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Deadpool killt Deadpool
Deadpool killt Deadpool
Deadpool killt Deadpool
eBook108 Seiten30 Minuten

Deadpool killt Deadpool

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

Als ein alternativer Deadpool anfängt, sich durch die zahlreichen Deadpool-Inkarnationen des Multiverse zu metzeln, stellt sich ihm das Deadpool Corps um Lady Deadpool,Dogpool und Kidpool entgegen. Ihr Verbündeter: Das Original! Außerdem mit dabei: Headpool, Deadpool Pup undPandapool?! Plus: Deadpool und Shang-Chi in einer Story vonJonathan Hickman!
Erscheinungsdatum21. Okt. 2016
Deadpool killt Deadpool

Cullen Bunn

Cullen Bunn is the New York Times bestselling writer of the Sixth Gun, Harrow County, Bone Parish, and Dark Ark series; Bunn has written for Marvel, DC, Valiant, and many others. Bunn considers himself a lucky husband and father, and was once the world’s youngest hypnotist. His website is www.cullenbunn.com.

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Is there anyone Deadpool hasn't killed? Not after Deadpool Kills Deadpool.

    In the previous instalments of Deadpool Kills our titular merc with a mouth killed everyone in the Marvel Universe and then moved on to killing everyone in the Ideaverse (Killustrated). Odd that he didn't kill the DC Universe whilst he was at it. Regardless, this time Deadpool is killing himself across the multiverse. And yes, that is just as awesome as it sounds.

    Most recently I read Killustrated, which was a fantastic story but felt abridged or not fully realised. This instalment felt the most fully realised in the series. The irreverent humour, quips and quirkiness are on fully display, right next to the full tilt action. But the fun stuff is also backed up with the story being fully realised this time, instead of being glossed over as it was in the other Deadpool Kills. As if to illustrate just how quickly the previous plots were glossed over, we actually have the synopsis delivered multiple times without upsetting the pacing here (although it might feel a tad trite to some readers).

    Next stop will have to be Deadpool Classic.


Deadpool killt Deadpool - Cullen Bunn

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