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Eat that frog: 21 Wege, um sein Zaudern zu überwinden und in weniger Zeit mehr zu erledigen
Eat that frog: 21 Wege, um sein Zaudern zu überwinden und in weniger Zeit mehr zu erledigen
Eat that frog: 21 Wege, um sein Zaudern zu überwinden und in weniger Zeit mehr zu erledigen
Hörbuch3 Stunden

Eat that frog: 21 Wege, um sein Zaudern zu überwinden und in weniger Zeit mehr zu erledigen

Geschrieben von Brian Tracy

Erzählt von Brian Tracy

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



Über dieses Hörbuch

Es gibt ein altes amerikanisches Sprichwort "Eat the Frog", das in etwa besagt: Wenn man morgens nach dem Aufstehen als erstes eine lebenden Frosch verspeist, kann man beruhigt durch den Tag gehen und darauf vertrauen, dass das das Schlimmste war, was einem an diesem Tag passieren konnte. Im übertragenen Sinn: Wer jeden Tag mit der schwierigsten und wichtigsten Aufgabe beginnt und diszipliniert arbeitet, wird Erfolg haben und Meister seines Lebens sein.
Dieses Hörbuch bietet eine Anleitung zu diszipliniertem und erfolgsorirentiertem Handeln in 21 Schritten - von der Fokussierung auf Schlüsselfragen über die Prinzipien der Selbstmotivation bis hin zur tatsächlichen UmSetzung der eigenen Pläne.
HerausgeberGABAL Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum1. März 2012
Eat that frog: 21 Wege, um sein Zaudern zu überwinden und in weniger Zeit mehr zu erledigen

Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy es Presidente y CEO de Brian Tracy International, una empresa especializada en la formación y desarrollo de individuos y organizaciones. Ha sido consultor de más de 1.000 empresas y se dirigió a más de 5 millones de personas en 5000 charlas y seminarios en todo Estados Unidos, Canadá y otros 55 países de todo el mundo. Como conferencista principal y líder de seminario, habla a más de 250.000 personas cada año. Ha escrito y producido más de 300 programas de aprendizaje en audio y video, incluyendo el best seller mundial Psychology of Achievement, que ha sido traducido a más de 20 idiomas.  

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Bewertung: 3.567415760674157 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Good summary of timeless principles.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Concise roundup of tips.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I was thoroughly impressed with the content of the book. The author presents a unique and effective approach to goal setting and task prioritization that has helped me stay motivated and focused on my priorities. The concept of "eating the frog" - tackling the most difficult task first thing in the morning - has completely transformed the way I approach my day and has made me more productive and efficient. The writing style is engaging and easy to understand, and the practical tips and strategies provided in the book are extremely valuable. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to increase their productivity and reach their goals faster.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This book starts out strong, centered around its valuable 'Eat That Frog' prescription, but then gets more and more ridiculous the further along you get. By the end, the each chapter sounds like a parody of itself. Once I got to the technology chapters, I was certain I was reading a book from the 90's, which is true in a sense since the first edition came out in 2001, but then the author mentions smart phones. By that point, you can clearly tell the advice is by and for the aging boomer white-collar demographic.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    The title refers to a comment by Mark Twain about being sure that eating a frog first thing is probably the worst thing your day might hold. Tracy plays up that theme throughout: eat the ugliest frog first, eat the frog bite by bite, etc. A little jargony and pop-psychology-infused (a lot of telling yourself things -- over and over: I like myself! Do it now!) but still some valid points about setting goals and priorities and making traction on the things that matter. Unfortunately, this isn't going to help me get 15 years of photos organized or clear through the kid detritus since it is very business-based and though I tried to find some takeaways for my life, they were few and far between. I could see it being effective in an office setting where a person could close a door and get a reasonable amount of flow going without constant interruptions and needs and demands. Very accessible and concrete.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    This is a good, solid, well-written book on time management. Whether you are seeking to improve the management of your own time or empathize with others as they attempt to become better stewards of their own time, this book will say it all - in only 21 short chapters!

    Its central premise, that time is best managed by taking the hardest project on first, is a reliable and well-tested one. From this premise (put into a metaphor by eating a frog first), the entire book flows.

    As with any 100-to-150-page book, what it captures in its brevity, it leaves out in its depth. It does not dwell on these subjects for an extended outlay of pages. If that is what you want - a series of short "devotionals" on time management - this book is for you. If you want to dive into a topic in depth, this book is not for you; perhaps you should pick up something by Peter Drucker.

    The third edition (which I read) contains two helpful chapters on the time management of email - of pertinence to our society today. I like Mr. Tracy's contributions to discussion on these topics and welcome his insights into my practice.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    A very generic self-help book that draws strongly on other self-help books. On the plus side, it lines up with a lot of my own personal views and was very short. On the negative side, my wife and daughter are already tired of me talking about eating frogs.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Although this book is geared for leadership/management people, I found this just as valuable me as a retired person. It had some chapters that gave me some glimpse to my own shortcomings that when implemented will add purpose and value to my day.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    How to stop procrastinating so you can accomplish more and advance at twork.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This is a short but valuable book. The concepts covered are important and well stated. I will try to apply them to my life. Most concepts are simple and perhaps are logical but often not followed. I strongly recommend this book.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This was a nice refresher as it reminded me of my training I did with the Franklin Covey planners over 20 years ago. I have not been placing A's, B's and C's and then A1, A2 and so forth on my tasks. I was also doing the smaller quick tasks first to get them out of the way and then not leaving time for the big tasks. Not because I was procrastinating but I thought I could get more items checked off my list. I will now eat the nastiest frog first and know I will be more efficient. I will say, listening to this book was a little bit of a hoot as I could just picture the author sitting i a recliner with a table and lamp sitting next to him with a very old cassette tape recorder sitting on the table. The sound quality made the image happen. Even if you don't think you procrastinate, which I don't, this is a great reminder of what order things should happen to become more efficient.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    As a productivity and motivation manager, Eat That Frog! wins all around. The tips given in it are clear, actionable items, not bogged down by the psychology or theory behind them (though I will admit, that is sometimes nice to know), and the author has a thoroughly peppy, motivational-speaking tone.

    Truthfully, these were often the book's greatest weaknesses as well. I could have used a little more evidence (he often cites statistics, such as how starting and stopping a project can "increase the time necessary to complete the task by as much as 500 percent", curiously without any references to where he pulled that number) (110). Additionally, I am immediately suspicious of anyone who claims that he can "guarantee" that a reader who follows his advice will double their income within a month - which he does twice, once at the beginning and another later while relating a story of one of his clients who managed this. This approach may be motivational, but also had a distinctly slick salesman approach to it; testimonials and guarantees are pitfalls to the prudent-minded.

    In short, my impression of Eat That Frog is very similar to that I had to Dave Ramsay's Money Makeover - the salesman, "Try my product and see your life change, guaranteed!" approach was a turn-off, but there is good advice inside. Just take it with a grain of salt.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I read this book a long time ago, but the lessons stick with me. The lessons have helped me to procrastinate less than I'm normally inclined to. I'm still not as disciplined as I'd like to be, but I often tackle the most difficult or the biggest and ugliest frog on the list. I always get more done and in a more efficient way.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Flipped through this one. It contains solid advice, but nothing particularly original. Good to review when you need a kick in the pants.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This book has lots of good ideas for time management and goal setting. Though there wasn't really any new information, it was a really nice refresher. The chapters were pretty short, so I felt like I was making progress every time I picked up this book to read some. I like the idea of "eating the frog" first.

    A few years ago, I mentioned this book (based only on what I read about it on Amazon or Barnes & Noble's website) during a short talk I gave at t Junior League board meeting about time management. I remember that the "eat the frog" part made several people chuckle. Now I wish I'd read the book beforehand, especially since I know now that it was a pretty quick read.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Surprisingly non-awful. The closest thing to a motivational self-help book I want to read. Lots of good practical ideas, and it's short.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I got to say when i looked as this very small book i was worried that was useless. But actually i read it in one hour and really liked the concise information. It is really a very good little book on ideas to help with procrastination
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This is a concise and enjoyable set of personal success aphorisms oriented around the themes of time management and taking initiative. Tracy's overall point is that successful people get there bit by bit, by acting daily on the most important steps, and by getting rid of the mental and schedule clutter that aren't as important.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    The book has much good advice, but only when looked at from a high level: don’t procrastinate; don’t perform meaningless tasks, take a long-term view of your life. Tracy get to applying this very common wisdom he reveals his flawed biases. He claims, for example, his system is equally applicable to both professional and private life, when it’s really only helpful to people who work in white collar corporate settings. Here’s his problem: He believes that everyone has the ability to choose what they want to do next, and the problem with most people’s lives is that they routinely choose to perform low-value tasks like responding to emails instead of eating that frog and getting the biggest, ugliest, most high-value task out of the way first thing. Makes sense.This is, however, only helpful to people, like me, whose jobs are filled with so many meaningless tasks that I have the freedom to choose what I want to do next. I can routinely put off eating frogs and although I won’t get ahead in my profession, I won’t necessarily lose my job, either. If I had a real job (e.g., doctor, teacher, car mechanic, homemaker) I wouldn’t have the luxury of choosing what task I do next. Their client dictates it (e.g., I promised to fix their car, the sick person needs comfort, the baby’s diaper needs to be changed). People who have real jobs must routinely submit themselves to the actual needs of others, and have objective standards of performance they must live up to. People with real jobs don’t have the luxury to choose to eat that frog, because their clients constantly give them frogs throughout their workdays. (btw, preparing a spreadsheet or presentation for your boss is not submitting to someone’s needs nor does it have objective quality standards.)Debilitating procrastination only exists when your life is filled with a bunch of meaningless stuff to do. Since most of our white collar jobs are meaningless, this book is great for most people. But even there, encouraging people to master their sinking ships well isn’t really wise advice. In general, people don’t need to eat that frog every day, they need to find jobs where there’s nothing but frogs to eat.The details of his advice shouldn’t be helpful for your family life either since putting your own aspirations and desires first is not the way to live fully in personal relationships. Rather our lives should be directed through submission to the needs of others who come to us in need. (Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.)
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Well written but heard it all before. Short so a good refresher.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Read for a workshop. Didn't particularly find any new ideas, but they were certainly presented in a memorable way.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    A great simple book that summarizes what you need to do to be productive and successful.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    The basic premise of this book is that you take the least favourite task you have to do in a given day and do it first thing. Get it over with. Quite good advice if you can follow it. There's more similar advice in this book on goal setting, achieving objectives and so on, but it does all feel a bit unoriginal.