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Super Dinosaur 1
Super Dinosaur 1
Super Dinosaur 1
eBook128 Seiten32 Minuten

Super Dinosaur 1

Bewertung: 4.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Derek ist elf Jahre alt und lebt den Traum jedes Jungen seines Alters: Er hat einen echten Tyrannosaurus Rex als besten Freund!

In SUPER DINOSAUR - der neuen Comic-Hitserie von Robert Kirkman (THE WALKING DEAD) für jung und alt! - muss Derek Dynamo zusammen mit SD, seinem urzeitlichen Partner, die Welt der Dinosaurier im Inneren der Erde beschützen. Sie wird bedroht von Max Maximus, Wissenschaftler und ehemaliger Laborkollege von Dereks Vater, welche gemeinsam die Innere Erde und die darin liegenden, unglaublichen Möglichkeiten für die Forschung entdeckten. Maximus will die Reichtümer und Dinosaurier für seine eigenen, egoistischen Zwecke nutzen, während Dereks Vater und Derek das Wohle aller im Auge behalten.
Derek ist ein kleines Wunderkind, das mit Leichtigkeit die schwierigsten Formeln und Aufgaben löst und seine eigenen Maschinen und Apparate entwirft, die ihn im Kampf unterstützen. Auch Super Dinosaur ist fantastisch ausgestattet. Der sprechende und genetisch veränderte Dinosaurier hat allerlei Kampfanzüge, die ihm in jeder Lage die richtigen Werkzeuge und Utensilien zur Verfügung stellen, egal ob Unterwasser, in der Arktis, in der Luft, wenn einfach pure Feuerkraft benötigt wird, oder seine kleinen Dino-Arme einfach Mal zu kurz sind.

Mit SUPER DINOSAUR wollte Robert Kirkman vorallem eine Comicserie kreieren, die er gemeinsam mit seinem Sohn, Peter Parker (!) Kirkman, genießen kann - laut Kirkman "ein Pixar-Film auf Papier". SD war geboren!
HerausgeberCross Cult
Erscheinungsdatum22. Apr. 2013
Super Dinosaur 1

Robert Kirkman

Robert Kirkman is an American comic book writer. His first creation was Battle Pope, which he co-wrote with Tony Moore, and in 2003 they began the comic book series The Walking Dead, set in a George A. Romero zombie movie-inspired world.

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Bewertung: 4.666666666666667 von 5 Sternen

3 Bewertungen2 Rezensionen

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  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Super Dinosaur by Robert Kirkman is the first in a relatively new comic series sure to please young boys and girls, and those who enjoy comics. The villain is Evil Max Maximus whose goal is to reach the center of the earth where dinosaurs still reside. The hero is 10-year-old Derek Dynamo and his best friend Super Dinosaur who utilizes bionic arms and other devices to help defeat evil. All around, this is a great story, good, clean fun. Though there is some violence, it is minimal with the good triumphing over all. This definitely a book that I would put in my library, but I think it is one that will endure over time and enjoyed by many. I cannot wait to get the next volume, for my students, of course.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Reason for Reading: Robert Kirkman wanted to write something his son could read and I wanted him too! So I was anxious to see what this would be like.This was truly wonderful. We jump right in with battle scenes between genetically altered dinosaurs, who are part robot, and Derek Dynamo. Then we are switched back to the lab where Super Dinosaur (SD to his friends) quickly starts talking about his machinery. This leaves the reader somewhat out of the loop but as the events and dialogue continue we are quickly brought up to par with the other members of the team and understand as much as they do, who they are fighting against and why. Super Dinosaur is an awesome superhero, that will appeal to boys and dinosaur fans, as will the other various villains such as Terrordactyl and Dreadasaurus to name only a few. The evil genius is a typical protagonist along with his usual background story of how he became evil in the first place. But this makes him easy to understand. This book isn't really the place for deep characters, we already know what makes most of them tick. But new characters are introduced and they put a new swing on things, both good and bad. The volume then ends up with some things nicely wrapped up only to have a major twist in the story thrown at us on the last pages that will have you clamouring for more. This will satisfy pre-teen male readers who are looking for something a little more involved than just Pokemon or Bakugan. However, the final pages of the story, really got me involved in the plot and I'll be sure to read on to Vol. 2 to find out what happens next with the continuing story arc.


Super Dinosaur 1 - Robert Kirkman

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