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Montana Heat
Montana Wild
Montana Feuer
eBook-Reihen4 Titel

Small Town Romance Series

Bewertung: 4.5 von 5 Sternen



Über diese Serie

The ultimate boxed set! All 5 Small Town Romance series books in one!

Montana Fire
Montana Ice
Montana Heat
Montana Wild
Montana Mine

The Small Town Romance Series...where the men aren’t just hot, they set things on fire!
HerausgeberVanessa Vale
Erscheinungsdatum27. Aug. 2018
Montana Heat
Montana Wild
Montana Feuer

Titel in dieser Serie (4)

  • Montana Feuer


    Montana Feuer
    Montana Feuer

    Jane Wests Leben ist absolut durchschnittlich. Absolut langweilig. Bis Ty Strickland – ein fantastischer, verdammt heißer Feuerwehrmann – in ihre Straße zieht. Da werden die Dinge ein wenig aufregender und das nicht auf die gute, feuchte-Höschen Art und Weise. Es will sie nicht nur jemand (ernsthaft) töten, sondern sie muss auch noch mit ihrem außer Kontrolle geratenem Verlangen nach dem neuen Nachbarn kämpfen. Außerdem muss sie ihre Chefin im einzigen Erotikshop der Kleinstadt – die sich gerne in Janes Liebesleben einmischt – davon überzeugen, den neuen Schlauch-schwingenden Hottie von ihrem Verkupplungs-Radar zu nehmen. Aber es gibt nicht nur Chaos. Es gibt auch noch Ty. Und seinen verdammt heißen Körper. Seine verdammt heißen Küsse. Er brennt die Wände um ihr Herz nieder. Und sie könnte sich glatt in ihn verlieben…wenn sie lang genug am Leben bleiben kann. Dies ist das erste Buch der neuen Kleinstadt-Romantik-Serie von Vanessa Vale, in der die Männer aus Montana nicht nur heiß sind, sondern ein regelrechtes Feuer entfachen können.  

  • Montana Heat


    Montana Heat
    Montana Heat

    Emma Hardy has wondered why Sam Carter rocked her world (and her libido) with an incredible kiss then calmly walked away, quit his job, and disappeared for two months. Not exactly the hot kiss follow-up she'd been hoping for. But Sam was busy making plans. Plans that include the two of them and picking up where they left off. This time, nothing will stop them. This is a Small Town Romance 11k novella! Short and not so sweet!

  • Montana Wild


    Montana Wild
    Montana Wild

    Violet Miller is a teacher savoring her summer break until she's been called in as emergency reinforcements—of the dating kind. She volunteers to help an old flame by pretending to be his girlfriend. In Alaska. At a family reunion. Since the guy is a handsome, lumberjack-sized doctor she's never quite forgotten, faking a relationship won't be hard work—while wishing for more. Mike Ostranski is a desperate man on vacation. His mother wants grandchildren and sees a crazy Alaskan woman as a candidate for daughter-in-law. Mike needs Violet by his side to deflect the lady's advances. A week in Alaska as boyfriend and girlfriend should be easy for them. They grew up together, even had a brief fling. What could possibly go wrong?

  • Montana Mine


    Montana Mine
    Montana Mine

    Daphne Lane leads an uncomplicated life as a travel journalist. After spending a week visiting her crazy Aunt Velma in Montana, she's more than ready to escape to her next assignment. But Fate has other plans in the form of JT McCade, a sexy detective with a sensitive trigger finger. Pulling over a car for speeding should've been quick and easy for JT. Hand over a ticket and move on to his summer vacation. But Daphne was a force of nature and destroys his plans. When he finds himself on a road trip across the west with Daphne and three other women, he doesn't know what hit him. Oh yeah, Daphne Lane in a vintage RV. Can JT and Daphne survive everything three geriatric matchmakers dish out on this road trip from hell?? Will the insanity lead Daphne to the one place she's never really been...home.


Vanessa Vale

SIGN UP FOR VANESSA'S MAILING LIST FOR LATEST NEWS and get a FREE book!Just copy and paste the following link into your web browser: http://freeeroticbook.comUSA Today Bestseller of steamy historical westernsWho doesn't love the romance of the old West? Vanessa Vale takes the sensual appeal of rugged cowboys a step further with her bestselling books set in the Montana Territory. They are much more than just sexy historical westerns. They're deliciously naughty reads that sometimes push the boundaries of fantasy. It's pure escapism with quite a few very hot, very alpha cowboys.When she's not writing, Vanessa savors the insanity of raising two boys, is figuring out how many meals she can make with a pressure cooker, and teaches a pretty mean karate class. She considers herself to be remarkably normal, exceedingly introverted and fairly vanilla, which does not explain her steamy stories and her fascination with cowboys, preferably more than one at a time. If that weren't enough, she also writes under the pen name, Vanessa Dare.She lives in the Wild Wild West where there's an endless source of 'research' material.To learn more about Vanessa Vale:Web site- www.vanessavaleauthor.comFollow her on Twitter: @iamvanessavaleKeep up with Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vanessavaleauthor

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