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Feature on Spielwarenmesse Digital

Feature on Spielwarenmesse Digital

VonSpielwarenmesse Podcast

Feature on Spielwarenmesse Digital

VonSpielwarenmesse Podcast

6 Minuten
3. Feb. 2022


Our latest Spielwarenmesse Podcast revolves around the themes of Spielwarenmesse Digital. Scarlett Wisotzki, Director Communications at Spielwarenmesse eG, attended the digital opening live in the studio at the Nuremberg exhibition center and met some exciting guests. 
Christian Ulrich, Spokesperson of the Executive Board at Spielwarenmesse eG, explains the background to the multifunctional platform. The ToyAward is another focal topic, and one whose winning products are very familiar to Sue Warfield: the President of the American Specialty Toy Retailing Association (ASTRA) was a member of the jury for the highly sought-after prize. The award has a new category – Sustainability, a topic that can be found everywhere at Spielwarenmesse Digital. Keynote speaker Philippe Glorieux, Head of Marketing, IMPS The Smurfs, explains what the Smurfs have in common with this megatrend.
3. Feb. 2022

Titel in dieser Serie (30)

In the Spielwarenmesse Podcast, our team of moderators welcomes national and international industry experts every month to discuss relevant topics. Look forward to exciting interviews from the toy industry! --- Im Podcast der Spielwarenmesse begrüßt unser Moderatorenteam monatlich nationale und internationale Branchenexperten, um über relevante Themen zu diskutieren. Freut euch auf spannende Interviews aus der Spielwarenwelt!