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Diesel And Whisky Vol. 2 'Hope Springs': Diesel And Whisky, #2
Diesel And Whisky: Diesel And Whisky, #1
eBook-Reihen2 Titel

Diesel And Whisky

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


Über diese Serie

Book 2 in the Diesel And Whisky series.


Max Brody, knock-about guy, former soldier and professional hunter is on the run. He follows a line of trucks hoping for a pay day or at least a beer with the boys. Instead he finds a secret facility in the Australian desert, an Oriental Princess and a cross dressing bar owner and Patty and Lola and The Doc and The Kid and a whole lot of trouble with Kurt the chief enforcer for the corporation.


He falls in love and fights a duel to the death.


Diesel and Whisky - a modern western.

Erscheinungsdatum30. Nov. 2019
Diesel And Whisky Vol. 2 'Hope Springs': Diesel And Whisky, #2
Diesel And Whisky: Diesel And Whisky, #1

Titel in dieser Serie (2)

  • Diesel And Whisky: Diesel And Whisky, #1


    Diesel And Whisky: Diesel And Whisky, #1
    Diesel And Whisky: Diesel And Whisky, #1

    Max Brody, knock-about guy, former soldier and professional hunter is on his way to deal with a pack of wild dogs. At the Paris Motel he encounters Jane; down on her luck; no money; her car about to disintegrate. And she is carrying a double barrel sawn off; her mission: to commit murder. Max rescues Jane from herself. They journey together. He must find out why she wants to kill policeman Troy Bates, and talk her down. Their journey will end in a deadly shoot out. Jane must show courage and daring. Max must use all his skill with a rifle. They will take the law into their own hands. Diesel and Whisky is a modern western. 

  • Diesel And Whisky Vol. 2 'Hope Springs': Diesel And Whisky, #2


    Diesel And Whisky Vol. 2 'Hope Springs': Diesel And Whisky, #2
    Diesel And Whisky Vol. 2 'Hope Springs': Diesel And Whisky, #2

    Book 2 in the Diesel And Whisky series.   Max Brody, knock-about guy, former soldier and professional hunter is on the run. He follows a line of trucks hoping for a pay day or at least a beer with the boys. Instead he finds a secret facility in the Australian desert, an Oriental Princess and a cross dressing bar owner and Patty and Lola and The Doc and The Kid and a whole lot of trouble with Kurt the chief enforcer for the corporation.   He falls in love and fights a duel to the death.   Diesel and Whisky - a modern western.


Ralph Allan

Ralph Allan is an academic and financial analyst. His special interest is financial fraud. While investigating the workings of the money game, he discovered ruthless people who will stop at nothing to achieve wealth, power and control of people's lives. His work of fiction 'The Money Club' lays bare the dark world of money making where vice is the plaything of the people making the mega deals.

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