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Storm Sisters - The Sinking World
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Storm Sisters - The Sinking World
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Storm Sisters - The Sinking World
Hörbuch11 Stunden

Storm Sisters - The Sinking World

Geschrieben von Wes Andrews

Erzählt von Peter Lontzek

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Über dieses Hörbuch

Head for the high seas on an adventure with five fearless girls! Their name is not Storm. They are not really sisters. They will tell you, that they are fierce pirates. What will you believe? After the tragic events of what has become known as The Day of Destruction - a day when they were intended to die along with their families - Charlie, Sadie, Liu, Raquel, and Ingela find themselves on the high seas all alone. The girls are in great danger from sinister foes and hidden enemies, and have created a false identity as a fierce group of pirates. Their primary mission, however, is to find out what really happened to their parents. But how long will their disguise keep them from harm? And is it such a good idea to join forces with a group of rebellious boys from their past? Unusual as it is to have five teenage girls living by themselves in the 1780s, all they have left is each other and their friendship ...
HerausgeberLübbe Audio
Erscheinungsdatum30. Juni 2016
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Storm Sisters - The Sinking World

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