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Der Pharao
Der Pharao
Der Pharao
eBook222 Seiten4 Stunden

Der Pharao

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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For over 3000 thousand years he protected, ruled and stood for Egypt: the pharaoh. His person guaranteed the existence of the country, he defended it against its enemies and kept the world from falling into chaos. Over 330 kings from 30 dynasties ruled an empire that lasted longer than any other after it. Beginning with the description of the office, the work describes the role of the pharaoh as son of the sun, god himself, as well as his tasks as priest to the gods and his country.

As a ruler he was mainly a warrior, a fact that every traveller to Egypt can see in countless pictures. But he also was at the top of the administration, chief justice and owner of everything below, on or above earth.
Erscheinungsdatum1. März 2012
Der Pharao

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    Der Pharao - Manfred Clauss

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