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Hörbuch5 Stunden

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Geschrieben von Nick McDonell

Erzählt von Simon Jäger

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses Hörbuch

Teak, Top-Agent der CIA, Harvard-Absolvent, smart, intelligent und unabhängig, hat einen neuen Auftrag: In einem kleinen somalischen Dorf soll er dem Freiheitskämpfer Hatashil eine geheime Sendung überbringen. Doch Minuten nach der Übergabe wird das Dorf durch einen Bombenangriff verwüstet. Teak überlebt. Als Meldungen laut werden, Hatashil selbst sei für den Anschlag verantwortlich, weiß Teak, dass er ins Zentrum gefährlicher Manipulationen geraten ist. Ein politischer Thriller über Intrige, Verrat und wechselnde Loyalitäten, der in der direkten Tradition Graham Greenes steht.
HerausgeberDer Audio Verlag
Erscheinungsdatum21. Nov. 2014
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Nick McDonell

Nick McDonell nació en Nueva York en 1984. Twelve fue su primera novela y constituyó un extraordinario éxito de público y de crítica tanto en los Estados Unidos como en el Reino Unido y en sus muchas traducciones.

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Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I find it hard to believe that this book was written by a 26 year-old. It is very sophisticated both in its content and style. McDonnell uses alternate narratives centered around students and former students at Harvard and one in particular who has become involved in covert activities in Africa. it speaks to broader themes of being an outsider and belonging in the Harvard of influence and secret societies as well as what one does with a Harvard education.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    There is a good story in here but oddly the book is both too long and too sparse. McDonell is a good writer but this is not the best book he is capable of writing. I'm not disappointed that I read it; I am disappointed that it did not live up to the potential revealed in parts throughout it. The plot is too clever by far, and characters are invented solely to further plot development. A pity because if the characters had been fleshed out, humanized, the book would have been much better.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Several different storylines overlap and alternate: Harvard professor Lowell, the Pulitzer Prize winner who wrote a book about an African rebel leader; David, her African student; Jane, David's progressive white American girlfriend; Teak, who's some sort of secret agent on assignment in Africa; the African rebel leader Hatashil, who is at the center of everyone's story; and other key characters. It's somewhat challenging to figure out how everything braids together. But by the last third, you pretty much get the jist. There is a bit of suspense and subterfuge; I could imagine this becoming a movie. And the chapters are short, great for a summer page-turner when you just want to be entertained and not think too much.