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Revival 1: Unter Freunden
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Revival 1: Unter Freunden
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Revival 1: Unter Freunden
eBook128 Seiten39 Minuten

Revival 1: Unter Freunden

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Die hochgelobte neue Comicserie von Tim Seeley findet bei Cross Cult ihr Zuhause!

In Tim Seeleys neustem Streich trifft Film Noir auf eine multikulturelle US-Kleinstadt und die Toten bleiben nicht lange unter der Erde! Sie kehren zu den Lebenden zurück, aber nicht als menschenfressende Zombies, sondern so, wie man sie vor ihrem Ableben kannte, wenn auch mit leichten bösartigen Ticks ... Als "Revivers" versetzen sie die Bürger der Kleinstadt Wausau im ländlichen Wisconsin schnell in Panik, denn was soll man mit seinen Liebsten anfangen, die eigentlich tot sein sollten? Und wer ist überhaupt tot und wer wirklich "lebendig"? Während die Stadt unter Quarantäne gesetzt und von skandalgeilen Medien und religiösen Fanatikern belagert wird, versuchen die Polizistin Dana Cypress und ihre Schwester Em hinter das Geheimnis zu kommen, was es mit den Wiedergekehrten auf sich hat …

Gemeinsam mit Comiczeichner Mike Norton ist dem HACK/SLASH-Erfinder Tim Seeley erneut eine Comicstory mit der perfekten Mischung aus klassischen Genreelementen und intelligentem Suspense gelungen. Dana Cypress erinnert als Ermittlerin fürs Rothschild Police Departement, die im winterlichen schneebedeckten Wisconsin in einem Dickicht von Rätseln umherstolpert, an den schwangeren Sheriff Marge (gespielt von Frances McDorman) aus dem Kultfilm FARGO der Coen-Brüder. Und in seinem Vorwort zum ersten Band erklärt der kanadische Comiczeichner Jeff Lemire (u.a. ESSEX COUNTY) auch REVIVAL bereits zum Kult.
HerausgeberCross Cult
Erscheinungsdatum11. Apr. 2016
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Revival 1: Unter Freunden

Tim Seeley

Tim Seeley is an American comic book artist and writer known for his work on books such as Grayson, Nightwing, and New Exiles. He is also the co-creator of the Image Comics titles Hack/Slash and Revival. He lives in Chicago, Illinois.

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Bewertung: 3.875 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    *Book source ~ LibraryWausau, Wisconsin is ground zero for Revival Day. No one has any idea why the dead have come back to life and continued on their business like nothing happened. The county is in lockdown while the CDC checks to see if it’s contagious and Officer Dana Cypress, daughter to the Sheriff, has been put in charge of the R.C.A.T. (The Revitalized Citizen Arbitration Team) and she’ll be working with the CDC liaison, Ibrahaim Ramin. Between people getting an extreme case of cabin fever and nutcases wanting in to be healed by the Revivers, the police resources are stretched beyond thin. The last thing Dana needs is her little sister coming home from college with a secret. She begs Dana not to tell their dad she’s a Reviver and asks for Dana’s help in finding who murdered her. Can this situation get any worse? Don’t ask.Great concept and I love the artwork. But there’s so much going on that I was kinda lost a lot of time. There are so many people tossed around that it’s confusing. Plus, I thought Em, Dana’s little sister, was gonna be kinda cool, but I actually can’t stand her. I have book 2, so I’ll continue on, but I’m not overly impressed with the story so far.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Was recommended to me - very enjoyable,I've not read his work before. Will continue the series.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I really enjoyed the first volume of this series and am excited to see where it goes. Especially, looking forward to the Chew / Revival collaboration in May.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Read on August 09, 2014 This was far scarier than I expected and the mystery was so well set-up! I have no idea what's going on and I can't wait to find out.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    In a rural Wisconsin town, the dead have returned to life. Not as zombies, but as pretty much how they were before death. At least physically (the details of this are as yet unclear; they heal from new wounds, and one of them regrows the teeth she’d lost before death, but another still bears the scars of the attack that killed her). The whole area is quarantined until the government can figure out what happened and whether there’s any danger of it spreading. A young member of the sheriff’s department, whose murdered sister was one of the revivees, is put on the squad dealing with returnee-related crimes; so far it’s not going well. Intriguing setup, and I’m really glad they weren’t zombies.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    In Wausau, Wisconsin, the dead just won't stay dead. Not surprising, the residents of Wausau are a bit discomfited when their dearly departed loved ones comes strolling home. The thing is, they're not zombies exactly, they walk and talk pretty much like they used to but, well, death seems to have given them a whole new attitude.Juxtaposing the violence of the newly awaken dead against the backdrop of a sleepy midwestern hamlet is not new. However, writer Tom Seeley and illustrator Mike Norton seem to have taken this scenario and made it their own. The story seems to swing between peaceful rural life to extreme violence at the drop of a shroud. There is no setup, no pretty coeds cringing in the dark letting us know what to expect, no ominous shadows warning the townsfolk and the reader that danger is near. Instead, there is just sweet, dead grampa sitting comfortably and quietly on the couch with no hint of the violence awaiting the family upstairs. This is the first volume of the series. It bring together volumes 1 - 6 of the comic in this graphic novel and it raises more questions than it answers. We don't find out why the dead are rising or why it is happening in this cozy little town in mid-America. It is really just a small taste of the story but, oh, what a taste! I read it from cover to cover without pause. The story is smart and the illustrations are gorgeous. My one complaint - it ends on a cliffhanger leaving so much unanswered - but, you know what, that's okay. Too often, I find that the endings of graphic novels seem to be rushed because of page limitations. In the case of Revival, the story is much too good to be told in a single volume.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Just when you think there's nothing original to be done with the zombie trope, along comes this comic book. Well, I shouldn't really mention the "z"-word, because while the dead have come alive again (in a rural village in Wisconsin), they're not zombies. But they're also not the people they used to be, and every now and then it becomes clear that something sinister came along with the revived dead.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This is one of those comics I kept hearing about, but never got around to trying. I love his comic Hack/Slash so had to try this. I am happy I did. I definitely will be reading more.