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Easy Learning German Grammar: Trusted support for learning
Easy Learning German Grammar: Trusted support for learning
Easy Learning German Grammar: Trusted support for learning
eBook261 Seiten28 Stunden

Easy Learning German Grammar: Trusted support for learning

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses E-Book

With all the new German spellings, this book offers beginners a clear and easy-to-understand guide to the verbs and grammar of German. Ideal for German revision.

Designed for all those learning German at school, at work or at home. It provides easily accessible information in an attractively presented layout, with new German spellings included throughout. Key grammatical points are highlighted as a means of reinforcement. In addition, a full glossary gives clear explanations of grammatical terminology.

This book also provides beginners with all the regular verb forms and conjugations, and the most common tenses of irregular verbs are shown in full. An index contains thousands of verbs which are cross-referred to their conjugation model.

  • Explains the essential points of German grammar using simple language throughout.
  • Hundreds of examples of real German illustrate clearly the grammatical points being made.
  • Specially designed for eReaders, including iPad, with a clear, colour layout.
HerausgeberHarperCollins UK
Erscheinungsdatum5. Mai 2016
Easy Learning German Grammar: Trusted support for learning

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Bewertung: 3.6666666666666665 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 1 von 5 Sternen
    Die Terminologie zu übersetzen macht keinen Sinn. Begriffe wie 'Imperfekt' sind völlig veraltet.


Easy Learning German Grammar - Collins Dictionaries

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