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Loyal Subversion?: Caricatures from the Personal Union between England and Hanover (1714-1837)
Loyal Subversion?: Caricatures from the Personal Union between England and Hanover (1714-1837)
Loyal Subversion?: Caricatures from the Personal Union between England and Hanover (1714-1837)
eBook188 Seiten4 Stunden

Loyal Subversion?: Caricatures from the Personal Union between England and Hanover (1714-1837)

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The political constellation of the personal union between England and Hanover lasted for 123 years. The figure of a foreign king became a determining factor and was in itself a historical condition for the emergence and the development of caricatures in England after the Glorious Revolution. The contributors of the volume show that, as a political weapon of the opposition and as an institution of public opinion, the caricatures affected the establishment. Is the visual criticism of the rulers more than a loyal subversion of their subjects?
Erscheinungsdatum14. Mai 2014
Loyal Subversion?: Caricatures from the Personal Union between England and Hanover (1714-1837)

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