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Civil War
Civil War
Civil War
eBook208 Seiten33 Minuten

Civil War

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



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Das Gesicht des Marvel-Universums verändert sich. Im Fahrwasser einer schrecklichen Tragödie erlässt der US-Kongress das Superwesenregistrierungsgesetz. Ein Gesetz, das alle kostümierten Helden zwingt, ihre Geheimidentität gegenüber der Regierung preiszugeben. Das Dekret spaltet die Nation in zwei Lager. Und jeder einzelne der größten Heroen des Landes muss für sich selbst ein Urteil fällen, wie er darauf reagiert.
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Erscheinungsdatum21. Okt. 2016
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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    It never fails to amaze me how great Mark Millar's writing can be. And the art work? Beautiful.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Pretty straightforward, though I'm now going to have to read the 10 or so other volumes to get the full picture... it's fascinating how this predates Sandy Hook and yet... life imitates art. Sort of. Except we didn't register guns after children died, so, no.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Great artwork and a wonderfully complex topic with a great story line. The central issue of whether superheroes, those who have always been generally considered good guys, should be registered, trained and regulated by the government. Some of the Avengers (and eventually pretty much the whole Marvel universe) agree that this is a reasonable request while others call it fascism and a restriction of civil liberty. Interestingly this was published in 2007 but it with a few small changes the story line could fit into today's headlines. Iron Man sees the need to register superbeings while Captain America opposes it. I enjoyed everything about this book with the exception of one important point: I didn't like the ending. I felt like it was a bit abrupt and it left too much unresolved.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    Although this may be the beginning of a marvel 'event' not too much seems to happen over the seven issues in this collection. The idea of superheroes being legislated is an old one and has been done much better before. Instead of a slow considered conversation about registration we are given a simplified cause for the change and then are thrown into a tiresome 'who's side are you on' affair with underwhelming infighting and betrayal. I was left with the impression that civil war was both too laboured and too shallow at the same time. The writing is predictable and the artwork uninspired.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    A group of reality tv show superheroes go up against a group of serious villains with tragic results. A school full of children is destroyed killing hundreds of people. The U.S. government is urged by an activist mother of one of the victims, Tony Stark, and S.H.I.E.L.D., to create a new law that would insure all superheroes register with the government and become employees of the government. S.H.I.E.L.D. would over see training and deployment of the super humans. Captain America sees this as a violation of the freedoms of the superheroes as well as a creation of a super human military body. Cap, along with his close allies, refuse to register and become outlaws. Tony Stark, a.k.a Ironman, leads the law abiding superheroes to try and capture the law breakers. A lot of unexpected alliances are made and some close relationships are torn apart.This is an extremely intelligent storyline. It gives you a lot to think about. After so many school slayings and public shootings I can see people becoming scared and pushing the government into hasty actions. I am the type of person who believes rules are there for a reason so I lean towards Tony Starks side. Why not regulate superheroes? Make sure they are stable personalities and properly trained. The problem is I believe in Captain America and what he stands for and I know he is correct. Freedoms will be lost and that is wrong. Once freedoms are surrendered they are hard to get back.The art work is beautiful and the writing is excellent. It you are a fan of Marvel comics and movies especially the Avengers this is a must read.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I enjoyed the comic, it had some great artwork and a good storyline.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Miller and McNiven put the familiar Marvel Superheroes into a very unfamiliar setting, pitting two groups in superheroes in an idealogical battle against each other. McNiven's art is almost photo-realistic and will appeal to most comic and manga fans. The story is filled with parallels to current politics and can generate great discussion. Both factions are convinced they are right, and readers can debate which side they agree with. A great story, and a great discussion tool.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    From a writerly perspective, this is a bit frustrating. There's nothing wrong with it, really, but with a premise that immaculate they could have done so much more. And it's really unfortunate that they fell into the comic guy trap of making one side the "villains." How much more interesting if it wasn't "look at all these awful things Iron Man and Reed are doing," but instead "fictionalization of major real issue! Make up your own mind!" Still, lots of great moments.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Mark Millar brings his political and cultural awareness to Civil War, Marvel's version of the USA PATRIOT Act in which a disaster involving superheroes results in the creation of the Superhuman Registration Act. Captain America and his followers represent the ideas of individual liberty while Iron Man and his camp fight for the perceived general good. Spider-Man serves as the everyman, at first wanting to protect the public before realizing that Iron Man's program compromises everything that he's fought for over the years.Chock-full of superhero cameos, Civil War was THE Marvel event of the year when it debuted, with aftershocks felt throughout the publisher's titles for years to come. The ending may feel a bit forced, but it makes sense given Captain America's character while Iron Man and Mr. Fantastic's arrogance is now typical of their characters. Most importantly, both this story and Millar's run on The Ultimates influenced the tone and characterization of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which launched the following year. Now, Marvel Studios plans to base their thirteenth film, Captain America: Civil War on this series while Marvel Comics will release a follow-up to this comic, Civil War II, in 2016.Those looking to enjoy large-scale superhero battles unlike those the movie's character limitations can provide or who want to enjoy the story itself before Marvel rehashes it should pick this up.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I LOVE Volume 1 of Marvel’s CIVIL WAR! Written by Mike Millar, penciled by Steve McNiven, inked by Dexter Vines, and colored by Morry Hollowell, this collection of Issues #1-7 is an amazing collaboration.
    If you love Marvel (I’m a Marvel girl!) you have to get this now if you don’t already own it.
    Some fans like to read each issue as it comes out. I myself prefer to wait for collections so that it reads more like a graphic novel. The printing and extras included in this first volume are beautiful. The coloring pops out at you and the lines are exquisite. This is one of the best collections I’ve ever seen and I can’t wait to continue the series! Technically, I could have started with Civil War: Road to Civil War, but I didn’t think it was necessary.
    As every comics fan knows, in 2007 Marvel had a ‘major event’ in pitting their superheroes against each other. After a tragic incident that killed many civilians, the government decides that all superheroes will be unmasked and registered. This divides our friends into the pro-register group led by Iron Man and the rebel group led by Captain America. There are some heavy-duty fisticuffs as they try to sort themselves out.
    The story is really just getting revved up in this volume. We learn who is on which side and see some members being debated with as to where their loyalties should be.
    It helps if you are already familiar with the Marvel universe, as there are so many characters in the story. The real strength of this book is the beauty of the art on these pages.
    I am so happy to have this book in my collection! On to Civil War: Black Panther! I recommend CIVIL WAR Volume 1 to everyone.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Interesting idea, not as well executed as it could have been. My main problem was that in order to get the story working the way he wanted, the author has had some protagonists act completely out of character, especially Reed Richards and Iron Man. There were some rather predictable moments, and for me the main battle and the ending were a bit of a let down.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I've never seen such a great arc have such a spectacularly disappointing ending. Captain America's about-face at the end of the series comes completely out of nowhere and does a huge disservice to the rest of the series. One almost wonders if there interference from on high in this regard.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    n the wake of a superhero battle that ends in the deaths of dozens of children, there is a large outcry in America for superheroes to be registered. Leading the charge in favour of this movement is Tony Stark and opposing him with an increasing number of supporters is Captain America. When the entire superhero community is divided and fighting itself, who really wins?Sooo much better than the film. This is obviously a huge comic book event with characters from all over the Marvel universe making appearances and playing a role, whether large or small. The artwork in this collection is fantastic with extraordinarily rich details. Also, this one has an ending I was not expecting and I'll definitely be tracking down plot resolutions for that one at some point as obviously the comics and films are divergent.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    So there was a civil war, and that's that. The story started out somewhat plausible, but along the way, it got lost in the shuffle. Battle. Whatever.

    I'm not a big fan of Marvel comics, but this one was on sale at Amazon so, why not? The artwork was good, and aside from not knowing all of the characters, I was able to follow along pretty well. The moral and ethical questions developed seemed to be left on the sidelines, and that disappointed me. Maybe these questions were covered more in-depth in the carry-overs across the Marvel spectrum. If I ever see those on sale, perhaps I'll pick them up to try and gain some more of the background. Perhaps.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The premise is that the superheroes split over a law that requires them to register and work for the government (if they want to continue operating as superheroes). The broad outlines of this work well, however I found the details less plausible and satisfying. Registering identities I can see, and makes sense; becoming government agents less so. The Stamford incident as spark felt reasonable, but the villainization of the New Warriors as evil felt off. Iron Man and Captain America being on the opposite sides from what I'd expect felt like a forced, obligatory twist, rather than a natural development (especially for Iron Man). And the unbridled evilness of the Neutral Zone prison camp, and the blithe acceptance, was quite unsatisfying. As was the ending, unfortunately. (Some of the discussions about law and morality felt truly hackneyed, yet entirely plausible. I find them incredibly stupid, but have heard them far too many times.)

    In total though, I found the story fun and compelling.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Super heroes choosing sides and fighting each other, yay! Lots of Captain America angst.

    Library copy
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I thought was a step up from the usual super hero saves the world from super villain story of most comics. They are really trying to get you to think with this one.I do wish they would have shown Captain America's thought process and passion behind not wanting to register though. It didn't seem as explored as Iron Man's reasoning, which I felt was a miss. Beautifully artistic and epic in comic book scale. An overall enjoyable read!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The U.S. government passes a Superhero Registration Act and Iron Man and Captain America end up on opposite sides of the law. I picked this up because I watched a couple of the trailers for the upcoming film and was thoroughly confused about the portrayed allegiances. This one cleared it up for me and I am looking forward to seeing how it all plays out in the movie. Some of the characters are a little "off" for me, but that might be because I am not following the comics in any sort of orderly fashion. Quite entertaining storyline, some very interesting twists, and a couple of kick-ass battles.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    I don't know what I expected here.

    This was a colossal letdown. To be truthful, I was pretty bored reading this. I read a few reviews from people on here that suggested reading a few of the other individual "Civil War" issues as they more or less, fill in some gaps.

    I had this gut feeling that I wasn't really going to understand what was going on here. With all these other story lines running on the side in individual series', I wasn't sure where to start. Hey, it's not rocket science; I did manage to get the gist of it but I failed to see the point. I didn't quite understand why they needed to kick the crap out of each other! Especially considering the way it ends. I also hated Iron Man bringing in several super-villains to aid him in his arrest of Captain America and his rebel forces.

    The idea was extremely interesting and I kept thinking how I would have written it or pulled it off. I had a few scenarios in my head but nothing seemed interesting. It's hard to really pin-point my problem with the series but I'm hoping someone can guide me in the right direction. Do I need to read the others? Is there something I'm missing?

  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Much better than the video game.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    To any of those who like (or in this case LOVE) Marvel Comics, this is the one stop shop for all you guys and girls. The story is really good and I think you will be surprised with a few of the scenarios and changes in the story a.k.a. unexpected turns. The whole thing is about Superhero and Super villain Registration and some agreeing and disagreeing, which leads to a civil war. For all you Spider Man lovers, Spidey finally gets the suit Tony Stark makes for him, THE CIVIL WAR SUIT! All in all this is a comic you must read.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Great artwork, but it would have been nice to explore some more themes. Maybe they did in individual series, but to be honest it doesn't have the depth of feeling that storylines like "Days of Future Past did.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Amazing Marvel artwork blends with a modern, mature, post-911 storyline of paranoia, and there is a brilliant comparison between images of the 1800s Civil War and this modern one of superheroes on two sides.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I've been reading Marvel for about a year now, and I've been slowly back-tracking to catch up on major events. From the beginning, the Civil War event has always seemed intriguing to me - superhero against superhero! What could be more exciting than that? And some of the tie-ins have been interesting to me - X-Factor creating a safe have for those who don't wish to register, Captain America becoming a "criminal," Cable joining the resistance, etc - so I figured that the main event itself would be awesome.Except it wasn't.The story definitely had a lot of potential, but it didn't really seem to go anywhere. Tony Stark, whom I've never really cared for (especially after the "Mr. Parker Goes to Washington" arc in Amazing Spider-Man), is a downright unlikeable tool here. And for all of the talk, nothing much happened. Sure, there's a couple of "traps" sprung on those who refuse to register, which leads to a couple of fights, but none of these are particularly interesting. There's a couple of double agents, spies, and people crossing sides, but I didn't care much for that, either. Even Number 42, a super-secret prison for those superheroes who refuse to register with the government, was rather blah. The ending was just as bad. And in all of the fighting, only a couple of people died - Goliath and two supervillains whose names I can't remember.I was expecting something really poignant that explored the effects that this could have on a family, on a superhero team, on friendships. Instead, all I got was a couple of flashy battle scenes. This could have been so much better than it was.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    So this is the first Marvel "event" that I read in order including all the spin-offs. I did read most of the Fear Itself stuff, but I read the core books first and then read the others. This was much cooler and I'm going to try to do it for future Marvel events. I got a bunch of the graphic novels from the library, bought some digital comics from Comixology, borrowed some digital comics from a friend and bought the rest either at comic stores or through vendors on Amazon. As far as the event itself. It was a cool idea and even though I was always on team Cap I could see team Tony's side of things too. I'm very curious what happens next and I have at least 5 or 6 follow up comics, that will hopefully wrap up some of the questions I have.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Very good. I'm stunned at some of the events, like Spiderman unmasking himself in front of TV cameras. But it was a MUCH better crossover event than a lot of the previous ones in the early to mid '90s when I was heavily into comics.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Yeah, I read this after watching the movie, so sue me.

    The film was obviously very different so comparisons are pointless. The comic was a good read and did a good job of showing the divide characters felt. But as someone who isn't a regular reader of the various Marvel stories, some of the side plots were distracting (e.g. Thor and Hank Pym). Also helps put the Winter Soldier series in context.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This was such a cool graphic novel. I'm Team Cap all the way, but it was interesting to see Starks point of view. This story packed as many marvel heroes between its covers as it could but I didn't feel it was overkill or placing characters just for the sake of it. I'm glad I read it. I need to read the other related comics as soon as possible!
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    The art was nice and the story had great potential but it ended up being a huge let down.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The problem with the Civil War arc in Marvel comics is the sheer amount of stuff you have to read to get the full story. I mean, my main interest lies with Cap and Iron Man, and the Young Avengers, but while they're main players here there's a lot going on both for them that isn't in this collection, and stuff going on without them in this collection. I don't know much about the Fantastic Four or Daredevil, and it's a little awkward to jump in.Nonetheless, this is a pretty amazing crossover event, and the ending is amazing -- the way Steve takes his mask off and just, aghhh. I don't know whether to hope they incorporate this into the MCU or not.One thing I would've liked would've been to see Hulkling just a bit more concerned about his boyfriend being in prison. I don't know if that shows up in the Runaways/Young Avengers crossover Civil War comic, but given the strength of their concern for each other in the Young Avengers comics, it feels a bit weak.


Civil War - Mark Millar

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