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How to use Reels as teaching tools to wow your students. Interview with Reels Coach Anneke Harris from @pinksparrowsocial

How to use Reels as teaching tools to wow your students. Interview with Reels Coach Anneke Harris from @pinksparrowsocial

VonTEACH! - Der Podcast für Lehrer

How to use Reels as teaching tools to wow your students. Interview with Reels Coach Anneke Harris from @pinksparrowsocial

VonTEACH! - Der Podcast für Lehrer

40 Minuten
5. Juni 2023


TikTok, Instagram Reels or YouTube Shorts are normal for our students to use. Wouldn't it be neat to use those formats to educate them?

Anneke is a social media expert and the founder of pink sparrow social (her students call her the queen of Reels).

Anneke completed a degree in business marketing and then went on to create a social media agency managing social media accounts for a few years before Covid restrictions shut down most of her clients businesses and most of her contracts were put on hold.

Rather than dwell on the loss of business, Anneke decided to use this as an opportunity to use her accrued knowledge of the industry and apply it to her Instagram and built Pink Sparrow Social.

Without any paid ads or investment (other than her time) Anneke initially grew her account from less than 1k followers to 100k in just 3 months and currently she has almost 1/4 of a million followers and generates a full time passive income through a selection of online products which includes her Instagram coaching program - The Reels Academy

We share thoughts about:

Introducing Anneke 1:06Why young people fancy short videos? 3:51How to start making short reels? 6:44The role of scrolling 10:03"Series style" and "Role play": a couple of ways to create content 11:31Another idea for structuring a reel, 15:24Example of doing a reel 16:35Techniques to make a reel interesting 19:18Why “Call to action” doesn't work every time, 20:32Have fun with it is the important part. 23:10Is there a difference for students and teachers in making a reel 25:49First steps into creating reels 31:36Remember this #1 thing 35:42

Find out more about Anneke at:


Instagram: @pinksparrowsocial
5. Juni 2023

Titel in dieser Serie (89)

Der Podcast über das psychologische Handwerkszeug zum Unterrichten, welches an den Universitäten und im Referendariat zu kurz kommt. Methoden & Strategien aus Schauspiel, NLP und Coaching - zugeschnitten auf den Lehrberuf. Den inhaltlichen Rahmen dazu bietet das Buch "TEACH! Vom didaktischen Konzept zum konkreten Verhalten vor der Klasse" Erhältlich bei Amazon unter: link.krssm.com/podcast-teach Es erwarten dich: Spannende Interviews mit inspirierenden Persönlichkeiten: Lehrern, Professoren, Schauspielern...Umsetzbare Strategien für deinen Alltaglehrreiche Geschichten und humorvolle Fehleruvm. Erlaube mir, dich auf deinem Weg zu begleiten - zu einer Lehr-Persönlichkeit, von der deine Schüler*innen später gerne erzählen!