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Place, Practice, Politics
eBook-Reihen1 Titel

The Practice of Theory and the Theory of Practice

Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen


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Über diese Serie

What futures are we designing by default? What collaborations are we complicit in? How can we incorporate an active civic engagement into our professional and creative practice – into our everyday lives? Esther Anatolitis presents a dynamic snapshot of her own practice from a distinctly Australian context but with a global perspective, offering tools and techniques for integrating civic engagement into daily practice. Taking leaps across spatial, creative, professional and political work, this is an unsettling text.
Erscheinungsdatum27. Sept. 2021
Place, Practice, Politics

Titel in dieser Serie (1)

  • Place, Practice, Politics


    Place, Practice, Politics
    Place, Practice, Politics

    What futures are we designing by default? What collaborations are we complicit in? How can we incorporate an active civic engagement into our professional and creative practice – into our everyday lives? Esther Anatolitis presents a dynamic snapshot of her own practice from a distinctly Australian context but with a global perspective, offering tools and techniques for integrating civic engagement into daily practice. Taking leaps across spatial, creative, professional and political work, this is an unsettling text.

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Bewertung: 0 von 5 Sternen
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