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Über diese Serie

Agent May and Agent XoXo leave Sr. Louis and follow the Missouri River to Tulsa when they run into bandits. The worst of the worst against them - a pack of Tramps in the middle of nowhere behind them and nothing else then their own instincts, their horses and their guns to defend their interests.

The Tramps murdered for a map - a map that would show them the treasures hidden in the Yellow Stone National Park.
Agent May´s Ory Stutzen and Agent XoXo´s Gun with the Silver Nails against the outlaw army of the Fantome.

They are supposed to be in Washington D.C. for a drink with his Excellency The Honorable President of the United States and the First Lady in a few days.

Will they be there?
HerausgeberBooks on Demand
Erscheinungsdatum19. Apr. 2023

H.E. Dr Simon Rosenberg

MD, Serial Entrepreneur, Best Selling Author, bihuoffical and TRUEHN CEO. Born and raised in Europe, Rosenberg has always been reading books and writing essays from a very young age on. He was said to have had his first conversations at the age of 1 year. With the eight novels of his new collection EMILIE, Rosenberg takes you on his missions around the world. All about love? Yes and no. Emilie is much more. It is a rare and exclusive look behind the scenes and a hands on the mission experience with real people in the real world.

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