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Klassiker to Go: Jack London - Wolfsblut / Die Goldschlucht / Eine Odysee des Nordens (Ungekürzt)
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Klassiker to Go: Jack London - Wolfsblut / Die Goldschlucht / Eine Odysee des Nordens (Ungekürzt)
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Klassiker to Go: Jack London - Wolfsblut / Die Goldschlucht / Eine Odysee des Nordens (Ungekürzt)
Hörbuch6 Stunden

Klassiker to Go: Jack London - Wolfsblut / Die Goldschlucht / Eine Odysee des Nordens (Ungekürzt)

Geschrieben von Jack London

Erzählt von Charles Wirths, Fred C Siebeck und Jörg Adae

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Über dieses Hörbuch

Drei Klassiker des Abenteurers Jack London Wolfsblut ist Londons berühmter Roman über das Leben eines Wolfshunds, der in der Wildnis Alaskas aufwächst und in die Abhängigkeit verschiedener Menschen gerät. Die Goldschlucht erzählt eine fesselnde und nachdenklich stimmende Goldgräbergeschichte. In Eine Odyssee des Nordens versucht ein Indianerhäuptling, auf abenteuerlichen Irrfahrten seine von Weißen geraubte Frau wiederzufinden.
Erscheinungsdatum27. Okt. 2014
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Klassiker to Go: Jack London - Wolfsblut / Die Goldschlucht / Eine Odysee des Nordens (Ungekürzt)

Jack London

Jack London (1876-1916) was an American novelist and journalist. Born in San Francisco to Florence Wellman, a spiritualist, and William Chaney, an astrologer, London was raised by his mother and her husband, John London, in Oakland. An intelligent boy, Jack went on to study at the University of California, Berkeley before leaving school to join the Klondike Gold Rush. His experiences in the Klondike—hard labor, life in a hostile environment, and bouts of scurvy—both shaped his sociopolitical outlook and served as powerful material for such works as “To Build a Fire” (1902), The Call of the Wild (1903), and White Fang (1906). When he returned to Oakland, London embarked on a career as a professional writer, finding success with novels and short fiction. In 1904, London worked as a war correspondent covering the Russo-Japanese War and was arrested several times by Japanese authorities. Upon returning to California, he joined the famous Bohemian Club, befriending such members as Ambrose Bierce and John Muir. London married Charmian Kittredge in 1905, the same year he purchased the thousand-acre Beauty Ranch in Sonoma County, California. London, who suffered from numerous illnesses throughout his life, died on his ranch at the age of 40. A lifelong advocate for socialism and animal rights, London is recognized as a pioneer of science fiction and an important figure in twentieth century American literature.

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