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Deadpool: Die Wette
Deadpool: Die Wette
Deadpool: Die Wette
eBook116 Seiten26 Minuten

Deadpool: Die Wette

Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Eigentlich wollte Deadpool nur das schnelle Geld machen. DochTombstone sinnt auf Rache und stellt Wade eine Falle. Und wenn dann auch noch Spider-Man, Daredevil und Punishereingreifen, kann man im Grunde darauf wetten, dass es in dieser actiongeladenen Miniserie um den Söldner mit der großen Klappe jede Menge Chaos und reichlich Lacher gibt ...
Erscheinungsdatum21. Okt. 2016
Deadpool: Die Wette

Mike Benson

Mike Benson is president and team captain of the Conquerors International Strength Team, a group of athletes who use feats of strength to captivate audiences worldwide and deliver the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Mike is also an evangelist from Resurrection Life Church in Grandville, Michigan. He has ministered to millions of people and has seen over 250,000 make decisions for Christ in the last ten years. A motivational teacher, Mike serves as a certified speaker, trainer, and coach with the John Maxwell Team and has taught in schools, colleges, and companies in many countries, with an emphasis on overcoming life’s obstacles and turning adversity into opportunity. Having spent eleven years of his life in prison, Mike also has a heart for those who are incarcerated and has shared his story in thousands of prisons around the world. Mike lives in Jenison, Michigan, with his wife, Stefanie, and their two children. You can find out more about Mike and his ministry by visiting the Conquerors International Strength Team online at www.theconquerors.net orwww.facebook.com/pages/The-Conquerors-Strength-Team/62706772275. Mike would also like to hear from you about how reading this book has ministered to you. You can reach Mike by emailing him through the “Contact” tab on the Conquerors’ website.

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Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I haven't been thrilled with how Deadpool has been written recently (no names mentioned, *cough*Daniel Way and Victor Gischler*cough*), but this miniseries is great. Mike Benson really makes the character funny, even though he employs the Pool-o-vision and "white boxes" gimmicks that I have come to loathe. There's actually a discernible plot, which is unfortunately too rare nowadays when it comes to Deadpool, and recurring characters that aren't horribly butchered (hello, Outlaw). And the jokes are actually funny. No, seriously! That's a rarity for modern Deadpool, too.The art for the Suicide Kings mini is pretty good, but I don't care for Shawn Crystal's art in the Games of Death one-shot.Frankly, I wish that Benson wrote Deadpool more often. Maybe then his solo series would actually be worth buying.


Deadpool - Mike Benson

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