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The First Christmas Children's Book (German): Remembering the World's Greatest Birthday
The First Christmas Children's Book (German): Remembering the World's Greatest Birthday
The First Christmas Children's Book (German): Remembering the World's Greatest Birthday
Hörbuch21 Minuten

The First Christmas Children's Book (German): Remembering the World's Greatest Birthday

Geschrieben von Mr. Nate Gunter

Erzählt von Adam Müller

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


Über dieses Hörbuch

The First Christmas Children’s Book (German) provides an annual Christmas storytelling tradition of the greatest birthday in history – the birth of Jesus! A memorable storyline that intertwines a family experience with biblical and historical truths. You now have a fun and helpful resource for when asking, “How do I introduce my children to Christmas?”


How do I introduce my kids and family to the Christmas story of Jesus? How do I know which Bible verses to read? How do I explain the Bible passages and story of Jesus? How do I include children in the Christmas story time? How do I start a helpful discussion of what Christmas is all about? These great questions from grandparents, relatives, parents, pastors, and teachers arise from the annual opportunity to read about and explain Christmas – the birth of Jesus. The greatest birthday in history is the reason for the annual Christmas season.

HerausgeberTGJS Publishing
Erscheinungsdatum12. Dez. 2022

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