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The Battle for Liferné: Book 2 of The Wind's Cry Series
The Seeder's Gift: Book 3 of The Wind's Cry Series
Breaking Free: Book 1 of The Wind's Cry Series
eBook-Reihen4 Titel

The Wind’s Cry Series

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In Ihrem Land nicht verfügbar

In Ihrem Land nicht verfügbar

Über diese Serie

They're coming! Brilynn saved her family, her town, and her world when she convinced The Seed to defy its own parameters, but in doing so, she brought her world back into the crosshairs of those who created The Seed. The Seeders are returning soon, and not even The Seed knows what will happen when they arrive. Brilynn and The Seed must search her barren world for clues to help them prepare for The Seeders' arrival. Brilynn has another problem. Her town is growing faster than ever and is about to turn the natural world's order upside down, which won't sit well with the Big Five. Brilynn now faces a two-front war against an enemy that controls everything on her world and an unknown enemy coming from the void. When she discovers the biggest secret on her world-one that changes everything-she knows that nothing will ever be the same. The Harvest is the sequel to The Seeder's Gift and the fourth book in The Wind's Cry series.
Erscheinungsdatum30. Apr. 2017
The Battle for Liferné: Book 2 of The Wind's Cry Series
The Seeder's Gift: Book 3 of The Wind's Cry Series
Breaking Free: Book 1 of The Wind's Cry Series

Titel in dieser Serie (4)

  • Breaking Free: Book 1 of The Wind's Cry Series


    Breaking Free: Book 1 of The Wind's Cry Series
    Breaking Free: Book 1 of The Wind's Cry Series

    FEAR! Crippling. Consuming. It can take hold of your life...if you allow it. A single horrific event during Jacob’s childhood created a never-ending cycle of torment. After years of living a life of solitude, Jacob developed a crippling form of agoraphobia. The idea of even taking one small step outside of his house awakens the tormenting sounds of ...well, you'll have to read and see! He retreats further inside himself as he searches for some sense of security inside the tomb of safety his house has become. A chance encounter with a mythical creature leaves Jacob with no other option than to stand up and face his fears, taking that first, small step, which will lead him into the unknown. Breaking free of his fears will not be easy, and Jacob will eventually find himself face-to-face with the one thing that terrorizes his nightmares. What does Jacob discover and is it really a dream? Find out in this exciting debut fantasy adventure.

  • The Battle for Liferné: Book 2 of The Wind's Cry Series


    The Battle for Liferné: Book 2 of The Wind's Cry Series
    The Battle for Liferné: Book 2 of The Wind's Cry Series

    Breaking free from the fear that drained Jacob’s life was just the first step toward freedom from the solitary existence he had endured for most of his life. Now Jacob and his friend, the griffin named Shadow, find themselves on a new world where King Pontis has imprisoned Cecilia, the true Queen, and imposed his oppressive regime on the inhabitants of the once inclusive world. As Jacob and Shadow take up the fight for their lives and the lives of the oppressed people of Liferné, they discover an even more dangerous enemy looming – an enemy dedicated to eradicating all life on Liferné. Not even Pontis, with his Elite army, can defeat this enemy. Jacob and Shadow’s race to restore Cecilia to the throne turns into a race to save the entire world. Caleb Monroe’s exciting sequel to Breaking Free will leave the reader spellbound as Jacob and Shadow struggle to overthrow Pontis and his Elite, rescue Cecilia, and protect Liferné from a vicious and unrelenting enemy.

  • The Seeder's Gift: Book 3 of The Wind's Cry Series


    The Seeder's Gift: Book 3 of The Wind's Cry Series
    The Seeder's Gift: Book 3 of The Wind's Cry Series

    The world that Brilynn lives on was already falling apart, but now it has begun to destroy itself from within. A mysterious metal has sprouted up from beneath the surface of the planet and is threatening to encase everything it touches. The most powerful people on the planet, The Big Five, are baffled at what to do next. Nothing seems to slow down or stall the metal enemy that marches steadily onward. The world waits and watches as this new enemy slowly traps them in a metal grave. Their only hope for salvation lies with a young girl who is about to wake up from her metal covered nightmare. Brilynn wants nothing more than to save her family and her town, but to do so she must face off against the two most powerful and ruthless families of The Big Five, who have their own plans for Brilynn. Can Brilynn save her family and the entire world before the metal seals them all away, or will her world be doomed to suffer a fate far worse than death?

  • The Harvest: Book 4 of The Wind's Cry Series


    The Harvest: Book 4 of The Wind's Cry Series
    The Harvest: Book 4 of The Wind's Cry Series

    They're coming! Brilynn saved her family, her town, and her world when she convinced The Seed to defy its own parameters, but in doing so, she brought her world back into the crosshairs of those who created The Seed. The Seeders are returning soon, and not even The Seed knows what will happen when they arrive. Brilynn and The Seed must search her barren world for clues to help them prepare for The Seeders' arrival. Brilynn has another problem. Her town is growing faster than ever and is about to turn the natural world's order upside down, which won't sit well with the Big Five. Brilynn now faces a two-front war against an enemy that controls everything on her world and an unknown enemy coming from the void. When she discovers the biggest secret on her world-one that changes everything-she knows that nothing will ever be the same. The Harvest is the sequel to The Seeder's Gift and the fourth book in The Wind's Cry series.


Caleb Monroe

Caleb is the author of Breaking Free, The Battle for Liferné, and The Seeder's Gift-the first three books in The Wind's Cry series. He is also a chemistry teacher at St. Louis Catholic High School in Lake Charles, LA. He studied chemistry at McNeese State University and is married to Jamie Monroe. He loves comic books, putting some of his deepest fears into his own characters, stories that have a way of speaking to a person, and books that are just plain fun. That was the basis for his first three books.

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