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Götter, Gräber und Gelehrte: Roman der Archäologie
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Götter, Gräber und Gelehrte: Roman der Archäologie
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Götter, Gräber und Gelehrte: Roman der Archäologie
Hörbuch15 Stunden

Götter, Gräber und Gelehrte: Roman der Archäologie

Geschrieben von C. W. Ceram

Erzählt von Frank Arnold

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses Hörbuch

Versunkene Städte, sagenumwobene Schätze, rätselhafte Schriftzeichen: die Geschichte der Archäologie als packender Tatsachenroman. Wir entdecken Herkulaneum und Troja, Babylon und Ägypten, ja sogar die Stätten der Maya und Azteken.

Endlich gibt es den Millionenbestseller für jung und alt in der aktualisierten Neuausgabe als Hörbuch. Frank Arnold (u.a. Audioguide zur Berliner Babylon-Ausstellung, Sprecher von Ilija Trojanows Der Weltensammler) interpretiert den Text lebendig und mitreißend.
Erscheinungsdatum11. Aug. 2009
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Götter, Gräber und Gelehrte: Roman der Archäologie

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Bewertung: 4.1659482974137925 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Interesting book! I learned some things I hadn't known, and details about things I had known. There were also some interesting sidelights on matters - Ceram's attitude towards the early history-hunters (not archaeologists, the ones who were just looking for neat stuff to take back to their countries) is interestingly in-between their own attitudes and how things are thought about today. I was wincing through his whole description of Schleimann's burrowing through the mound of Troy - while he looked for "interesting" things and gold, he was destroying huge amounts of data on the other cities and cultures that had inhabited the same place. The diggers in Babylon were a _little_ more careful, but only a little. And Ceram's views of Cortez and the other Spanish explorers/invaders of the New World were also much more approving than nowadays. Though he did point out some of the reasons for their insistence on "converting the heathens", and their inability to understand that they were dealing with another civilized people (not that that stopped Europeans from imposing their religion on others, anyway - Thirty Years War, anyone?). The level of detail varied considerably - Cortez and Carter we got specific events, with the early Egyptologists and explorers of Babylon and the associated cultures it's much more of an overview with occasional more-detailed descriptions of certain events. Overall, interesting, I'm glad I read it, and I doubt I'll ever want to reread.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Great introduction to archaeology, covers major archaeological sites in the world.