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How to Nourish the World
rüffer&rub visionär / Every Drop Counts: Swimming for the Right to Water
eBook-Reihen2 Titel

rüffer&rub visionär

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Über diese Serie

"A world with enough food for all, produced by healthy people in a healthy environment." That is the vision of Hans R. Herren and his foundation Biovision. The foundation is active in the development, dissemination and application of ecological methods in Africa, with a focus on preparing information. By passing on practical expertise and exchanging knowledge, Biovision increases the self-reliance of those living in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia and improves their understanding of the environment. Its grassroots projects, such as the prevention of malaria and income generation through the cultivation of medicinal plants, improve people's lives and serve as demonstration and training projects.

In 2013, Hans R. Herren and and his foundation Biovision were awarded the Right Livelihood Award, also known as the Alternative Nobel Prize.
Erscheinungsdatum28. Feb. 2017
How to Nourish the World
rüffer&rub visionär / Every Drop Counts: Swimming for the Right to Water

Titel in dieser Serie (2)

  • rüffer&rub visionär / Every Drop Counts: Swimming for the Right to Water


    rüffer&rub visionär / Every Drop Counts: Swimming for the Right to Water
    rüffer&rub visionär / Every Drop Counts: Swimming for the Right to Water

    Water is the foundation of life - for human beings, for animals, for nature in general. Notwithstanding this, access to water is endangered. And this holds true around the world. Causes are pollution, global warming and wasteful use. The result: millions of people are forced each year to flee their homes and become "climate refugees". While this is going on, global corporations are responding to the growing scarcity and hence value of water by purchasing rights to it. Ernst Bromeis' objective is to make human beings aware of clean water's being finite in quantity. He finds it intolerable that some 880 million people do not have clean water to drink. To change this, Bromeis - who is often called an "ambassador for water" - undertakes spectacular deeds. In 2008, he swam across 200 lakes in Switzerland's canton of Graubünden. In 2014, he swam the entire length of the Rhine - the some 1200 kilometers it traverses between Lago di Dento and its mouth in the North Sea. Ernst Bromeis' activities and book are intended to encourage humanity to take the steps needed to protect water and to dedicate itself to alleviating the problems facing our society and environment.

  • How to Nourish the World


    How to Nourish the World
    How to Nourish the World

    "A world with enough food for all, produced by healthy people in a healthy environment." That is the vision of Hans R. Herren and his foundation Biovision. The foundation is active in the development, dissemination and application of ecological methods in Africa, with a focus on preparing information. By passing on practical expertise and exchanging knowledge, Biovision increases the self-reliance of those living in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia and improves their understanding of the environment. Its grassroots projects, such as the prevention of malaria and income generation through the cultivation of medicinal plants, improve people's lives and serve as demonstration and training projects. In 2013, Hans R. Herren and and his foundation Biovision were awarded the Right Livelihood Award, also known as the Alternative Nobel Prize.

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