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Die Wahrheit, wie Delly sie sieht
Die Wahrheit, wie Delly sie sieht
Die Wahrheit, wie Delly sie sieht
Hörbuch (gekürzt)5 Stunden

Die Wahrheit, wie Delly sie sieht

Geschrieben von Jodie Ahlborn und Katherine Hannigan

Erzählt von Jodie Ahlborn

Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen



Über dieses Hörbuch

Die elfjährige Delly ist anders: Sie hält mit ihrer Meinung nie hinterm Berg. Das bringt ihr Ärger ein, bewirkt aber auch viel Gutes. Sie lässt Tiere frei, wenn sie ihr leid tun. Und sie prügelt sich schon mal, falls ihr jemand widerspricht. Bis eine neue Mitschülerin in die Klasse kommt: Ferris. Ferris ist auch anders. Sie spricht nicht und will nicht berührt werden. Alle respektieren das, nur Delly will wissen, warum? Jodie Ahlborn trifft Dellys Charakter perfekt: frech, jung, selbstbewusst und einfühlsam. Ab 10 Jahren.
Erscheinungsdatum24. Jan. 2014
Die Wahrheit, wie Delly sie sieht

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Bewertung: 4.136986164383561 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    This is yet another young adult book wherein the content delivers a message of strength and the courage needed by the characters.Delly is quite a character, self absorbed and very extraverted, she even makes up her own words to fit emotions or events happening. Longing for a true friend, Delly goes out of her way to try to make people like her, and much to her chagrin, it only gets her more and more in trouble.When a new student arrives, Delly is anxious to learn about Ferris Boyd, whom the teacher told the class must no be touched. Ferris Boyd is as far introverted as Delley is extraverted. She does not talk, and communicates by words of a tablet.When Delly follows her home into the woods, she observes a lonely girl obsessed with playing basketball. Gradually, Delly learns she must not push herself into Delly's hidden life. When a tree house is built, Delly's brother is added to the circle. Another classmate is added to the small group, and Brud is added to the group who grow to care deeply about Ferris.Amazingly, birds circle round Ferris. She is loved by woodland creatures. When Delly, her brother and Brud notice a green car pull up to the house, they immediately see Ferris' reaction of fear.Gradually, as the story unfolds Ferris learns that she can trust friends who will seek their wise, learned mother to help her find a life of safety.Four Stars
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Delly, who's always in trouble, finds some secrets to staying out of trouble through a friendship with a mute girl in her class, Ferris Boyd. Ferris is the victim of undescribed abuse by her father, but neither girl has the speech or knowhow to get help. I found that Delly's word inventions became too cute and unbelievable pretty quickly, but perhaps the middle grade audience would not be annoyed.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Fifth grader Delly has been T-R-O-U-B-L-E ever since she can remember. But when she meets a mysterious new classmate who doesn't talk and won't be touched, Delly's life is forever changed. Ferris Boyd helps her so much, but can Delly help Ferris when it's needed?Delly's whimsical vocabulary and way of speaking was fun at first, but wore at me a little over the course of so many pages. It's a great story about a troublemaker becoming more self-aware and realizing that the world doesn't center around her. But it's a little overlong and I was TOLD too many times exactly what Delly was feeling instead of seeing it for myself. For the whimsical turns of phrase and near magical realism, I'd recommend it to fans of SAVVY by Ingrid Law. For the troublemaker trying to put things right, I'd recommend it to fans of JOEY PIGZA SWALLOWED THE KEY by Jack Gantos or THE GREAT GILLY HOPKINS by Katherine Paterson.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    A very readable book about a girl who gets into trouble. The author does a good job of evoking this age and the trouble that comes with it. Delaware, who is prone to fighting, is helped by her gentle younger brother who teaches her to count her way out of the urge to fight. She is also intrigued by a lonely looking girl, often mistaken for a boy, who seems to have an ability to befriend animals. She starts to follow the girl home, and spies her playing basketball, not Delly's favorite activity. but it gives her the idea, back at school when made captain of a basketball team to choose the girl for the team. But instead of slam-dunking the team to a win, as Delly fantasized her doing, the girl just stands there, letting the ball bounce right off her, losing the game. When Delly asks the mute girl why she did this, the girl writes "You didn't ask." So asking replaces counting, which Delly hated anyway, as a way to keep her out of trouble. The two become friends, along with Delly's little brother, and they have a great time in the girl's hideaway in the woods, not always communicating with words. The fun is interrupted by visits by the girl's father, and Delly comes to realize that there may be more trouble going on than she realizes. I did enjoy the trouble of this age. I could relate! What I did think was a bit of a stretch, honestly, was the amount of compassion shown by kids this age. It seemed a touch unrealistic. In my experience, troubled kids, while they often turn it around eventually, usually don't do it quite this fast. that is my experience, and I know kids come in great variety, obviously, and some are naturally more compassionate than others. I just know, that when I was making trouble, was pretty self centered and it took me years to change. It is a nice book though, and I enjoyed reading it, and I think kids will, too.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Memorable story, I recommend it.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I really liked this book about a girl who gets in trouble even though her intentions are good. About her friendship with a troubled girl and how they help each other. Good brother/sister relationship too.