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Batman: Arkham City, Band 1
Batman: Arkham City, Band 1
Batman: Arkham City, Band 1
eBook114 Seiten29 Minuten

Batman: Arkham City, Band 1

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Mit Batman: Arkham Asylum entstand nach Vorlagen von Paul Dini und Carlos D'Anda das wohl bisher beste Batman-Spiel aller Zeiten, das es sogar ins Guinnessbuch schaffte. Dasselbe kreative Duo zeichnet sich nun auch für den Comic Arkham City verantwortlich, der die erzählerische Brücke zwischen dem gleichnamigen Nachfolgerspiel und dem vielumjubelten Erstlingswerk darstellt. Darin bekommt es der Dunkle Ritter mit Hugo Strange und einer ganzen Stadt voller gefährlicher Irrer zu tun!
Erscheinungsdatum28. Jan. 2020
Batman: Arkham City, Band 1

Paul Dini

Paul Dini is best known as a producer and writer for series including Batman: The Animated Series, The New Batman/Superman Adventures, and Batman Beyond. He contributed scripts to Transformers and Animaniacs, and wrote and story edited for the adventure series Lost. He’s written for DC Comics titles including Harley Quinn and the graphic novel Dark Night: A True Batman Story. He’s won five Emmys, the Eisner, Harvey, and Annie awards.

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Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    If you loved the video game Arkham Asylum and are looking forward to new game, Arkham City, this book is a must read! Even if you already played Arkham City this book patches the first game to the second. In other words, this is the story of what happens in between the first game and the second game.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Okay, so most of the time I was reading this I thought this was based on the Batman: Arkham City video game, but, then I realized on the cover it says it's the lead in to the video game and that made a whole lot of the TPB make a lot more sense.Basically the mayor (although he's getting his strings pulled by another person) sets up a walled in part of Gotham City, and wants to put all the criminals from Blackgate Prison as well as Arkham Asylum in there, and then let them 'roam free'. Yep. Where could that go wrong? The comic sorta felt like a lite version of the gigantic No Man's Land story line from years ago.Catwoman is in it, as well as Poison Ivy, Joker, and well, I think it was Robin, but more of a 'Doom Sarge' sorta Robin then a Tim, Dick, or Jason sorta Robin. That confused me, perhaps I need to actually play the game (but probably won't).


Batman - Paul Dini

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