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Ein Artemis-Fowl-Roman, Folge 7: Der Atlantis-Komplex
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Ein Artemis-Fowl-Roman, Folge 7: Der Atlantis-Komplex
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Ein Artemis-Fowl-Roman, Folge 7: Der Atlantis-Komplex
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Ein Artemis-Fowl-Roman, Folge 7: Der Atlantis-Komplex

Geschrieben von Eoin Colfer

Erzählt von Rufus Beck

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5 Sternen



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Über dieses Hörbuch

Was ist los mit Artemis? Die Elfe Holly erkennt den legendären Meisterdieb nicht wieder. Der sonst so smarte Artemis leidet an einer seltsamen Krankheit. Er ist plötzlich abergläubisch und zwanghaft auf die Zahl Fünf fixiert. Außerdem hat er sich unsterblich in Holly verliebt und lässt keine Gelegenheit aus, ihr seine Gefühle zu gestehen. Damit treibt er sie in den Wahnsinn. Doch es kommt noch schlimmer: Eine geheimnisvolle böse Macht greift die unterirdische Stadt Atlantis an. Und niemand bemerkt die Gefahr. Wenn Holly nichts tut, werden sie, Artemis und alle Bewohner von Atlantis sterben.
Erscheinungsdatum21. März 2014
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Ein Artemis-Fowl-Roman, Folge 7: Der Atlantis-Komplex

Eoin Colfer

Eoin Colfer worked as a teacher before turning his attention fo full-time writing for children. He is best known for his phenomenally successful Artemis Fowl series. Eoin lives with his family in Ireland.

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Bewertung: 3.741257599067599 von 5 Sternen

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  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    An outstanding read! My only regret is that there's only one more book in the series.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    It had been a couple of years since I last read any Artemis Fowl books and they seem to have lost their appeal for me.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I have to preface this by saying that I am extremely partial to child/teenage genius stories. Add in some fairies and magic, and this is pretty much the coolest series EVER. The last book, The Time Paradox, was by far my favorite in the series, so as always with a series that goes past 4 books, let alone 6, I was worried by adding yet another one. I know it won't be for everyone -- my sister, who is also a Fowl fan, didn't like this book at all, but I really enjoyed it.With all the guilt of his past crimes and the exposure to fairy magic, Artemis is finally beginning to lose his mind. He has what is called the Atlantis Complex, which gives him OCD, excessive paranoia, and a multiple personality disorder, among other things. So when he and a committee of important fairy members are attacked during a demonstration of an invention that Artemis believes will save the world, Holly and Foaly must step up and figure out what is going on.The first few chapters are a bit slow, but I ended up really liking it. Lots of action and drama. Butler and Juliet almost get beaten to death by a crowd of wrestling fans, Artemis goes crazy and reveals another personality -- Orion, and Foaly's space explorer bots start attacking a fairy committee. And that's before the halfway point! We get to see old friends (Mulch!), meet a couple of awesome new villains, and are introduced to some awesome new fairy gadgets. And I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am that this follows a new villain, and not Opal. The new villain is Julius's Root's evil brother, so it gives us a bit more background on Holly and Julius, which I enjoyed.The crafting is also genius. This must have been a hard book to write, due to Artemis's failing mental faculties, but Colfer does a great job. Artemis hates the number four, and tries to group everything in fives. If you do a word count on his dialogue, you'll see he he speaks in multiples of five (kudos to Colfer for keeping such an attention to detail!). Colfer really upped the stakes in this one. Sure, things have been really bad before, but Artemis has always been able to rely on his mind. Now, they're facing a master criminal and Artemis doesn't even have that to rely on anymore. It makes the other characters have to become a bit tougher, and Artemis become a bit more humanized. I don't want to hint at what the ending is, but I thought it was perfect. Even half-insane, Artemis is a smarty-pants.*I was provided a free copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    I've always loved the Artemis Fowl books, but this one just broke my heart. My Artemis... my beautiful, brilliant Artemis... insanity does not become him. I love his clever, spur-of-the-moment schemes, his snarky wit, and the way he is still the same even as his morals undergo a renovation. This... this was just painful to read. I only got to see one flash of Artemis brilliance, and that was short-lived. I still might read the next book, but only for the hope that there might be a comeback.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Not the best Artemis Fowl, this one takes place in Iceland where Artemis attempts to save the world through his latest invention. He's also suffering from Atlantis Complex, a psychological disorder that generally strikes fairies, in which one experiences paranoia, multiple personalities, OCD, etc.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    It had been a couple of years since I last read any Artemis Fowl books and they seem to have lost their appeal for me.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    The penultimate volume in the Artemis Fowl series has the titular hero suffering the titular disease. The Atlantis Complex is alleged to be brought on by feelings of guilt in recovering criminals leading to symptoms such as paranoia and multiple personality disorder. This means of course that Artemis' alternate personality emerges at the worst possible time leading to some chuckles, although I think Colfer overplays the joke. The story has a different villain than Opal Koboi and this leads to some interesting variations in the adventure. Also, Foaly is on the scene with Artemis, Holly, Mulch, & Butler making for a nice twist as well. All in all, a solid story and an addition to the ongoing story arc of the series. I look forward to reading the final installment.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    To be honest, I have a hard time following the plot of these books. But the humor makes it all worthwhile.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I felt so sorry for Artemis in this one, here he is, growing into a decent human being and his brain is breaking under the strain of what he knows and guilt over his former life. Atlantis Complex is a faerie disease of the mind that involves paranoia, obsessions and often multiple personality disorders. Artemis becomes obsessed with the number five and also starts to get paranoid. This would be bad enough if it wasn't for a prisoner in Atlantis getting free and planning evil. The faerie world needs Artemis, not his alter-ego Orion, who is more of a lover than a fighter.Artemis Fowl is an interesting character, he's growing up with this series and I'm interested to know how it's all going to wrap up. His interactions with his mother were hilarious. I foudn the whole thing touching and funny all at the same time.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The Atlantis Complex is the latest adventure of Artemis Fowl, boy genius. He and Holly Short, Captain of the Fairy Police have to save the world, yet again, only this time, Artemis is suffering from the Atlantis Complex, an obsessive compulsive disorder that affects fairy kind who suffer from excessive guilt. As always, the story is filled with laughs and good action. Unlike many long series, I continue to find the characters interesting and the humor entertaining. In each sequel, Artemis continues to grow up and continues to become a much more likable character. Recommended for children and adults!
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Not my favorite book from Colfer. I am a fan of the previous Artemis fowl books, and Airman, and Colfer in general. With regards to this book, it felt very pushed and I seemed to have to force myself to chew through the entire book as a whole. The characters seemed on the right track, I just felt very unattached to them during this "episode" of Artemis Fowl, as well as trudging through slot of recap summaries.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Wahhhh!! It was soo good! But the beginning dragged on for a long time, as does most of the Artemis Fowl books. But this time I felt the ending was unsatisfying... And what ever happened to Minerva from the Lost Colony? I was hoping they'd get together...
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    It's been a long time since we've had a new Artemis Fowl, and the opening made me cringe -- our favorite teenage criminal mastermind is now... NICE?? Say it's not so! Well, actually he is using his brains for good these days, inventing a way to keep the glaciers from melting, and demonstrating it in Iceland to a combination of fairy and human scientists. Unfortunately, Artemis has spent too much time exposed to fairy magic, and he's developed a mental illness: the Atlantis Complex. When the book begins, he's in Stage 1, and has become obsessive compulsive (he can only count by fives, and speak in sentences that have multiple of five words in them), and he's becoming more and more paranoid, convinced that everyone's out to get him. Capt. Holly Short and the rest of the fairy delegation arrive, but only some of them survive. The hotel booked for the demonstration is destroyed by a rogue fairy space probe, and Artemis is knocked out. After being saved by Holly and Foaly, he awakens and announces his name is Orion. Welcome to Stage 2 of Atlantis Complex: multiple personality disorder, and Orion is obnoxiously attracted to Holly, spouting poetry and doing his best to be the suave gentleman no one needs! They've got to get Artemis back to figure out who's controlling the probe, and why it's heading for the underwater fairy prison city of Atlantis. Any number of convicted criminals could be behind this, including Opal Koboi, but there's someone even darker than Opal at work here. Action, wild adventure, explosions, giant squid attacks and Colfer's trademark humor (yes, Mulch Diggum and his infamous gas attacks are in here) make this a great addition to the Artemis Fowl series! 6th grade and up.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I was super excited to get this book, especially after Time Paradox. Sadly, this book was not as gripping. It seemed to be missing a lot of the nuances that make Artemis Fowl. I understand Artemis was not himself thoughout most of the books, but the world around him didn't seem much like his world. The same characters were there, but it didn't feel the same. It wasn't till the end of the book that things got back to AF-normal (not just because Artemis did).The best part was Angeline Fowl's phone call to Artemis! I laughed myself silly.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Summary: Artemis Fowl, boy genius and (reformed) criminal mastermind, has a plan. But this time, it's a plan to save the world from global warming, with the aid of some fairy technology. This might seem somewhat tame compared to Artemis's usual standards, but he's been feeling some guilt about his past dealings. Unfortunately, that guilt, combined with the heavy doses of fairy magic to which he's been exposed, has resulted in Artemis's developing Atlantis Complex, a fairy malady that manifests itself as obsessive-compulsive disorder, extreme paranoia, and even split personalities. This would be bad enough on its own, but it's decidedly inconvenient when a villain emerges with a plot that will throw the entire fairy world into chaos, and Artemis's friends need him to be on top of his criminal-genius game.Review: This series is just reliably fun. This book in particular was not one of the best installments, but I still had a good time listening to it. All of the things that Colfer does well - well-developed characterization, fast-paced action adventure, a snarky sense of humor that works on multiple levels, cool worldbuilding especially re: fairy technology - all of those things are certainly present in full force in this installment in the series. I liked the play on "what if Artemis is not Artemis when we need him to be Artemis" in this book - somewhat similar to The Time Paradox, when Artemis was not Artemis because he was the 10-year-old obnoxious Artemis, but in this case, Artemis is not Artemis because he's Artemis's hilariously smarmy alternate personality, Orion. My issues with this book, relative to its predecessors, are twofold. First, and more minorly, I felt like a lot of the events in this book came out of nowhere. In some cases, that's fine, but there weren't really threads of this book planted in the previous ones, and I didn't feel like the guilt about endangering his family that Artemis was feeling at the end of The Time Paradox was potent enough to send him into the full throes of OCD with which he opens this book. But secondly, and more importantly, was that I didn't really feel like the central story was strong enough. Maybe it's that the villain didn't seem evil-genius-y enough to be a believable foil for the combined forces of Artemis (or, well, Orion), Holly, Foaly, and Butler (not to mention Mulch and Juliet). Each of the pieces, each of the individual scenes, was fine on its own; whatever was happening at any given time was enough fun to listen to that I enjoyed the book as a whole. But when put together, the story just didn't quite have the oomph that earlier Artemis Fowl books have had. 3.5 out of 5 stars.Recommendation: For fans of the series, it's an enjoyable diversion, although it's not the best of the bunch.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Artemis' other personality is pretty funny and there are many familiar faces in this latest adventure. I enjoyed seeing more of Butler and his sister Juliet, as well as exploring the world of "amorphobots" - those are some pretty cool technology! The book ends with a bit of cliff hanger - what will happen with Artemis and his mental illness?
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I do enjoy the Artemis Fowl series. If ever a children's fantasy series could be called "cheeky", this one is it. It's full of cleverness, sass, humor, puns, and other entertaining things. This latest installment has the same elements the rest of the books have had. Even so, however, the series seems to be getting a little tired. Part of the problem, I think, is that our central character, Artemis Fowl, has simply outgrown his own series. He is nearly an adult now, and while there has been some attempt to expand the pattern of putting him in clever scrapes and then having the world's coolest fairy, Holly Short, work with him to save the world, it is starting to feel like the same old kid's story, which is now happening to someone who is no longer a kid. For the first time, reading this, I felt some of the details were forced instead of fun.Still, Colfer on a bad day wields a lot of entertainment power and the book remains a great escape. Moderate your expectations and you should enjoy it just fine.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Artemis Fowl : The Atlantis Complex is a very entertaining and humorous book. The author is Eoin Colfer and he is the writer of the Artemis Fowl series. The theme of this book is Artemis Fowl suffering a psychosis called Atlantis Complex which is the the fairy equivalent of OCD while combined with multiple personality disorder, paranoia, and being obsessed with numbers. The number 5 being his lucky number and 4 meaning death(based on the Chinese word 4 which sounds like death). Artemis and his friends are trying to save Atlantis from being destroyed by a prisoner who is trying to free himself called, Turnball Root while also trying to find a way to cure Artemis from Atlantis Complex. I feel that the end of the book is too fast and too less is being explained. But I think it will be explained in the 8th and final book of the series. I would still recommend this book although it is not the best in the series.
  • Bewertung: 2 von 5 Sternen
    A pleasant read, but the end is very forced. Almost feel like the author either ran out of time/his page count was up, so it just ends with a very poor resolution of the plot. Perhaps the final book in the series will pick up directly from here, but even so the resolution of the situation with Turnball is too much pulled out of thin air to be very satisfying. I would recommend the earlier books in the series.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    An old foe, Turnball Root has a nefarious plot going just at the worst time for Artemis Fowl, who is battling a psychosis called the Atlantis Complex, brought on by guilt and characterized by OC behavior, aversion to certain numbers, paranoia and multiple personalities. As well-written as the rest, and my wife proclaimed this author to be her favorite of the several she has seen at book-signings she has accompanied me to (easier to get several books autographed when some of them are carried by a very cute and affable Filipina), but it somehow seems like an add-on compared to the other books. Lots of action, but not a very blockbustery story. But, still. It's Artemis Fowl.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    This book is full of adventure and suspense. If you have been following the series from the beginning, you get a feel for how Artemis's character is really like. I strongly suggest this book to everyone who enjoys a little excitement and fantasy.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    Artemis and his fairy friends are in another difficult situation - some of Foley's space probes have been reprogrammed and are about to destroy the fairy city of Atlantis. Artemis can save them - but is incapacitated by a fairy psychological disorder called the Atlantis Complex
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    The Atlantis Complex is the 7th book in the Artemis Fowl saga. While this one was still up to snuff for the series and I enjoyed reading it, I got the feeling Eoin might be scraping the bottom of the barrel for ideas of what to do with Artemis, this one felt a little forced and not quite in the same vein as the other books. If that is the case I hope he stops or at least takes some time off on the AF series until inspiration hits, rather than write poor books just to continue the series.Artemis has devised a plan to help try and save the planet from global warming and has a meeting with top Fairy folk to help him implement it world wide. Artemis seems to be suffering from OCD and paranoia and maybe some other problems besides. It really seems to be cramping his abilities to plan and reason. Holly is the first to notice the changes. The apparent sabotage of a supposedly secret meeting by a hijacked 'non-hijackable' space prob of Folly's does not help Artemis's paranoia.Something big is going on and they need Artemis to be on top of his game to help save the day, unfortunately he's got problems of his own.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    A good read but not the best in the series. A lot of build up for not much of an ending. Story was all over the place. Still looking forward to the next one!
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    I think that Artemis Fowl and the Atlantis Complex is a very good book.But there is potential for it to be a better book. It kind of lags in the middle when it shows Artemis Fowl as his alternate personality, "Orion". That part gets slightly boring at times even though it is funny and entertaining. The other problem is that all of the challenges are overcome quite easily.I say that the book is very good. I rated it 4 stars, but to be precise I think that it deserves a 4.25It is a very good book overall and quite funny and entertaining. It makes us lay waiting for the 8th and final book.
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    This is by far the worst of the Artemis Fowl books. I recommend skipping it and waiting for the next one.
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    I'm a great lover of Eoin Colfers Artemis Fowl series, it's smart, funny and very James Bond with Fairies. For me the Series ranks up with Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Fablehaven and The Sisters Grimm as some of the best stuff available to Middle School Readers and older (come on now, this stuff is way too good to not read just because you're not 9-12 anymore! You read Harry Potter didn't you??!). Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex no exception, and in just a few days I had ripped my way through it.Artemis has decided, once and for all, to change his path to saving the world. Unfortunately, the new bad guy in town has other plans for him, Holly and the usual Gang. Throw in Artemis's downfall to the Atlantis Complex, bringing out his sappy other side Orion, and things are about to get seriously complicated and seriously funny.Bursting with all your favorite characters, lots of action, witty word play and a great story, Eoin Colfer has once again made Artemis Fowl a series fit to compete with the best of today's middle school fiction. My only complaint about this series is the various spin offs it's currently getting from Disney Hyperion. I'm not a fan of the Graphic novel stuff (it's really not how I picture the characters at all), and what is this business about a song?? Really? A song? Why do I need a song for the release of a book? What happened to a good old fashioned author tour??Other than that Eoin has hit the perfect pitch for the seventh time, and Artemis Fowl continues to be one of my favorite series's out there. If you haven't read it make sure you pick it up, trust me... you'll love it!
  • Bewertung: 3 von 5 Sternen
    I enjoy Eoin Colfer's works, particualarly the Artemis Fowl series. Unfortunately, I don't think that this book is true to the series, or particularly well written. This book goes all over, here and there, back and forth, without making any progress toward a destination. None of the characters get a chance to contribute to the plot. They are all just along for the ride. Artemis is barely in the book, other than describing his mental illness, which has him sidelined. Holly Short, who usually works off of Aremis' scheming, has little to work with. Foaly and Mulch don't contribute, and Juliette, Butler's sister, is more distracting than entertaining. Even the villian has a boring plan that isn't compelling. Even if he suceeds, there is so little to lose. There is no suspence.I suggest buying this only if you are interested in completeness. Otherwise, be patient and wait for it to become available at the library.
  • Bewertung: 4 von 5 Sternen
    Perhaps not the best in the series as Artemis is not his usual self but still a great read for all ages
  • Bewertung: 5 von 5 Sternen
    Artemis is ill, but he doesn't know it. A mixture of guilt and exposure to magic has left Artemis suffering from the Atlantis Complex, and its not very nice. The first symptoms are paranoia and then move onto something similar to OCD, Artemis becomes obsessed with the numbers four and five - he has to have five guests at his demonstration of how to save the world from global warming, his sentences have to be constructed in multiples of five words, his obsession with the number four is less benign. When something terrible happens at the meeting, Artemis, Holly, Foaly, Butler, Juliet and Mulch are once again thrown into extraordinary adventures as they battle to save the world from an old foe. The only problem is that the Atlantis Complex has moved on and Artemis is not quite himself, he's become Orion, a boy obsessed with Holly and bivoaucs.This is another rollicking ride as Artemis and his gang try to save the world, again, and is both entertaining and informative.