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Kirche und Synagoge: Ein lutherisches Votum
Kirche und Synagoge: Ein lutherisches Votum
Kirche und Synagoge: Ein lutherisches Votum
eBook378 Seiten14 Stunden

Kirche und Synagoge: Ein lutherisches Votum

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The authors of this volume follow the tracks of the darker side of the Reformation and study the relationship with Judaism based on Lutheran theology and on a sense of "dignity of difference" (Jonathan Sacks).To the present day Luther´s antisemitic polemics have proved to be a burden to the Lutheran Churches. In the media his writings have not been repelled but rather taken up. That is reason enough for members of the Protestant-Lutheran Churches to break with some of the basics of their own church and seek solutions for facing this problem. The authors of this collection point out the positive consideration given modern Judaism in Protestant teachings as a near cousin to its own foundations, particularly at the point at which it would appear to be most difficult to sustain: in dogmatics.
Erscheinungsdatum18. Jan. 2012
Kirche und Synagoge: Ein lutherisches Votum

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