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A strange blackmail: A case for Smidt and Rednich
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A case for Smidt and Rednich

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Über diese Serie

The entrepreneur Müller was burgled. Annoying, but not really dramatic. After all, he has plenty of money. Unfortunately, the burglary is also the start of a very special blackmail. The blackmailer wants to humiliate Müller. Money doesn't matter to him.
A game with very unequal weapons begins and puts Müller and his wife Yvonne in situations that can't been taken in more different ways than the two of them do.
Who is Beatrice, the owner of an erotic shop? She has an unmistakable penchant for bondage games and is all too eager to make Yvonne familiar with latex and stainless-steel jewelry
HerausgeberBooks on Demand
Erscheinungsdatum23. Dez. 2019
A strange blackmail: A case for Smidt and Rednich

Titel in dieser Serie (1)

  • A strange blackmail: A case for Smidt and Rednich


    A strange blackmail: A case for Smidt and Rednich
    A strange blackmail: A case for Smidt and Rednich

    The entrepreneur Müller was burgled. Annoying, but not really dramatic. After all, he has plenty of money. Unfortunately, the burglary is also the start of a very special blackmail. The blackmailer wants to humiliate Müller. Money doesn't matter to him. A game with very unequal weapons begins and puts Müller and his wife Yvonne in situations that can't been taken in more different ways than the two of them do. Who is Beatrice, the owner of an erotic shop? She has an unmistakable penchant for bondage games and is all too eager to make Yvonne familiar with latex and stainless-steel jewelry


Gabriel Erbé

After the German publication, there were some people who complained that I wrote in the first person without explicitly stating that I - Gabriel Erbé - am a man. Therefore, I would like to mention it here as a precaution: I am a man and write from the first-person perspective of the main character when I think that is the best way to tell the story. In my books, piercings, tattoos, and bondage always appear, but not on every page. After all, I want to tell a story. Characters who enjoy being beaten never appear.

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