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Bibelkunde des Neuen Testaments
Bibelkunde des Neuen Testaments
Bibelkunde des Neuen Testaments
eBook101 Seiten2 Stunden

Bibelkunde des Neuen Testaments

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

This Bible study book is based on an innovative approach that aims to present the content of each book of the New Testament with the help of structural tables & revealing the way in which the Bible texts are structured, the lines of argumentation and the main topics discussed by the New Testament authors. The tabular presentation provides students & even those studying on their own & with a memorizing system that they can also use to classify and memorize what they have learned through their own reading. This avoids time-consuming retelling of the content. The tables are followed by additional brief explanations that are indispensable for biblical knowledge. In this revised second edition, the explanatory discussions have been redesigned and expanded. Tips for students and teachers on how to approach the individual New Testament scriptures have also been added.
Erscheinungsdatum13. Mai 2020
Bibelkunde des Neuen Testaments

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    Bibelkunde des Neuen Testaments - Peter Wick

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