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La Cumparsita - String Quartet parts and score: Tango
La Cumparsita - String Quartet parts and score: Tango
La Cumparsita - String Quartet parts and score: Tango
eBook23 Seiten

La Cumparsita - String Quartet parts and score: Tango

Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

This arrangement of "La Cumparsita" is designed for intermediate-level string quartets and captures the spirit and essence of the iconic Argentine tango. The piece is arranged for two violins, viola, and cello, and is suitable for a wide range of performances, from concerts to weddings to background music for events.The arrangement is crafted with great care, with attention paid to the unique rhythms, harmonies, and melodies that make "La Cumparsita" such a beloved piece of music. Whether you are an experienced quartet looking for a new challenge or a group of intermediate-level musicians eager to explore the beauty and passion of Argentine tango, this arrangement is sure to delight and inspire.

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Erscheinungsdatum23. Juni 2023
La Cumparsita - String Quartet parts and score: Tango

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Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen

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    La Cumparsita - String Quartet parts and score - Gerardo Matos Rodríguez

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