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Sun Tzu: The Art of War: A philosophical treatise on military strategy
Sun Tzu: The Art of War: A philosophical treatise on military strategy
Sun Tzu: The Art of War: A philosophical treatise on military strategy
Hörbuch1 Stunde

Sun Tzu: The Art of War: A philosophical treatise on military strategy

Geschrieben von Sun Tzu und Jürgen Fritsche

Erzählt von Jürgen Fritsche

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


Über dieses Hörbuch

"The Art of War" may be an old book, but there is a reason why it is still considered a must-read for today's business warriors. Sun Tzu uses short, powerful sentences to drive home his point - and his observations on military strategy are as impressive today as they were in the past!
Erscheinungsdatum31. Dez. 2020
Sun Tzu: The Art of War: A philosophical treatise on military strategy

Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu, also known as Sun Wu or Sunzi, was an ancient Chinese military strategist believed to be the author of the acclaimed military text, The Art of War. Details about Sun Tzu’s background and life are uncertain, although he is believed to have lived c. 544-496 BCE. Through The Art of War, Sun Tzu’s theories and strategies have influenced military leaders and campaigns throughout time, including the samurai of ancient and early-modern Japan, and more recently Ho Chi Minh of the Viet Cong and American generals Norman Swarzkopf, Jr. and Colin Powell during the Persian Gulf War in the 1990s.

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