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219 - Remote Leadership (EN): Lee Prosenjak, Simon Sinek Inc

219 - Remote Leadership (EN): Lee Prosenjak, Simon Sinek Inc


219 - Remote Leadership (EN): Lee Prosenjak, Simon Sinek Inc


42 Minuten
13. Sept. 2021


Lee Prosenjak greets Michael and Christian from the sunny Bahamas. In this episode he gives an insight into how to manage something as tactile as a dance studio across half a continent - because the studio is located in Denver, Colorado.

We also learn how travelling less by plane makes your work day more relaxed, and at the same time causes a struggle. Because all of a sudden, when you can work fully remotely, you don't have those fixed commute schedules anymore which give you a fixed time for answering emails and doing similar 'on the go' tasks.

The book "Start With Why" by Simon Sinek is an important inspiration for our CoA Team, and our guest of the week, Lee Prosenjak, is one of Sinek's 'igniters'.

He and his colleagues want to ignite this special optimistic fire in other companies and entrepreneurs. They wish to inspire and help everyone find their own 'why' with workshops, coachings and so on.

Lee Prosenjak greets Michael and Christian from the sunny Bahamas. In the episode he gives an insight into how he can manage something as tactile as a dance studio across half a continent - because the studio is located in Denver, Colorado.

We also learn how travelling less by plane makes your work day more relaxed, and at the same time causes a struggle. Because all of a sudden, when you can work fully remotely, you don't have those fixed commute schedules anymore which give you a fixed time for answering emails and doing similar 'on the go' tasks.

Sit back, take a cool summerly drink and listen to Lee's experiences from the Bahama beach.


Lee Prosenjak on LinkedIn:
► https://www.linkedin.com/in/prosenjak/

Cherry Creek Dance Studio:
► https://cherrycreekdance.com/

Lee on Simon Sinek Inc.:
► https://simonsinek.com/igniter/lee-prosenjak/

**Über die Podcaster**

Michael auf LinkedIn:
► http://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-portz-362209

Christian auf LinkedIn:
► http://linkedin.com/in/christiankohlhof

**Our Book in English**

CHIEF OF ANYTHING: Wherefore relaxed-productive leadership makes a better world
► https://tinyurl.com/hepuupnh

**Unser Buch auf deutsch**

CHIEF OF ANYTHING: Wofür entspannt-produktive Führung die Welt verbessert
Bestelle es dir noch heute auf amazon:
► https://amzn.to/2Z5IIXh

**About CoA Academy**

You easily find more information about CoA Academy, our seminars and the CHIEF OF THE YEAR programm on our website:
► https://coa.academy


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13. Sept. 2021

Titel in dieser Serie (100)

CHIEF OF ANYTHING ist der Podcast und das Buch für mich. Zusammen mit anderen Menschen will ich entspannt UND produktiv sein, und ich bin dafür bereit mutig und mit Herz Führung zu übernehmen - im Business und im Leben. CHIEF OF ANYTHING gibt es als Podcast, Buch und Seminar bei der CoA Academy - von und mit Christian Kohlhof und Michael Portz.