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Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Staffel 8, Band 2: Wie tötet man eine Jägerin?
Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Staffel 8, Band 2: Wie tötet man eine Jägerin?
Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Staffel 8, Band 2: Wie tötet man eine Jägerin?
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Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Staffel 8, Band 2: Wie tötet man eine Jägerin?

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Buffy und Xander versuchen aus den neuen Jägerinnen eine schlagkräftige Organisation zu formen was einige Schwierigkeiten birgt. Zudem hat noch niemand eine richtige Idee, wie man Dawns echt großes Problem in den Griff bekommen könnte - und ein 20 Meter großer Teenager ist eindeutig der Albtraum jedes Erziehungsberechtigten Derweil verfolgt Giles, unbemerkt von allen, eigene Pläne: Es geht um Faith und die Frage: "Wie tötet man eine Jägerin?"!
Erscheinungsdatum15. März 2014
Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Staffel 8, Band 2: Wie tötet man eine Jägerin?

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I feel about 13 reading it, but I will stay up until done (luckily flashlights are no longer required).
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I love Faith, so this was a most excellent read. Also! Sneak appearance by THE MAYOR! omg he's maybe my favorite bad guy in the whole Buffy canon. Five stars for polite murderous fiends.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    For me Buffy is the original urban fantasy and my favorite, and Joss Whedon is my favorite writer, Brian K Vaughan author of the awesome "Saga" fills Josh's shoes in this volume seemlessly, the story is heating up and the characters are spot on.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I'm enjoying this continuation of the Buffy-verse, silly as it is.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Giving us an idea of where Faith goes and what she does after "Sunny D went from being an outie to an innie," No Future for You is the second volume of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season 8. The concept/plot was quite excellent, and quite a bit more dark than anything Whedon would have been able to get away with on prime time network television. The dialogue is spot-on and one can actually hear the characters speaking their lines.The artwork is much better than the previous volume; I had no trouble identifying who the individuals were supposed to be. Kudos to the idea of putting a yellow submarine on Giles' sweater.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Summary: In the four-issue story arc "No Future for You", we catch up with everyone's other favorite slayer, Faith. She's been holding down the fort in Cleveland when Giles summons her for a secret mission. There's a Slayer - who also happens to be a British noble - who has gone rogue, and who better to take her out than someone who's a rehabilitated rogue Slayer herself? But, as much as Faith is used to doing the dirty work, there are aspects of this assignment for which she can never be ready. In the one-off issue "Anywhere but Here", we find out more about the motivations of Twilight, this season's Big Bad; Dawn's ex-boyfriend Kenny the Thricewise; and what's been going on with Willow and Kennedy since the end of season 7.Review: I thought this was better than volume 1, although your reaction will probably vary proportionally with how much you like Faith. After re-watching Buffy and watching Angel, Faith has emerged as one of my favorite characters, which made an entire story arc featuring her right up my alley. The bad girl exterior has been done before, but her interior conflicts and darkness and hunt for redemption just make her so interesting - maybe even more so than Buffy. (She's also much less prone to both whining and speechifying, which are two big pluses in my book.) This story puts all of her history and all of her inner (metaphorical and literal) demons in the spotlight, and it's fascinating watching that play out. Add to that the reappearance of Dark-Past-"Ripper"-Giles, which is my favorite flavor of Giles, and I'm a happy girl. Everything I praised about volume 1 - how it still looks, and sounds, and is structured - exactly like the TV show is still true in the second volume, and as the story spreads out and starts to pick up speed, I can't wait to see where it's going to go from here. 4 out of 5 stars.Recommendation: Buffy fans should definitely be reading this series, which really is getting better as it goes.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    These are just fun in the way that only Joss Whedon can deliver. I enjoyed Faith's return in this, as well as her growing relationship with Giles.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I think I may be getting the hang of reading graphic novels. Either that, or this second one was written better than the first. It's still not my favorite format, that's for sure. I will continue with the series though (how could I not - it's Buffy)! ;)
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Faith and Giles work together to stop a high born British slayer and her Irish warlock from killing Buffy in this second installment in the Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season Eight series. These characters are two of my favorites. Putting together the Rouge Slayer and the Watcher was a great idea. They are total opposites so the story becomes part My Fair Lady and part The Avengers.There is a “one shot” story at the end of No Future For You called Anywhere But Here. In this story we learn why we haven’t seen Willow’s girlfriend Kennedy and why Dawn is gigantic. A lot of subplot is covered in a few pages and helps to advance the action to the next story arc.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    After learning that the US military -- Twilight -- has it out for Slayers, Buffy recruits Willow to secure the Slayer training facility. Meanwhile, Faith has been working in Cleaveland, monitoring the Hellmouth there. Giles offers her a chance to flee her "second-rate life" -- but, she must kill another Slayer. The two travel to England, where Twilight has convinced a "poor-little rich girl" of a Slayer that she must kill Buffy. Faith, who is struggling with her memories of her time with the Mayor, and who is still somewhat ambivlent towards Buffy, warms to the girl. However, when Buffy is summoned for a fight, Faith's presence only leads to more misunderstandings between the two. Also included in this volume is "Anywhere But Here" a stand alone story that expands on the Buffy/Willow dynamic. I'll be honest, Faith annoys me. I was not thrilled that she was the focus of this volume. However, Vaughn is a master storyteller, and he manages to give Faith more depth and subtley than I would have thought possible. The interplay between Faith and Giles is superb, as are the subtle reminders of Giles' own reckless youth. While the denoument of this arc felt a little rushed, the resolution was satisfing, and set up the future of the pairing nicely. The standalone story is equally good, and explains some of the loose ends from the series to comic transition.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Whoaaa. So much worse than the first one, what happened? The only story I actually enjoyed was, surprise, Dawn's, of all peoples, and even there we got basically nothing. I said for the first one that it was just "how much skin can they show", but WHOA, did they push it further this time, to the point of disturbingness. I'm sorry, I'm not reading these for that, or for the action, I'm looking so very hard for plot and I can't find any. This is so unreal. Faith is with Giles all of a sudden, and Buffy is not. Willow is horribly un-Willow, Buffy barely has a role, Xander and Dawn are the only ones with a good story but it's not being told. There's nothing interesting happening. I kind of hate this. I want my old Buffy back!
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Oh, this just gets better and better! Faith and Giles, Buffy and Willow, even Dawn, everyone is living in the grey bit of the right/wrong spectrum.The big story in this collection follows Faith - unsurprisingly the destruction of Sunnydale didn't wipe her slate clean. Before she falls into the role of garbage collector, taking the jobs that are too nasty for the new slayer brigade, Faith has to decide what she believes in and who she will be in this new world of war. Awesome!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Giles recruits Faith to take out a rogue Slayer.The first collection got me very, very excited about where the series could go. This one has practically got me bouncing off the walls! It was damned good.This second "episode" of Season Eight takes us away from Buffy et al, shifting the focus to Faith. (Don't worry; her story does tie into theirs, and there are periodic pit stops with the crew in Scotland). Vaughan is uber aware of what Faith has been through, and he works it all in. There's tons of character development amidst the gorgeously depicted action sequences we've all come to expect from this series. The reader gets a real feel for how Faith's past has affected her, and one can see where she might be headed from here. Giles, too, is depicted with a great deal of insight and understanding. The two of them shine off the page and turn a fairly standard plot into something really special.And of course, everything ties into the overarching plot with this season's Big Bad, Twilight. (An intentional jab at Stephenie Meyer? Hmmm...) The stand-aloneish story at the end of the volume also gave us a bit more of a peek at what's been going on with these characters over the past year, even as it hands us some more clues to the mystery. Momentum is building very nicely. I likes.Highly recommended to Buffy fans, but read the first volume, um, first. And watch the TV show before that.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    yess! it just gets better as you go along. read if you like vaughan and/or the runaways, buffy the series, angel, all the scoobies, etc. and i loved buffy's little surprise in what issue was it, 12? indeed.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    After reading the first in this series, I wasn't going to progress. However, I am a Buffy addict and decided to continue and hope that it would make more sense. Loved this addition to the series and REALLY looking forward to the next. Artwork is beautiful , storyline makes sense, and characters are true to the series!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Season 8 of Buffy continues, and we see Faith and Giles for the first time in this season. Giles asks Faith to go after a rogue slayer who's been killing other slayers, and the prize for Faith is a passport and new identity. Things aren't so easy though, and perhaps the grass is greener on the other side, along with the estate and money. We also get some more information on what happened to Dawn, why Willow is hiding Kennedy, what's happening to change reality this time, and our first sighting of Twilight.If you were a fan of the show, and haven't been following the comic, pick them up.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Here we have the second collection of Buffy Season 8. This one contains issues 6-10, including the storyline "No Future For You" and single-issue story "Anywhere But Here." An excellent follow-up to the first.In "No Future For You," Giles and Faith deal with one of the new Slayers not keen to play by Buffy's rules (in fact, she wants her dead). I like how this story sets up that not all the Slayers are going to be playing for Team Scooby. Also, it's good to have Faith back in the mix, and teaming her with Giles is an excellent move.The whole story moves along, more dealing with the mysterious Twilight (who we actually get to see, though he's in costume) and a bit of a premonition set up in "Anywhere But Here." Like I said, another excellent series of reads.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Any fan of Buffy, or detractor actually, cannot miss the fact that all of the characters can be quite whiny. Now, while Buffy wasn't my favorite show, I did enjoy it overall, but, when everyone got all emo, it definitely got less fun. This volume is like one of those series of episodes. There are a couple of funny moments, but mostly it's complaining and sadness.

    Buffy and Faith are doing their usual battle over who's more alone (a pretty easy win for Faith I should think). Of course, Faith also, when feeling alone, thinks back on the only time she felt loved, which would be when she was working with Mr. Creeper-Face Mayor. She won't take Robin's calls, even though he's all interested, but she desperately wants a friend. Okay, whatever Faith.

    Willow's doing the "I miss my dead ex girlfriend" waltz, disguised as an "I am protecting my current girlfriend by keeping her from my friends" foxtrot. Not buying it, Willow. Dawn, as always, is whining, because she's still a giant who made imprudent sexual decisions. From what I here, she's got more coming, although that will be logistically difficult until she gets de-gianted.

    This volume wasn't bad exactly, but it was doing a lot of setup. There are only eight volumes in the season, which will be over really quickly, so it's just frustrating to read through all the background. Still, I am totally ready for volume 3.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    FAITH! I loved her storyline. The Giles-ness of it was an added bonus.

    TOTALLY IRRELEVANT: some kid (I assume) drew ALL OVER this volume. I've never encountered this sort of stupidity in a library book before: at the beginning of the volume, the "artist" just lightly drew over already existing lines that indicated cleavage, but by the end of it s/he was adding nonsensical BOOBS!-related lines, adding nipples, etc. It was ridiculous. One of the hazards of borrowing library books -- better than finding food stuck between the pages, I guess.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Buffy and the gang are back in the continuation of Series 8. Faith is employed by Giles to go after a rogue Slayer, one who is abusing her powers and hell bent on killing Buffy and taking charge of all the new Slayers. She has the help of a magician working for Twilight. To do this Faith must infiltrate her life and as she is part of the British aristocracy Faith must learn how to conduct herself in high society. A new ball gown is in order as well as etiquette lessons from Giles. Looks like he has his work cut out for him...Buffy and Willow go on their own quest against Twilight. They seek advice from a demon who shows them some of the lies they have been telling each other and themselves. Seems the Slayers have been getting money from an "annoymous" benefactor and Willow is shocked to learn the truth. The relationship between Willow and Kennedy is also explored further.A fun addition to the series, I really like Faith and always thought she got a rough deal with everyone loving Buffy best. I will be interested to see how her storyline intertwines with Buffy's who has major reasons for not trusting her (and vice versa, there was the stabbing incident after all).
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This second collection of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 starts with writing from Brian Vaughan, instead of Joss Whedon. I was worried the humor found in Book 1 would be lost. I like Vaughan's Y: The Last Man, but the humor, when it exists, was nothing like Buffy. To Vaughan's credit, however, there is no noticeable drop-off in writing quality. The story continues to develop nicely and the art is working nicely. Another good volume of Buffy Season 8.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Read on December 25, 2016Faith! And Giles! Working together?! This big bad must be nutso if he WANTS to rekindle the Buffy/Faith hate-fest. Poor Lady Genevieve for getting caught in the middle of it all. But that last bit at the end with Willow and Buffy. Huh? Willow relived the past? She changed the last? Or the future? I don't understand what that was about.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Not usually a Faith fan, but so glad to have Giles back. Enjoyed it more than the first collection.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I had mixed feelings on the first volume of Season 8. I'm a huge Buffy fan, and rewatched all its episodes (and that of Angel) before tackling these. But so far--and I've looked through the first four volumes--these just can't match the television series--they're no more than OK for me. This volume though happens to be my favorite of the lot so far.It's no accident it's a volume that heavily features Faith, one of my favorite Buffy characters--not just for what she brought to the show, but the reactions she sparked in others. Whenever Faith appeared on Buffy or Angel, I thought she always brought the show up a notch. The same is true of the comics, even though the Faith portion isn't scripted by Whedon, but by Brian K. Vaughan. Unfortunately we still have Georges Jeanty credited with the illustrations, and I'm still not in love with his artistry--his figures to me look crude, out of proportion, and the characters not always immediately recognizable--except Buffy is blonde, Willow a redhead in Ren Fair garb and Xander has that winning eye patch. Pity cover artist Jo Chen didn't do the panels as well. Her art really pops. This volume features Giles as well, and since he was a favorite of mine among the regulars from the first, it was a pleasure to see him featured. I liked how this used his past as "Ripper." And I quite enjoyed their Slayer adversary--Lady Genevieve Savidge. The volume did included one element I didn't relish. It's revealed Buffy financed the activities of the Slayers by turning jewel thief--and this in a portion scripted by Whedon. And she sees it as a "victimless" crime--hey, the insurance will pay for it. I was disappointed with both Buffy and Whedon for taking that lightly.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Nice seeing what Faith has been up to and cool having Giles come in to get her involved in the fray leading up to the next big 'end of the world' baddie :) Enjoying this trip through Season 8!
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    It's not very exciting; this is the sort of story they might have done on the TV show. It takes the time it needs to tell the story, though, which is reassuring after the frantic pacing of the first book.


Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Staffel 8, Band 2 - Joss Whedon

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