesthetic views, Baudelaire has earned praise from such artists as Arthur Rimbaud, Stéphane Mallarmé, Marcel Proust, and T. S. Eliot. An embittered recorder of modern decay, Baudelaire was an essential force in revolutionizing poetry, shaping the outlook that would drive the next generation of artists away from Romanticism towards Symbolism, and beyond. Paris Spleen (1869), a posthumous collection of prose poems, is considered one of the nineteenth century’s greatest works of literature.

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