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Little Brown Jug - String Quartet and opt. drums (score and parts): intermediate level foxtrot
Little Brown Jug - String Quartet and opt. drums (score and parts): intermediate level foxtrot
Little Brown Jug - String Quartet and opt. drums (score and parts): intermediate level foxtrot
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Little Brown Jug - String Quartet and opt. drums (score and parts): intermediate level foxtrot

Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

This music book is designed for string quartet enthusiasts, featuring an arrangement for violin I, violin II, viola, cello, and optional drums. 
The pieces are expertly arranged to provide a balanced and engaging musical experience for the performers and the audience. Each part is carefully crafted to highlight the unique qualities of each instrument, while also allowing for a harmonious blend of sound when played together.
Whether you are a seasoned professional or a student musician, this book is perfect for those who want to expand their repertoire and explore new musical styles. The optional drums add an extra layer of rhythm and energy, making it suitable for a variety of genres and settings.

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Erscheinungsdatum30. Juni 2023
Little Brown Jug - String Quartet and opt. drums (score and parts): intermediate level foxtrot

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Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen

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    Little Brown Jug - String Quartet and opt. drums (score and parts) - Joseph Winner

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