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The Best Bedtime Book (German): A rhyme for children's bedtime
eBook-Reihen1 Titel

German Children Books about Life and Behavior

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Über diese Serie

Halloween Vegetable Horror children's book creates a dynamically comical reading experience that addresses history and health of Halloween. Address a widely common issue of how to teach kids about Halloween.

1.     Pages: 40

2.     Series number: 11

HerausgeberTGJS Publishing
Erscheinungsdatum1. Jan. 2021
The Best Bedtime Book (German): A rhyme for children's bedtime

Titel in dieser Serie (1)

  • The Best Bedtime Book (German): A rhyme for children's bedtime


    The Best Bedtime Book (German): A rhyme for children's bedtime
    The Best Bedtime Book (German): A rhyme for children's bedtime

    The Best Bedtime Book brings children comfort with the truth of God, salvation, and Heaven to sleep peacefully. The rhyme for children's bedtime reads with a simple, soothing tone with profound truths making it a memorable and enjoyable repetition. Let children sleep to the truths of life, even eternal life, guid



Patsy Stanley is an artist, illustrator and author and a mother, grandmother and great grandmother. She has authored both nonfiction and fiction books including novels, children's books, energy books, art books, and more. She can reached at:patsystanley123@gmail.com for questions and comments.

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