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Die ethnische Säuberung Palästinas
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Die ethnische Säuberung Palästinas
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Die ethnische Säuberung Palästinas
eBook416 Seiten6 Stunden

Die ethnische Säuberung Palästinas

Bewertung: 4.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Die ethnische Säuberung Palästinas: Ilan Pappe dokumentiert die Vertreibung von 800.000 Menschen vor, während und nach der Gründung Israels. Zwei Monate vor dem Ende der britischen Verwaltung Palästinas im Auftrag der UN, am 10. März 1948, trifft sich im Roten Haus in Tel Aviv, dem Hauptquartier der Untergrundmiliz Hagana, eine Runde hochrangiger zionistischer Politiker. Eingeladen hat David Ben Gurion, später Ministerpräsident Israels. Mit dabei sind Politiker und Militärführer wie unter anderem Yigal Allon (später Außenminister), Moshe Dayan (später Verteidigungs- und Außenminister), Yigael Yadin (später stellvertretender Ministerpräsident), Yitzchak Rabin (später Ministerpräsident und Friedensnobelpreisträger). Sie verabreden die Endfassung eines Masterplans zur Vertreibung der arabischen Bevölkerung: "Plan Dalet" (Plan D). Das Land - nur zu elf Prozent im Besitz der jüdischen Einwanderer, die nicht einmal ein Drittel der Einwohner stellen - soll systematisch freigemacht werden für eine endgültige jüdische Besiedelung, und hierzu ist jedes Mittel recht. Noch unter britischem Mandat beginnt eine Serie von zionistischen Angriffen auf palästinensische Dörfer und Stadtviertel, werden eine Viertelmillion Menschen im eigenen Land entwurzelt. Es kommt zu Massakern, bei denen gemordet, vergewaltigt und geplündert wird. Nach der Unabhängigkeit Israels werden 531 Dörfer und elf städtische Siedlungen mit Waffengewalt geräumt, 800.000 Palästinenser zur Flucht gezwungen, ihre Häuser samt Mobiliar dem Erdboden gleichgemacht und die Ruinen vermint, damit die Vertriebenen nicht zurückkehren können. Anhand von Augenzeugenberichten, Tagebuchauszügen und Dokumenten aus Militärarchiven, die lange unter Verschluss gehalten wurden, zeichnet Ilan Pappe ein Bild der Ereignisse zwischen 1947 und 1948, das der offiziellen Geschichtsdarstellung und dem Gründungsmythos Israels in entscheidenden Punkten widerspricht.
Erscheinungsdatum10. Sept. 2014
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Die ethnische Säuberung Palästinas

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Bewertung: 4.511364545454545 von 5 Sternen

44 Bewertungen3 Rezensionen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This book doesn't need a review. It's a piece of living history, it should be school material instead of the lies and rubbish TV churns out on a daily basis. So well documented, so much empathy. So much respect for this man having the courage to write the truth.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    There is a bloc of humanity that will never read this book based on the title alone, and there is another bloc, that if they did read it, would immediately find great fault with it, assuming they didn't just write it all off as pure fictional propaganda. I read a lot of non-fiction and histories in particular, and this did not come across to me at any level as inflated hype, but rather as extremely well-researched journalism based on documents from "both sides" of the issues discussed, including the personal diaries of the main architect of what occurred. In short, I find it much easier to believe the bulk of what it reports than to discount it. Is the author biased at some level about his subject? Perhaps, but a ton of facts often lead to bias toward what those facts reveal. The premise of this book is really quite simple. The nation of Israel did not come to being around 1948, because a bunch of Palestinians in the territory decided to just nicely move out of the area. The author reports how the Jews in the area systemically "cleansed" hundreds of villages and hundreds of thousands of non-Jewish residents often in deadly and almost always ruthless fashion. In fact, I had to knock a point off my rating because the author insisted on somewhat tediously reporting nearly each and every "cleansing" drip by drip to avoid any criticisms of cherry-picking a couple "mistakes" in an attempt to obscure how peacefully the Israelis claim this massive vacating of Arabs in what is now Israel and the occupied territories. Perhaps more importantly, the book provides a solid basis for understanding why the Israeli-Palestinian issue may never become peaceful because of Israel's actions rather than that of any Arabs. Is there more that could have been reported in the book. Yes, how did the Israelis, not yet even a nation, obtain and get trained in advanced military weaponry that allowed them to so easily achieve this cleansing, including the blocking of any significant outside Arab intervention. Why were the united "nations" so specific about being "fair" to the Palestinians with UN resolutions and the like, but did so very little to make sure their wishes were followed? Or perhaps, an entirely different book: why is the Jewish holocaust regarded as so much more terrible than the genocide in Rwanda or the massive deaths from the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, or any other despicable crime against humanity...such as those mentioned in this book? Finally, it should be noted that the purpose of this book was not to be balanced in what it reported but to use what it reported to balance what others have reported.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This book is a revelation, though not one that totally surprises. The book documents in relentless detail the treatment of the Palestinian people from the 1920's through to today with a focus on 1947 to 8. It describes the ethnic cleansing that went on along with the successful burying of that fact. It sadly reveals that populations are no different from people. Those who are abused are likely to abuse once in power. To do differently takes a self awareness and understanding which is unusual. It is obvious that any solution will have to involve addressing the acts of 1948. If it is not done the prognosis for peace in the area (or the world) is low. Given the Western, particularly US, present demonization of Muslims, this scenario seem unlikely. Admittedly, any solution which treats Palestinians justly, will create a different Israel.