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Batman & Robin - Batman vs. Robin
Batman & Robin - Batman vs. Robin
Batman & Robin - Batman vs. Robin
eBook154 Seiten33 Minuten

Batman & Robin - Batman vs. Robin

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Das nächste aufregende Kapitel um das brandneue Dynamische Duo, in Szene gesetzt von Künstlern wie Cameron Stewart und Andy Clarke! Grant Morrison schickt Dick Grayson alias Batman und Damian Wayne alias Robin auf die Suche nach den Hintergründen um das Ableben ihres Mentors Bruce Wayne! Ergibt sich dabei vielleicht sogar eine Gelegenheit zu dessen Wiederbelebung…?
Erscheinungsdatum30. Nov. 2021
Batman & Robin - Batman vs. Robin

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Rezensionen für Batman & Robin - Batman vs. Robin

Bewertung: 4.019230797435897 von 5 Sternen

78 Bewertungen4 Rezensionen

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    An interesting collection of issues. From the Batman entry in the Blackest Night series (the heroes as zombies comic story line) to a good ole Batman mystery and Robin nearly killing Batman.In it we get to take a walk down the Wayne family ancestors too, and there's a nice crazy daughter of Ra's Al Ghul story too. A lot is going on, but it doesn't seem too busy when you're reading it.The art was alright, but it wasn't the best part of the TPB, that was the story lines. Four stars for those.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The cover and the title of this collection is decieving. Its not really Batman Vs. Robin, thankfully. A few times they get seperated and the image shown on the cover is actually when Robin was under a spell. Jason Todd makes an amazing return as the Red Hood (I learend later this actually had happened earlier in the DC Universe I just didn't know it). The story is great and makes a lot sense. AGain, it goes to quick and transitions aren't great, reminding me that comics are best read in a monthly series format. Batman is dead, long live Batman!
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    As Damian (the new Robin) mends from his spinal injury, the acting Batman (Dick Grayson) is in England, where he attempts to revivify the original Batman with a Lazarus pit. Things go awry, and the action returns to Wayne Manor, where Dick finds clues that Batman was not killed, but sent to the past where he has left clues to his whereabouts (whenabouts?). Damian finds to his dismay that his mother, Talia, has used his recuperation to use biofeedback devices to seize control of his body and attempt to kill Dick Grayson (for a start). This, of course, leads to some awkwardness between mother and son. It does force Damian to declare his loyalty to the cause he now fights for, which is a refreshing change in the little brat. Sometimes entertaining, but this is a bit of a convoluted mess of a storyline.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Oooh, what a cliffhanger!


Batman & Robin - Batman vs. Robin - Grant Morrison

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