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Flute Quartet "Blues" by Gershwin - score: excerpt from “An American in Paris”
Flute Quartet "Blues" by Gershwin - set of parts: excerpt from “An American in Paris”
eBook-Reihen2 Titel

Flute Quartet - Blues excerpt from “An American in Paris”

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


Über diese Serie

Expand your flute quartet's musical offerings with this expertly crafted score of George Gershwin's renowned "Blues" from "An American in Paris," meticulously adapted by Francesco Leone for intermediate-level players. This edition preserves the emotional depth and intricate details of Gershwin's original masterpiece.

The volume offers a complete score that serves as a comprehensive guide for an ensemble comprised of three Soprano flutes and one Alto flute.
While the score gives you an overall framework for your ensemble's performance, individual instrumental parts are available separately within the same series.

Supplementing this rich offering are extensive annotations about both George Gershwin and "An American in Paris." These invaluable notes are available in a multitude of languages, including English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese. This multilingual feature enriches both the rehearsal and the performance, providing a deeper understanding of Gershwin's life and artistic intentions. The added context imbues each musical measure with further depth and resonance, creating a more meaningful and engaging performance experience.
Erscheinungsdatum18. Juni 2020
Flute Quartet "Blues" by Gershwin - score: excerpt from “An American in Paris”
Flute Quartet "Blues" by Gershwin - set of parts: excerpt from “An American in Paris”

Titel in dieser Serie (2)

  • Flute Quartet "Blues" by Gershwin - set of parts: excerpt from “An American in Paris”


    Flute Quartet "Blues" by Gershwin - set of parts: excerpt from “An American in Paris”
    Flute Quartet "Blues" by Gershwin - set of parts: excerpt from “An American in Paris”

    Elevate your flute quartet's musical selection with this expertly arranged set of parts for George Gershwin's iconic "Blues" from "An American in Paris." Francesco Leone has meticulously adapted this timeless classic for intermediate-level flutists, capturing the emotional depth and complexity that Gershwin originally infused into the composition. This volume features a comprehensive set of instrumental parts designed for an ensemble configuration of 3 C Flutes and G Alto flutes. To broaden your ensemble's options, this edition also includes a specially crafted part for the C Flute, which serves as an alternative to the Alto Flute part. While this volume contains the complete set of parts for ensemble performance, the full score that offers an overall guide for performance is available separately in the same series. Adding a layer of richness to this offering, the package also contains insightful annotations about George Gershwin and "An American in Paris." These detailed notes are available in multiple languages—English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese. This multilingual supplement enriches both the rehearsal process and the performance itself, providing an invaluable contextual backdrop that enhances your understanding of Gershwin's life and creative intent. As a result, each musical measure gains additional depth and resonance, making for a more meaningful and engaging experience.

  • Flute Quartet "Blues" by Gershwin - score: excerpt from “An American in Paris”


    Flute Quartet "Blues" by Gershwin - score: excerpt from “An American in Paris”
    Flute Quartet "Blues" by Gershwin - score: excerpt from “An American in Paris”

    Expand your flute quartet's musical offerings with this expertly crafted score of George Gershwin's renowned "Blues" from "An American in Paris," meticulously adapted by Francesco Leone for intermediate-level players. This edition preserves the emotional depth and intricate details of Gershwin's original masterpiece. The volume offers a complete score that serves as a comprehensive guide for an ensemble comprised of three Soprano flutes and one Alto flute. While the score gives you an overall framework for your ensemble's performance, individual instrumental parts are available separately within the same series. Supplementing this rich offering are extensive annotations about both George Gershwin and "An American in Paris." These invaluable notes are available in a multitude of languages, including English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese. This multilingual feature enriches both the rehearsal and the performance, providing a deeper understanding of Gershwin's life and artistic intentions. The added context imbues each musical measure with further depth and resonance, creating a more meaningful and engaging performance experience.

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Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen
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