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Brass Quintet: Amapola (score & parts): intermediate level
Brass Quintet: Amapola (score & parts): intermediate level
Brass Quintet: Amapola (score & parts): intermediate level
eBook41 Seiten

Brass Quintet: Amapola (score & parts): intermediate level

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Über dieses E-Book

Embark on a musical journey to the heart of Latin America with "Amapola," the timeless melody by Joseph Lacalle, now elegantly arranged for Brass Quintet and optional Drums by Francesco Leone. This arrangement, suitable for easy to intermediate level ensembles, infuses the classic rumba and tango styles into a brass setting, inviting musicians to explore the passionate and rhythmic world of Latin music.
The eBook offers a comprehensive score and an extensive set of eleven parts, tailored for a versatile brass quintet lineup: two B-flat Trumpets, Horn in F, Trombone, Tuba, and an optional Drum part to add authentic Latin rhythms to the ensemble. This arrangement not only captures the soulful melody and romantic essence of "Amapola" but also provides an opportunity for ensembles to experiment with genre blending, showcasing the beauty of Latin music through the rich tones of brass instruments.
To accommodate a wide range of brass ensembles and player preferences, Leone includes optional parts for B-flat Flugelhorn or Trumpet (as an alternative to the Horn in F), E-flat Horn, B-flat Trombone in Treble Clef, E-flat and B-flat Tuba in Treble Clef. These options ensure that the piece is accessible and enjoyable for various ensemble configurations, enhancing the arrangement's versatility and performance potential.
An audio demonstration is available at www.glissato.it, providing an essential resource for ensembles to familiarize themselves with the arrangement's style, tempo, and character. This demo is invaluable for rehearsal planning and individual practice, helping musicians to achieve a cohesive and lively rendition of "Amapola," true to the spirit of Latin music.
"Amapola" arranged for brass quintet and optional drums is more than just a piece of music; it's an invitation to immerse in the vibrant and passionate world of Latin melodies. Whether for performance, educational purposes, or the sheer joy of exploring new musical styles, this eBook promises to bring a touch of romance and rhythm to brass musicians and their audiences, creating a memorable and engaging musical experience.

Erscheinungsdatum15. Juli 2023
Brass Quintet: Amapola (score & parts): intermediate level

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    Brass Quintet - Joseph Lacalle

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