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Batman & Robin - Batman Reborn
Batman & Robin - Batman Reborn
Batman & Robin - Batman Reborn
eBook154 Seiten29 Minuten

Batman & Robin - Batman Reborn

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Bruce Waynes Nachfolger als Batman tritt seinen Dienst an, und er ist nicht allein! Begleitet das frischgebackene Dynamische Duo im fliegenden Batmobil auf Gothams Straßen! Werdet Zeuge der Geburt eines Schurken, der selbst gestandene Helden erschauern lässt: Vorhang auf für Professor Pyg! Im Einsatz gegen den Zirkus des Bizarren müssen Batman und Robin feststellen, dass sie als Team noch eine ganze Menge zu lernen haben. Nicht nur ein geheimnisvoller Domino-Mörder kommt ihnen in die Quere, sondern auch alte Bekannte wie Red Hood Gieren nach Vergeltung… Dieser Band enthält Batman & Robin 1 – 6, geschrieben von Bat-Genie Grant Morrison (BATMAN, ALLSTAR SUPERMAN) und mit Zeichnungen von Frank Quitely (BATMAN, ALL-STAR SUPERMAN) und Philip Tan (SPAWN: GODSLAYER, GREEN LANTERN).
Erscheinungsdatum30. Nov. 2021
Batman & Robin - Batman Reborn

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Bewertung: 3.827067660150376 von 5 Sternen

133 Bewertungen6 Rezensionen

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Honestly I'm going to try to never think of the plot ever again. It was both disturbing and quite disgusting. It involved a lot of disfigurement as well. Ew.So, moving on. I loved the art. And Dick Grayson as the New Batman and Damian, Batman's genetic son, as the new Robin, was interesting and different, then the other incarnations.Also while I loved the art for the most part, I did not like the new bat-mobile which is just ugly and weird looking.A good few issues, but not great ones.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I like some of the new (or new-ish) villains we get here, like Professor Pyg, and Edwardo Flaminco, and I really like Dick Grayson as Batman. However, I don't like Damien Wayne as Robin - his behavior is like that of a super-villain. Admittedly he was raised by super-villains (the League of Assassins) but that doesn't make it better. I also don't exactly like Jason Todd as he's used here. He's an enjoyable villain, and I kind of like him as trying to turn himself into an "alternative brand" for Batman - but the bits where he's concerned about his appearance *under the mask* are just dumb.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This reboot is not only for regular readers of the monthly Bat titles, but also for casual fans of the Bat. It's quite good, and in the Morrison/Quitely tradition, often gruesome.There are villains aplenty, like Pyg and the Flamingo, and a new antihero, the Red Hood. The first trade paperback collects issues 1 to 6, but doesn't resolve everything. I look forward to the rest of the series; so far it's a wild ride.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Enjoyed this a lot more than a thoguht I would. It made Batman feel fresh. I like Rochard Grayson as Batman, and I'm glad he's not going to be giving up the cowl anytime soon.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Batman is dead, killed in the Final Crisis series, and Dick Grayson has claimed the mantle of Batman, with Bruce Wayne's 10-year-old son Damian at his side, however reluctantly. The main appeal of the book is the developing relationship between Dick and a rebellious, often openly contemptuous Damian, as they try to impress upon Gotham that Batman is back. Along the way, they encounter a reborn Jason Todd as the Red Hood, now a lethal vigilante taking Batman's work to new extremes. Interesting storyline, decent art. It'll be interesting to see where things go before Bruce Wayne's inevitable return.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Dick Grayson and Damian Wayne as Robin is a great combination. It brings back some of the Batman and Robin from my childhood, while updating it to give us stuff like a flying batmobile. The stories are too fast, but I think comics where meant to be read on a month-to-month basis not all at one like this.


Batman & Robin - Batman Reborn - Grant Morrison

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